The Use of Soft/V Are For Structural Analysis of Prestressed Contrete Bridges

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1AKART A, 24 JUN"E 1996

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1.1. Software As Design Tool

The aspect to upgrade design knowledge and skill through software application training
has influenced the growth and the use of micro computers. Research studies need to be
executed by involvement and intensive use of computers while the users have to take care
for not becoming a computer addict. Some designers could become dazzled by the display
of the computer and could forget that they are engineers. Equilibrium between civil
engineering and computers should be enhanced to expect a good understanding and
interpretation of the computer output analysis. The criterion of good results in science is
'good means close to the true solution'. Exact solutions can not be achieved by any
method of calculation.

Validation of finite element software programs is a particular problem in structural

mechanics. The designer should be able to interpret the output analysis and thereby the
output should fulfill two verification steps. The first is that the software produces the
output analysis by graphics or drawings on the screen while some verification is also
executed inside the program. The second is the fact that a designer should check the
results and carries out a structural equilibrium test calculation to determine the
approximate results. Therefore designers should have some experience in simple
calc,ulations, in order to check the validity of the complicated computer analysis. The
challenge for the next generation of designers is to carry out structural checking and
calculation at the same time or in tum with the assistance of the computer and software.

1.2. Prefabricated Segmental Bridge Construction

The main span range for segmental bridge types using balanced cantilever construction
method is 60 - 150m with a maximum of 200m for which heavy equipment is required
during construction. The segments can be prefabricated or cast in place by using traveling
formwork. The connection between segments is made by shear keys and epoxy resin for
prefab segments or by reinforcing steel dowels in case of segments that are cast in place.

Stability during construction is achieved by using temporary formwork near the pier and
by post tensioned tendons that are anchored in the top slab along the cantilever span.
Crossing of longitudinal cables in narrow webs should be avoided. The segments near the
pier need a thicker bottom slab to countermeasure the high compressive stresses that are
caused by the maximum negative moment at the pier. After closure of the center cantilever
spans, the static system \will change from statically determinate girder to statically
indeterminate girder, causing positive moments at center of main span and in side spans.

In the positive moment area, tendons are required in the bottom slab or webs of the box
girder to counteract the positive moment. Tendon anchoring into the slab or web is usually
in 25 degree slope to minimize the required thickness of the anchor block.

At the pier and abutment segments, a diaphragm is required to strengthen the webs of the
box girder in transferring the high shear force to the bearings. The diaphragm is
sufficiently reinforced and sometimes strengthened by vertical and transverse tendons that
are calculated against the shear in the webs of the box. The diaphragm is frequently a
hollow section to allow equipment and labour passage during construction.


2.1. Main Dimensions

The main dimensions consist of the top slab width, structural height, "V.'idth of bottom slab,
spacing of web axis and length of segments - Figure 1.

r .. , , ' ' ttpJ ' ....•. ·, ..• , .. ' tq:tL1 ' . . . . ':I

e 8

Figure 1. Sketch of main dimensions

The width of the top slab W is selected according to the width and number of traffic lanes
and when necessary a multi box section is used. Structural height D is usually among 1/18
- 1/20 to main span 1 . In general the structural height is variable that is 1/18 - 1/20 at pier
location and 1/40 - 1/50 at center of main span and at abutment location. In case of
vertical webs, the width ofthe bottom slab B is determined by the width of the top slab W.
Inclined webs will not offer problems in case of constant structural height. But in case of
variable structural height some re-assembling and adjustment of formwork are required as
the width of the bottom slab changes. The reduction in the bottom slab width is beneficial
to reduce the segment weight that will reduce the force and moment in the girder. The
segment length L depends on the required efficiency by minimizing the number of
segments and considering the available equipment capacity. The web axis spacing s is
determined to fulfill the criteria of normal beam theory for moments in longitudinal
direction. This requires a structural height of more or equal to 1/30 L In addition, the ratio
between the width ofthe top slab W to the number of webs may not be more than 7.5%
of the span length.

The cantilever slab width C is approximately 114 of the total width W. In case of more
than two webs, C is selected to achieve equilibrium of transverse moments in cantilever
and center of box.

The slab, web and voute thickness are determined by the requirements of construction and
fabrication of segments. The slab thickness of 17.5 - 25 em accommodates four layers of
normal reinforcement in transverse and longitudinal directions, transverse and longitudinal
tendons, and a concrete cover of 5 em at top and 2.5 em at bottom. The voute dimension
is determined by the transverse moment and space required by anchorage of longitudinal
tendons. In general a concrete thickness of 3 5 em is sufficient to place two longitudinal
tendon layers and anchorages. As the top slab is the heaviest part of the box, it is
recommended to minimize top slab thickness and voute.

