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Wasit University CE 3333 Geometric Roads Design

Civil Engineering Dept. 3rd Year

Third Year Second Semester
2021-2022 Dr. Nabeel Saleem

Highway Classification

Highway engineering is a subset of transportation engineering, which itself is typically a

component of civil engineering. Two primary metrics of quality of highways are efficiency
(measured by delay, travel time, speed, or other operational characteristics) and safety
(measured by collisions or fatalities). Highways can be classified by their function, which
generally relates to the amount of mobility and access they provide. Mobility and access are
competing objectives of highways. On a highway that prioritizes mobility, impediments to
the flow of traffic should be minimized, while highways with a purpose of providing access
to adjacent land uses allow for more frequent access points. The tradeoffs between mobility
and access impact the operation and safety of the highway and should be planned carefully to
fit the context of the overall highway network.

Wasit University CE 3333 Geometric Roads Design
Civil Engineering Dept. 3rd Year
Third Year Second Semester
2021-2022 Dr. Nabeel Saleem

Highways are built to carry vehicular traffic from one point to another. Highway systems
includes many types differs by their name according to their importance, capacity,
performance and the purpose that built for. It includes highways with high speed and high
traffic volume to local street which carry low traffic volume. Highway system classification
is different from one country to another according to the system used, generally the highway
systems can be classified according to:

1. Design Type: based on major geometric features, this is useful for highway location and
design procedures (freeway and conventional streets and highways).
2. Functional Classification: grouping of highways by the character of service they provide,
this is useful for transportation planning purposes. This classification recognizes that
individual roads and streets do not serve travel independently. Functional classification is
also consistent with categorization of travel.

a) Freeway: a divided highway with full control of access and two or more lanes for the
exclusive use of traffic in each direction. This type serves high traffic volume with
high design speed (100-120 Km/hr.), with no at grade intersections, but have
b) Principal Arterial: serve the through traffic from different areas, this type of
highway serves high traffic volume with speed limits of (60-110) Km/hr. This type
can include at grade intersections and direct access to the surrounding properties.
c) Collector Road: collects from local street in residential neighborhoods and channels
it into arterial system.
d) Distributor Road: distributing trips from arterials through the areas to their ultimate
e) Local Street: it is inner street used for local traffic and connects the residential areas
with work and surrounding properties. It permits direct access to abutting land
connections to the higher order system.

Wasit University CE 3333 Geometric Roads Design
Civil Engineering Dept. 3rd Year
Third Year Second Semester
2021-2022 Dr. Nabeel Saleem

3. Geographical Classification:

• Urban road
• Rural road
Urban Areas: places within boundaries set by the responsible state and local officials having
a population of 5000 or more.

Rural Areas: are those areas outside the boundaries of urban areas.

Wasit University CE 3333 Geometric Roads Design
Civil Engineering Dept. 3rd Year
Third Year Second Semester
2021-2022 Dr. Nabeel Saleem

Cross Section Elements

Cross-Section Elements

Principal Marginal

Wasit University CE 3333 Geometric Roads Design
Civil Engineering Dept. 3rd Year
Third Year Second Semester
2021-2022 Dr. Nabeel Saleem

The principal elements of highway cross section are:

1- Travel lanes
2- Shoulders
3- Median
The Marginal elements of highway cross section are:

3-Guard rails
5-Side slope
6-Right of way
Travel lane
The lane width of a roadway greatly influences the safety and comfort of driving. Lane
widths of 2.7 to 3.6 m are generally used. Lane width depends on:
• Type of roadway
• Design speed
• Traffic volume

In Iraq lane width: 3-3.75 m for arterial use 3.75 m

Wasit University CE 3333 Geometric Roads Design
Civil Engineering Dept. 3rd Year
Third Year Second Semester
2021-2022 Dr. Nabeel Saleem

2- Lane 2- way highway

Number of lanes depends on the design year, traffic volume and lane capacity.

Road type according to number of lanes:

1-Single carriage way

Wasit University CE 3333 Geometric Roads Design
Civil Engineering Dept. 3rd Year
Third Year Second Semester
2021-2022 Dr. Nabeel Saleem

2-Dual carriage way

Shoulders are provided along the road edge and are intended for accommodation of stopped
vehicles, serve as an emergency lane for vehicles and provide lateral support for base and
surface courses. The shoulder should be strong enough to bear the weight of a fully loaded
Width: 3-3.6 m
High traffic volume large number of trucks use: 3.6 m
Low traffic volume: 1.25 m can be used

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