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PT Mayora Indah Tbk is a leading food and beverage company in Indonesia and Asia which

was founded in 1977.

The main goal of the company is to become a leading food and beverage company that
provides high quality products to consumers in Indonesia and around the world. In addition,
the company's goals also include achieving sustainable growth, stable profits, and welfare for
employees and the surrounding community.
Natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods or storms can hamper company operations both
internally and externally. Internally, natural disasters can damage production facilities,
supplies of raw materials and finished products, as well as cause damage to the company's
infrastructure and information systems. Externally, natural disasters can disrupt the supply of
raw materials and product distribution, resulting in delivery delays and financial losses.
To overcome this problem, companies can implement several strategies, including:
1. Prepare an emergency response plan to deal with natural disasters, including securing
important company facilities and infrastructure, such as machinery, electricity, and
information systems.
2. Establish cooperation with related parties, such as emergency aid providers, raw
material suppliers, and product distributors, to obtain the support and resources
needed in dealing with natural disasters.
3. Implement appropriate risk management strategies, such as insurance and
diversification of raw material supply, to reduce the impact of natural disasters on
company operations.
4. Provide adequate funds and resources to restore company operations after a natural
disaster occurs.
By implementing these strategies, PT Mayora Indah Tbk can minimize the impact of natural
disasters on the company's operations and ensure sustainable business continuity.
PT Mayora Indah Tbk has been affected by several disasters that have occurred in Indonesia,
1. Jakarta Floods (2013) - The major floods that occurred in Jakarta in January 2013
caused delays in product shipments from PT Mayora Indah Tbk's factory in Bekasi to
Jakarta and surrounding areas. This resulted in a decline in sales and financial
performance for the company in the first quarter of 2013.
2. Lombok Earthquake (2018) - The earthquake that struck Lombok in August 2018
caused damage to PT Mayora Indah Tbk's product storage warehouse in Lombok. As
a result, the company had to evacuate products and temporarily suspend shipments.
3. COVID-19 Pandemic (since 2020) - The COVID-19 pandemic that has swept across
the world since 2020 has had a significant impact on PT Mayora Indah Tbk's
business. Social restrictions and the closure of stores and restaurants have led to a
decrease in product demand and have affected the company's financial performance.
The company has implemented various strategies to mitigate the impact of these disasters,
such as partnering with relevant parties, implementing emergency response plans, and
adjusting marketing and product distribution strategies. PT Mayora Indah Tbk also continues
to increase the company's capacity and readiness to face possible disasters in the future.

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