The web thickness e is minimum 35 em to enable placement of tendons and anchorage in

the web. This width can be reduced to 25 em if the cables are anchored in local ribs. The
shear requirement is in general fulfilled when the total web thickness is 8% of the bridge
width. The principal tensile stress is a combination of vertical shear stress and compressive
stress with maximum value at the connection between the top slab and web, where the
web thickness is increased to f

The bottom slab thickness in positive moment region only adds to the section properties
and ,is minimal 18 em to carry own weight, placement of normal reinforcement and
concrete cover. Along the negative moment region near the piers, the bottom slab
thickness is governed by the high compressive stresses. Its thickness has to be increased
along a short as possible distance to minimize complication in fabrication of the segments.
The voute dimension in the bottom slab has two functions, that are transfer of force
change between bottom slab and webs, and transfer of flexural moments in transverse
direction between bottom slab and webs.

2.2. Span Dimensions

The span configuration is selected in consideration to the balanced cantilever construction

procedures. Segmental construction starts from the piers by placing segments at either side
of the pier in symmetrical sequence. This method has identical superstructure components
and comprises of half center span and one side span that are cantilevered from the pier to
the left and right directions simultaneously -Figure 2. -where the side span is 50% of the
main span. In case the side span is 65% - 70% of the main span, some formwork may be
required near the abutments.
~· ' ' ' ' ' r tqt!l ' ' ' I ' r " r ! r ' ' ' I r:q:u: r ' r ' ' I '1

Figure 2. Balanced cantilever method (0.5 1 -I- 0.5 1)


3.1. Moments During Construction

During the construction sequence, the pier segment moments increase by the addition of
each pair of segments. The additional moment is counteracted by the post tensioned
tendons in top slab. To achieve zero tensile stress in the top slab during construction, the
required post tensioning due to self weight including equipment and accessories weight is
calculated by following formula :
ME = P + P(e)
Z1 A Z1
ME = moment during construction (ki'l'm)- Figure 3i.and 3ii.
Z t = section modulus of top fiber (mm3)
P = post tensioning force (kN)
A = sectional area of girder (mm2)
e = eccentricity of prestressing force (nun)

The compressive stress ~b in bottom fiber of the pier segments in particular, is calculated
as follows:
/a,= ME + P _ P(e)
zb A zb
where Zb =section modulus of bottom fiber (mm3)

By using this first method, the cantilever construction weight is carried by stop tendons
that are anchored at the surface of each pair of segments. At closure of the main span,
continuous tendons are required to carry the total dead and live load as the bridge changes
from simple supported system to continuous span.

The required tensioning for total dead and live load can be placed as stop tendons during
the cantilever construction. In this case, the compressive stress in top fiber and tensile
stress in bottom fiber are within allowable limits during construction - Figure 3 - where
tensile stress at bottom fiber is 0. 7 :MPa and compressive stress at top fiber is 10.4 :MPa
for concrete grade ~, = 30 Mpa. This method can be applied for relatively small spans
where the number of tendons is limited. For larger spans the first mentioned method is

The dead and live end configurations of anchorages are chosen to restrict loss of
prestressing by slippage ~t live end, in particular for short tendons. The tendon profile is
chosen to minimize losses due to friction and wobble- Figure 4 and 5.

At finishing of the cantilever construction, the tensile stress at bottom fiber decrease to 4.5
MPa and the top fibre compressive stress is 105 :MPa at 82 da.J'S- Figure 6.

.l' •• ' ' ! '
tl]JJJ ' ' '
I ! ' " I I I I ' ' ' t1pJ
I ' ' ' ! I '1.

~.88 days
Seale: 1---i = 171.29


"! ••
....... ! ' ' ' '
....... T ' ' ' ' ! ' " I ' ' '
' ' t ttll1
....... T ' ' ' I ' ':I

Co.puted Stresses in tv..z at: ~.88 days

top \ llax: &.552 nin: 8.888 Scale: 1---i = 3.829
Botto. llax: 8.888 nin: -11.i88

Figure 3i. Moment and stress diagram due to selfweight ofbox girder during cantilever
construction - the construction time for left and right cantilevers is 79 days

l~~t.t£S~'"i~Yi! :OUt.:'i:ifa'~arFtJ :Ot,feiC£i[c~ ~~'~i-'z~:~·1 :~~·:c;£it :serur;gs.":
-~~ -.:; ~~.,.~~-; ·:

i' • 1 ' • r 1:ot:I:1t! r r , , • ' 1 , • o , , , rr t::I:fLl r r r , , o ol.

- -*- -

l_! • 1 ' r r r:ttlJJ: r r r ' 1 1 ' ' o o 1 ' r r r ttl11 1 r r , , o ol_

- . -*- _._ -

r- ......
...,....( r--1-......
A rr-,.__
~ v
y ~ )V
,..v ' ' ~,..-v
' ...... ~.--'-'"

Ca.putcd stres:s:cs in tv-z at: 85.88 days

\!'lax: &.828 nin: -8.217 Scale: 1----1:: 3.~
8.181 : -11.

