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19 December, 2022

Sohaila Mohammed Goda



Primary health care is essential health care made universally
accessible to individuals and families in community by means
acceptable to them,through their full participation and at a cost
that the community and country can afford. It forms an integral
part both of the country's health system of which it is nucleus
and the overall social and economic development of the
I visited one of the models of PHC centres, Which is AlShohada
family healthcare centre.It is located in Ismailia. It provides a
lot of care services to all patients of all ages I visited it to
1-Recognize Primary health care as a first level of health care
2-Identify services offered in primary healthcare and categorize
it into either (preventive, curative)
3-Define health care team and identify role of each
4-Recognize in details categories of child health care services
and review its objectives
Description of the visit observations
First, l visited the primary health care central manager office. It
was clean and organized. I asked the manager about services
provided by the unit. He listed all health care services and they
 Examination services at the family doctor.
• Lab services.
• Dental x-ray.
• Preventive services.
• Sick child follow-up program.
 Health Bureau services
 E Services and treatment of dental diseases.
• Emergency and reception services.
• Pregnancy care and family planning.
• health education.
• Medication dispensing.
• The immunization clinic.
He was kind to me and answered all questions that I asked.
Then, I wanted to recognize the working team.Itwas identified
that the PHC unit working team 
consists of the medical center manager,head of 
the nursing services department,head of the 
quality department,head of infection control 
department,head of the department of pharmacy 
&medical stocks,head of the occupational safety 
&health department,head of the financial 
&administrative affairs department,head of
customer satisfaction department,medical director, 
head of the human resources department ,
head of information systems &files department,
doctors ,dentists,nurses and lab technicians

Then, I went to the health office to know its role .It records
births &deaths to be sent to civil registry . It is recorded births
that only given in Al-SHOHADA region . People who are in this
office were very helpful
I visited child health care section to identify the provided
services .It was very crowded .It provides essential health care
to child such as vaccinations
The immunization clinic was too wide and clean
and it has a lot of containers andone big 
fridge.There was one nurse there.she was really 
helpful. She warmly welcomed me and received my
questions patiently.There were different types of
vaccinations provided by the immunization clinic 
including MSD,MMR,BCG,Td,DTP,TT,penta & B. 
These all were preserved in the fridge I
mentioned before.

Well-baby clinic was visited to recognize their 

activities and tool (growth charts). Itwas clean and 
organized. there were a bed and baby digital balance.the
doctor that was there said that they must record a lot of things
about baby such as Height ,weight , blood group, family medical
history and site of birth. I asked to take some pictures of
growth charts
I went to the pharmacy . It has a window where the patients
take there medicines from . The pharmacist who was there said
that they provide medicines and make sure to tell the patient
the correct way to use it
I visited the lab .There were 4 doctors . They said that they
provide different types of tests such as
acid,TRI,CHOL,HCG,ALT,AST,CRE and free 
At the end of my visit, l went to radiology unit which provides
X-ray, Ultrasound, MRI and CT
To conclude.I’ve identified the health services 
provided by al shohada family medicine center. 
I've recognized its working team . I've visited the
health office and reviewed its role in births and 
deaths recording. I’ve stated the child health 
care section provided services. I’ve listed the 
different types of vaccinations provided by the 
immunization clinic and how its preserved. I’ve
recognized the well-baby clinic.I’ve known lab and radiology
unit role
To sum up ,This visit was important for me .it made me gain a
lot of experience. I am grateful to the working team of this
centre for helping me and for services they provide to people

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