Figure 3ii. Moment and stress diagram due to selfweight ofbox girder after cantilever
construction and closure of main span at 85 days

'I Iff'! f lUJj:f f! I I I!,. I I I I~ I I I l : t

Co.puted Stresses in I'V••Z at: 59.95 days

top Kax: 8.888 nin: -18.383 Scale: 1----l = 3.161
Botto. Kax: 8.781 nin: -5.718
span 38+68+3811
card sepenta 1 kant i leucr hebas 'D87/83/%
Figure 3. Maximum stresses during cantilever construction for the case example

5 22


~:::: 1-r--r--r--r--r--r-- r-- ~--~--~--~--~--l--l--1- -l.

Force i

18.481 18.481
Tendon group 8 (2 tendons )
cara kantilcuer bcbas

Figure 4. Anchorage 'live-live' configuration during cantilevering

_--~·- --- ';.-. "":.~-
2 24
,·~lr.<,~·;.:d .. z
.•. o~<;·~=:i;?T:

~:::: xliTlllT!T[l--!TT!TrJ_[_] z
Force in kN


I• 18.524 •I
Tendon group 10 (2 tendons )
span 38+68+38tl Date:
cara nta l kant i lcucr be bas 88/83/'36

Figure 5. Anchorage 'live~dead' configuration during cantilevering

Figure 6. Maximum stresses after cantilever construction is finished.

3.2. Final Moments
After the static system is converted with dead and live load on the continuous bridge, the
negative moment at the pier increases while positive moments at center of main span and
side spans berome significant. The tensile stress at bottom fiber becomes 3.3 MPa -
Figure 7 - which is modified by trial and error inside the program.

With the addition of prestressing at bottom fiber of the side spans - Figure 8 - and center
span - Figure 9 and 10 - a stress diagram is obtained at 85 days. Stresses at minimum
load or self weight fulfill - Figure 11 - and stresses at maximum dead and live load after
opening ofthe bridge to traffic at 115 days fulfill allowable stress- Figure 12.
After the bridge is in service at 115 days, the tensile stress becomes 6.4 MPa with a
compressive stress of 119 MPa. The influence of creep and shrinkage in long term (up to
9000 days) reduce the tensile stress to 3.2 Mpa and increase the compressive stress to 123
MPa - Figure 13. The program does the checking of each construction stage. In this way
the stresses are controlled during the whole construction progress.

The final moments due to the total loads and prestressing - Figure 14 - v.-ith normal forces
- Figure 15 - and shear forces - Figure 16 - can be calculated in short period or when the
bridge is opened to traffic. The long term influence of creep and shrinkage is limited for
relatively short spans up to 1OOm.

3.3. ~inal Alignment

The deflection and camber are controlled by adjusting the formwork during the
construction sequence. The designer determines the day at which the bridge alignment is
expected to be horizontal - for example 115 days in this case. The program calculates the
required camber - Figure 17. After 9000 days this camber will cause a 3cm camber at
center of span - Figure 18 - while at 10000 days the bridge is theoretically horizontal -
regardless of any method of deflection and camber control. The camber of the main span
needs to be controlled (2.3 em) - Figure 17a - while the camber for side spans can be
neglected or made horizontal.
The program allows for a curved bridge alignment where the segments and tendon profiles
will follow this curve. The final alignment is in this case not a horizontal line, and is
obtained by adding the difference between the curve and the horizontal axis to the
previous correction.

3.4. Pier Settlements

A differential settlement of 2.5 em will not influence the stress increase - Figure 19a. The
calculation has to be repeated and additional reinforcement is required when the
differential settlement becomes 5 em - Figure 19b. The differential settlement can increase
during a certain period - 5 em at 115 days and 10 em at 9000 days - Figure 20 - where
creep and shrinkage will distribute and reduce the stresses.


1\UL.:: P-:~'")~T:~::' \, w:A.\N

BAUl.l.L\~~ l'U
1' • ' ' ' ~ r:tt:tt1 '''' I I ' I ' ' ' ' ' , r:tqtJ ' ' ' ' ' ' '1.
- -*- -

eo.puted t10ttents in kHa at: 115.88 days

tto.ent nax: 57a9.722 Hin: -614'19 Scale: 1---i = 2H83

span 38+6B•3811
cara seg~~enta 1 kant i leuer be bas
l lk1te:

i' ' ' ' ' ' T rrnr

- -*-
T! ' ! ' ' ! I • I ' ' ! ' ! :mn
T! ' ' • • '1_

eo.puted Stresses in tv..Z at: 115.88 days

top Kax: 8.878 Hin: -2.32B Scale: 1---i = 1.721
Botto. Kax: 4.389 Hin: -11.103
span 38+6B+3811 Ik1te:
cara ntal kantileuer bebas 17/S4/96

Figure 7i. Moments and stresses caused by total dead weight including wearing surface
and side curbs at 115 days (opening of the bridge) where the influence of tendons is
excluded. This diagram is used to calculate the required number of tendons due to final
dead loads
1' '''I. '::tt:I11' ~!.'I' I I. '!. t::t1UJ:T 'T '.I '1.

U.puted t1o.ents in ktt. at: 115.88 days

tto.ent &x: 21561 ttin: -91428 Scale: 1---i:: 38173

span 38+6B+3811
cara Seq~~Cnta I kant i leuer be bas 1 Date:

- -*- ...._ -

Co.puted Stresses in tvaa2 at: 115.88 days

Top Kax: 11.+!6 nin: -8.682 Scale: 1---i:: 6.699
Botto. Kax: 16.866 nin: -28.978
span 38 +6B+3811
cara ntal\ kantileuer bebas

Figure 7ii. Moments and stresses caused by total dead weight and live load at 115 days
(opening of the bridge) where the influence of tendons is excluded. This diagram is used to
calculate the required number of tendons due to final dead and live loads

1.1 1 1 , , 1 ~ u::n:r , , 1 I •• 1 , I • , • r ~ t t:nt , 1 , 1• 1 1.1

- ...... ...... -
sendi rol
+ tegangan tarik serat bawah

- tegangan tekan

Co.puted Stresses in IV..Z at: 115.88 days

Top ttax: 8.128 nin: -18.788 Scale: 1-----1 = 1.317
Botto. nax: 3.361 nin: -13.8i8
X real Y real X grid Y !Jl'id R !Jl'id Date:

Figure 7. Final stress diagram including prestressing where modification is required to

keep stresses within allowable tensile and compressive limits


·, -~~~te'\~·- i · dibuat tie (0-1 0000 hari) antara garis sistem dan perletakan
c '"R~~ffile -:~:,:
___ ·'·. ·---. -:
· dengan EA 1000.000 mN dan EI 1000.000 mNm2 ,

._.. •. ..:.

prategang pada serat bawah


f~j~l~~--~-pa-n---=38"""..{,8~-=.38.=-l-ka_nt_il-c-ue_r_be_ba_s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _r.~;:--8-;-~-::--6-----l
Figure 8. Tendons to counteract the positive moments in side spans

tendon tambahan mungk:in diperlukan
dalam lantai atas tengah bentang untuk
menjamin kontinuitas pada kabel momen negatif

segmen penutup

span 38+68+38.
caN. kanti lcuer bcbas

Figure 9. Tendons to counteract positive moments in main span, stressed after closure of
main span
~; ,'~k~;,~;-;=t~: ~ 19 32
~....-- ......... ---..__ ..____
-Y •
. ,
Force i

-liiiiiiiii;;;d2 7 , 2
19.070 19.070
I• I•:
Tendon group 22 (2 tendons )
sp4n 38+68+3811 Date:
t.a 1 kant i lcuer bcb4s 88/83/96

Figure 10. Tendon stress diagram at center of span

'I I!! I I p ~f!!! I ! ! I I I e I oof tt:J::L!! ! ! ! 0 0 '1

Co.putcd Stresses in rv..z at: 85. 88 days

tap Hax: 8.889 nin: -11.896 Scale: 1------1;: 3.965
Botto. Hax: 8.131 nin: -11.588
Spall 38 +68 +Ja.. Date:
~ J~CT~tal kantileuer bebas 87/83/96

Figure 11. Stress diagram at prestressing and minimum load combination

_ro 0 • =t r T! t:tn1 T T ' ' 0 ' ' "......,._%-!=tttt:J:1:!1 ! t ' ' • 'l_
- ...... ...... -

saat jembatan dibuka untuk lalu lintas

Co.putcd Stresses in tv•..Z at: 115.88 days
y +4 z
tap Hax: 8.&46 nin: -11.918 Scale: 1------1;: 3.978
Botto. Kax: 8.637 nin: -11.372
Spilll 38+68+3811
~ .:nta l kant i leuer be bas

Figure 12. Stress diagram at prestressing and maximum load combination

_ro 0 ' ' ! !! t::tp::J t • I • 0 ! I I ' •••• T t:t:ttJ:! T • ! ·~
- ..A.. -

Figure 13. The influence of creep and shrinkage at effective prestressing, dead load and
,maximum live load, at 9000 days v.ith average 80% humidity at 25 degree Celsius

_r· I I I ' ! ! up:r I ' I I • I I I ••••• T~ T ! I I .... .l

115.88 days
Seale: 1----i = 31875


Figure 14. Total moment at maximum loads

.r· .... , I ~ , ::t:qtu • , , I , •••• I , •• tr:qtu , , , I I I~ .

~~: :S~!!i:i9~~":+~ .
·,: .:~!~~~,.0~~~,,

~ y

l to.puted Shear Farces in kit at: 115.88 days LZ

_ _=_z1_76"Tii~;:::~~=-=-:

Figure 15. Shear force at maximum loads

I:' 1 , , , , 1:!1:JL! r , 1 1 • , r• , 1 • 1 , , 1 lJ!Ll 1 1 , , •• , ~

to.putcd ttort~al Farces in lett at: 115.88 days
nax: 8.487 ltin: -51535 Scale: ~ = 17178

span 38+68+3811 Date:

cara ..cnta l kant i leucr be bas 85.1'83/%
Figure 16. Normal force at maximum loads


U £Z) tt.u: i.BSB Hin: -8.936 Scale: ~ = 2.979

IJ-U) flax: 23.HZ t'lin: -i. 719 Scdle: ~-= 7.711

Figure 17. Deflection control by camber during construction

, ·~~~1;.~~f ;~~~-?)\ .~~~::;;/U L~~d~N·~~~--·;i i!l'l~~'·i '-·~?c!s:ri'~ii.!J . zoom -~ut se~t!~-~


i~~~ _tttl ''! Ltl}!!T ! T ' ' !! P' • • 'r tt tt11J T T tt • • '1_
- ..... -

11: -~:
0 ' ' ' '' '' .. ~-

\ C.O.puted displace~~ents in - at: 99'3'.:1.95 days

CZ) ttax: 9.575 !'lin: Scale: ~ = 13.526
(Y) tHn: -1.638 Scale: ~ = 18.193
l Date:

Figure 18. Final deflection is nearly horizontal at 10000 days

I' •.,,, '::tttlJ ~.,,,,,,,,, .. 1 '::t:tiJJ:~,,,., ·~

- ...... ...... -
1 T


C:O.puted Stress= in tv..z at: 115.88 days

Top 11ax: 8.846 11in: -12.127 Scale: 1----1 = 1.161
Botto. 11ax: 1.428 11in: -12.492


C:O.puted Stresses in tv..z at: 115.88 days

Top ~: 8.&16 11in: -12.4iB Scale: 1----1 = 1.799
Botto. ~: 2.86~ 11in: -11.128

Figure 19. Pier 1 settles 2.5 em (a) where stresses fulfill, pier 2 settles 5 em where stresses
are exceeded (b)

y'f' z
to.pu~ Stresses in IV•.Z at: ~~99.95 days 4
Top ~: 8.&16 11in: -18.&38 Scale: 1----1 = 1.719
Botto. ~: 1.121 11in: -11.Zi8

Figure 20. Pier 2 settles 5-1 0 em during 115-9000 days where creep reduces the
settlement and stresses in the box girder - compare to 19(b)

3.5. Shear Analysis
Tne tendons in the top slab of the box girder produce a stress concentration in the
negative moment region. This effect will counteract the shear influence of dead and live
loads. The shear transfer has significant influence in a relatively short distance near the
pier. A nominal residual compressive stress in the pier segments for maximum negative
moment condition can reduce the required shear reinforcement.

The shear stress in normal concrete is equal to the principal stress. In prestressed concrete
, the shear capacity and required stirrup reinforcements are based on the principal tensile
stress fp as follows :

fx = total longitudinal stress, tension is positive and compression is negative
~ = shear stress

The maximum principal tensile stress has to be checked at several sections along the girder
height as the maximum value is not always at the neutral axis.

The pier and abutment segments need to be reinforced as the shear is transferred from
diaphragms to the bearing reactions - Figure 21.

In this example, the residual compressive stress in the girder section is 0. 7 - 5 Mpa. The
principal stress is within allowable tensile limit + 0.92 .MPa for diaphragms and span
segments - Table 1. The required stirrup reinforcement consists of grade BJ30 diam.16mm
at 20 @ 30 em spacing in both girder webs - Figure 21. The shear analysis has to be
assisted by some hand calculation for the critical sections near the supporting points. The
shear stress is calculated by using the following formula :

t = (QS)I(bl)

Q= shear force - Figure 15
S= static moment against the sectional axis
b=width of both webs of the box girder
I = inertia moment against neutral axis

In this example, the shear is 1analyzed against the neutral axis for the diaphragms and the
axis below the thickened webs for the span segments - Figure 21.

-. ... ,
1 o:are~l !rutile..--
lert.... len: lJ lert... Plpt: lJ


_r· , , , , , 1 1 '!' 1 1 , 1 , , , o • 1 o 1 , o , 11 '!' 1 1 , 1 1 o 1 1 _:_

2 direction nax (Jcft): 8.413

2 direction "in (Jcft): -8.186
Y direction tlax OctO: 2441
Y direction ttin (Jdt): -~.518
tto.:nt nax (Jctt.): &.ZBZ
Ho.ent "in (Jdt.): -1.~

span 38+&8+3811
cara q~~enta 1 kant i lcuer bcbas

J r ' ' ' ' ' , • , • , , , • • ' ' ' '1'

_r· . ' ' ' ' ' t ' ....._
- ..... ' ' ' ••••'_-:_
I I -
,os 31.5
! ) X

2 direction nax (Jdt): 8.167

2 direction "in (JcH): 8.8ZS
Y direction tlax OctO: 1&865
Y direction "in (JcH): 18327
tto.ent nax (Jdt.): 8.951
Ho.ent "in (Jdt.): -1.383

span 38+&8+3811
cara seq~~ental kantilcuer bcbas !Date:

Figure 21. Bearing reactions at abutment and pier

Table 1. Principle tensile stresses of the prestressed box girder cross section

section x(m) shear kN Inertia mm~ shear stress Stirrups

stress Mpa y cgc mm stirrup stress diam - spacing
tension+ S mm3 principal tensile mm
compression - stress rvfPa
0.5m R2445 kN 0.187x10 13 3.24
(abutment) -0.672 Mpa 677.38 1.99 16-200
1735x106 0.95

0.5 m (span) 1547 kN 0.134x10 13 1.75

-1.271 rv!Pa 543.76 1.32 16-300
1060x106 0.13

31.50 m (pier) R 16900 kN 0.1872x10 1 ~ 1.52

-1.773 Mpa 1604 1.32 16- 300
7785x106 0.02

31.5m (span) 6865 kN 0.1198x10 14 3.28

-4.776 rv!Pa 1465 1.99 16- 200
4007x10 6 0.33

If there is no provision made for residual compressive stress, the required number of
tendons is reduced but the amount of shear reinforcement \Viii increase. The stresses of the
girder cross section due to differential settlement of the foundation are checked through
this program. The number of tendons is adjusted according to the concrete stress
limitation and the expected settlement of the bridge foundations.

3.6. Ultimate Analysis

Bridges that are built by the segmental balanced cantilever method have in general
sufficient ultimate strength at full load. The negative moment tendons in the top slab are
designed in such a way that tensile stresses fulfill requirements at each construction
loading stage and at design loads.
The positive and negative moment tendons are combined with continuous tendons to
produce the ultimate moment capacity in longitudinal direction of the bridge. In this
e.xample, the ultimate moment 154100 kNm - Figure 22 - has a load factor of 1. 7 against
the total SLS moment of9~420 kNm -Figure 7 ii.

Additional tendons may be required at center of the main span - Figure 9 - to obtain
continuity of the negative moment tendon profile in enhancing the ultimate moment
capacity along the whole bridge span.

11!-"tSses in tv•.Z

'1.35 '1.00 ,.~ 1.30 i
I Uc Ill 2.35

........ I y


: 6 ...q5

! I
oT 1 o.1o ~n o. 40
:1. 2>5

EP = -8.2358E-83 H = 8.8888E•88 kH
KX = 8.9161E-83 1/M HX = 8.1541E+86 kHH
MY = -8.3237E-19 1/M HY = 8.8888E•88 kHH
t!ure 22. Ultimate moment capacity of girder segment at the pier


" IV

U.puted Stresses in H/a•2 dt: 115.88 ddys

!'.ax: 8.81& 11in: -13.2&5 Scdle: ~ = 4.422
l!n- !'.ax: 2.714 11in: -18.525

~s diagram due to 10 degree Celsius temperature difference between top

tOm) and bottom slab ( 0 degree at 3m depth) at full load combination

3.7. Thermal Load Analysis
The influence of thermal load on the longitudinal stresses is analyzed due to the
temperature gradient profile along the girder height. In case of higher temperature at top
fiber compared to bottom fiber, the top of the girder expands while the bottom fiber
becomes shorter. This causes secondary moments and shear forces in the structure. A
difference of 10 degree Celsius between top and bottom of the girder increases the tensile
stress in the bottom slab and the· compressive stress in the top slab - figure 23. The
combined thermal, dead and live load stresses may exceed 25-40 % of the normal stress.
The temperature difference within the girder is in general minimized by the asphalt
isolating layer. It is also recommended to place ventilation holes in the box section to
remove entrapped water and provide fresh air.

3.8. Construction Stages In Design

Construction stages depend on the time duration that varies during actual execution of the
work. Segmental bridges are usually designed with an assumption that the bridge is built in
one day. The sequence starting from foundation, substructure and segmental construction,
detennines the analysis. The analysis is therefore dependent on the concrete age, the
stressing time and method, prestress losses, foundation settlement, temperature , creep and
shrinkage long term influences. The actual sequence of construction is the input data for
the program. The program analysis reflects and monitors the construction stages and
thereby provides for each bridge an 'as built' design.

In this example, the bridge width is 9.3m (2 lanes @ 3.5m + 2 sidewalks @ 1m) where
each cantilever span consists of 10 segments @ 3m length. In this case, minimal 10
tendons are required to stress each segment to the previous segment - Table 2. This
tendon configuration causes greater tensile and compressive stresses at a concrete age of
15 days - Figure 3. A better stress configuration could be obtained when the number of
tendons is increased and some tendons are stressed after the cantilever construction is

Tendon 1 - 24 and 27 - 28 consist of respectively 2 @ 22 diam. 112" (1 cable in each

web), tendon 25-26 consist of respectively 2@ 10 diam.l/2"(1 cable in each web). The
strand material is FeP 1860 (ult.) with initial stress of 140 :MPa (limit is 130 Mpa), friction
coefficient 0.25, wobble 0.001 rad./m, relaxation 3.5 %, anchorage slip 3mm.

Thickening of the bottom slab of the pier segments is necessary to maintain the allowable
compressive stress. The bottom slab thickness of the left pier segments (nr 9-10, 14-16)
and right pier segments (nr 33-35, 38-40) are 40cm at the pier location and gradually
decrease to 20cm in the dlrection of the span.

With the input data of the cable profile, the program calculates the tendon elongation and
prestress losses in short period until infinite 9000 days - Table 3 - which is the output
result. Any change in construction time, tendon type and system, or cable profile can be
programmed to perform a re-analysis.
Table 2. Concreting and stressing stages of segments as input data

tendon 1-10 tendon 11-20

I' • ' ' • r I t:ti12 r - • ' ' • ' • • '• ' tllp:::t T r '
+ ' ' ' '~

:~ 1-12 ; 1>- ~·) 25-3· ;f 37-48

span __ o I.Sm 162m 31.5m \

tendon 27 tendon 21-26 tendon 28

girder height D: underside of girder follows parabolic function y = -0.0021 x2 + 0.126 x

1.55m 3.45m l.55m 3.45m 1.55m
diafr. t =1m diafr.1 m 1. OOm diafr.1 m diafr. t =1m
left abt. left pier closure right pier right abt.
roller : fixed 0-39hr fixed 0-79hr roller bearing
0-10000 d hinge 39-10000 roller 79-10000 0-10000 d

<length- elevation of
tendon to side to
horizontal - vertical
7 .. · 0.22
7 .· ·· - ··
•.... ...

... .0.22
. ..... . .....

< 0.22 .•.

··· - ·· 0.22. ..

... ··• 0.10

37 < ••.. 0:10
. . . 43 . :... ..•
. . •0.10 ··

.. . .......
49 <......
- . 0.10 ·• .
. .
< 55 < . ..
. . . 0.10 >
•:,;.:,··············· ) 61 .5 ~ 0.10

. .IirJl., 20 horizontal - vertical

pier2 : caJ1t. L &r.. •·• 40 -: }9 days < ·•••• • .... ·r1 ........... ·····.
······ ... FT ..
.. ... . .

hammerhead 36 TJ . · ·· . 40 ~ 43 ~ 43 .··•• .. :. :·. ·... ..:::::-:::

.. . ... : .: .. 0.22 .·····
. .

. . .

. •.
. ~ ........

4() ... 4:3 ~< 43

. ...... .

.. .. . ~ ... FT
• ...11 >•
.. ......•

... 0 .22
. .
..... . . ..

34,3.9: •· . •·······. 44/ 47F 47/ ... ... •··• 12 < IF' . .0.22 .
......... . 33,40 ···· ••• ••• •.•. 13 ..
\ 4~ S 51 ~5L FT · 0.22 .
32;41 ···· · > 52 .:.55 :.55 .... • :.··• 14 TF • •.. 0.22
·. .. 31,42 56 > 59 < 59 ·•· ·: • 15 > TT . ...•. 0.10
. ·. ·.:· 30,4) · ··· ·· ·. ~q · ~ 63 00 63 •••. . :• ·.• 16 . < TT • ··• 0.10
29 44 . . . . .
' . · .:
• 64 ;_ "67 ..._ 67 ... •·· . •·• ·• .17 -
. :·.· · : · :·:· .. ·:·: · · .. : · : · :·:-· - :· · · : - :· ·:
... . ..
• • ...
28/ 45 ••••• ••· • ••• ·•·•• 6$ .. 7} ~ 11 .••••• ·• >. .• 18 .. - 1' T • .•.. 0.10
27 ' .:46 . ····: ••·• •• •·. 72
.. : :
:._ 75.:/ - 75 •· ..
19 · - TT .· · .
.:.:.. . . .. . . : . .. .. ... .
26, 47 . 76 ;_ 79 > 79 ·• .· 20 - · . F T •· 0.10

pier 2 : continued
26,47 76 - 79 - 79 20 - F T 61.5 0.10

closure segment : nr21 - 26

.•• 24, 25 . .. 82 ~ 85 - 85 2t,22 . - T T- bott. ~7- 1.4 ; 31 - 1.4
23,24 - TT- bott. 25 - 1.25. 19- 1.25
25,26-T T- bott,top 13 -. 1. 1 ; 7 - 0. 10·
segment at SljPP?rt ·
1, left abutment · 82. ~ 85 - 85 27- TT .. 15.5 1.3
48, pght abt1trrient · ·· ... 82 ~ 85 · - 85 28- TT 15.5 - 1.3

I abel 3. Cable elongation for stressing stage and prestress loss

(1 0-20%) until infinite time 9000 days
nr tendon - actual length Initial vs actual force (kN) - Cable elongation (mm)
(m) % loss of prestress anchorage left - right
1 .:. 7.04 4850- 3848- 20.6 46.108
. 2 - 13.04 5257- 4260- 18.9 85 .299
3 - 19.04 5373 - 4408- 17.9 124.022
4 - . 25.04 5412-4486- 17.1 162.284
5 - 31.04 .. 5517-4616- 16.3 197.033 - 3.9
6 - 37.04 5529- 4665- 15.6 234.388 - 5.179
7 - 43.04 5533 - 4709- 14.88 271.296 - 6.68
8 - 49.04 5532- 4752- 14.1 307.765 - 8.39
9 - 55.04 5528- 4796 ;. 13 .2 343.798 - 10.307
10 - 61.533 5424- 4750- 12.4 390.495
21 - 31 5564- 4891 - 12.1 198.402 - 3.12 .
22 - 37 5573-4920- 11.7 235 .948 - 4.419
23 - 25 5583 - 4897- 12.2 .160.733 -2.926
24 - 19 5412-4486- 17.1 122.198 - 2.926
25 - 13 2532-2218- 12.4 83 .383 - 2.881
26 - 7.04 2373-2119- 10.7 42.778 - 3.33
27 - 15.5 5563 - 5097- 8.37 99.299 - 2.927

The design load is 100% Bina Marga -1992, that consists of a uniform distributed load 25
kL'{/m/lane and a knife load included impact of 177.5 kN/lane, applied in system line nr1 of
the program. Additional dead load from side curbs, railings and asphalt surface is -28
kL'{/m. Truck train combination is available in the program. In this example it is assumed
that the total dead and live 1oad is at 115 days in service.
Segmental bridge construction using the balanced cantilever method is not always
appropriate for provinces where prestressed concrete technique is not yet available. For
the 60m span range there are 3 economic bridge types to be considered in practice -
Figure 24 - that are competing to each other.

29 500 60 {)()() :9 500'
30CWJJ 60000 30000 ,

I ~
\ __ I ;

28000 60000
sistem segmental 2!000

cara kantilever ~

Figure 24. Three competing bridge types for 60m span


This report discusses a new design method by using the software program Bridges 2D,
where the influence of construction time and concrete properties in long term period are
considered and analyzed. The program is especially designed for prestressed concrete
bridging using internal and external tendons. Reinforced concrete design and composite
girder design are included in this program. Cable structures like cable-stay bridging and
other bridge types with temporary cables- Figure 25 - is also one of the capabilities of
program Bridges 2D.

;IIJg .
--r.r- ~;
s.:... Slob

~~ -~
(ufing of
~- (#:sting of
Bollofll Sbb ~ Top Sill>

Figure 25. Prestressed bridge construction by launching and temporary cables

The other modules are I{_eat 2.5 D and Buildings 2D. Heat is a program to monitor the
heat generation in mass concrete construction with and without the application of cooling
pipes inside the concrete. With this Heat program, the removal of isolation layers in
practice is monitored and cracks due to thermal shock can be prevented.

Buildings is a finite element program for shear walls in buildings or bridge piers, and
concrete slabs for decks or pavement.

It is a feature of these programs that they are finite element based, but the users need no
theoretical finite element background to work with these programs.


1. Bridges 2D, Heat 2.5D, Buildings 2D, Intron Sme Software, P.E. Roelfstra, The
Netherlands, 1995

2. Jembatan Gelagar Boks Beton Pratekan Sistem Segmen Pracetak, terjemahan Code of
Practice, Prestressed Concrete Institute, DPMTJ, 1980

3. The Penang Bridge, Tan Sri Datuk Profir. Chin Fung Kee, Malaysian Highway
Authority, 1988

4. Structural Concrete, Theory And Its Application, A.S.G. Bruggeling, 1991

5. Peraturan Beton Indonesia , 1991


The author graduated from Parahyangan University in 1969. She worked in the bridge
design office of the Directorate of Planning during 1970 - 1979. She has joined the
Institute of Road Engineering since 1979 as researcher in bridge engineering. She is a
member of the International Association of Bridge and Structural Engineering, the Road
Development Association of Indonesia, and the Road Engineering Association of Asia and

D A L J l IL \ N G !.'

/• .



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