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International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics

Volume 116 No. 16 2017, 399-405

ISSN: 1311-8080 (printed version); ISSN: 1314-3395 (on-line version)
Special Issue


Ms. J. Pavithra , 2Magdalene Peter
Asst.Professor, Department Of Management Studies, BIST, BIHER, Bharath University, Chennai-73

Abstract:The article report entitles A Study Of time. An employee on regularly scheduled vacation is,
Employee AbsenteeismIs intended to determine the therefore, not to be considered as employer-ordered lay-
workers condition, salary, facilities, attendance program, off. On the other hand an employee who requests time-
training programme, motivation techniques and off at other than a regular vacation period should be
promotions. The article consists of objectives, considered as absent from scheduled work until he
limitations, company profile, research methodology, returns, or until it is determined that the absence will be
findings, suggestions, and conclusions. The information such duration that his name is removed from the list of
needed for the research has been gathered from primary active employees. After this date he should be considered
and secondary data. The response given by the workers as neither scheduled to work nor absent. Similarly, an
of the company isanalyzed and interpreted using different employee who quits without notice should be considered
types of statistical tools which are percentage analysis, as absent from scheduled work until his name is dropped
Chi square, weighted average method. To increase the from the active list, but preferably this period should not
productivity and increase growth of the organization. The exceed one week in either case. If a strike is in progress,
sample size of the article is 120 from the population of workers on strike should be considered as neither
656. The questionnaire method as survey is used as a tool scheduled to work nor absent, since data on time is lost
for collecting the primary data. The questionnaire has because strikes are collected under the head of man days
been designed by the researcher according to the lost on account of industrial dispute.
objective of the study. Percentage analysis, Chi-square
2. The Reasons For Absenteeism
and weighted average are used as tools for data analysis
The phenomenon of absenteeism has been explained in
1. Introduction
various ways. The atmosphere prevailing in a plant,
Absenteeism is defined as the failure of the worker to therefore, affects[18]
report for work when he is 'scheduled to work. A worker His attitude to his work, and either persuades him to
is expected to work when the employer has work attendd regularly or keeps him away. Irritating uncertainity ,
available for him and the worker is aware of it. irregularity, and confussion in the factory are likely to be
Authorized absence is also treated as absence while important cause of absenteeism.The attitude and practice of
presence even for a part of the shift is treated as presence the management also contribute to absenteeism
for the whole shift. Absence on account of strikes,
Causes of Absenteeism
lockout, layoff, weekly rests or suspension is not taken
into account. Thus, it relates to only voluntary absence ● Maladjustment with factory conditions
due to personal reasons of the individual concerned. ● Social religious ceremonies
Absenteeism rates given in the report represent ● Unsatisfactory housing conditions
percentage of man days lost due to absence to the ● Industrial fatigue
corresponding total man days scheduled to work. The ● Unhealthy working conditions
man days scheduled to work is arrived at by adding the ● Absence of adequate welfare facilities
man day’s .actually worked and the man days lost on ● Alcoholism
account of absence of the workers due to some reason or ● Indebtedness
the other. ● Improper and unrealistic personnel policies
A worker who reports for any part of a shift is to be ● In adequateleave facility[17]
considered as present. An employee is considered
scheduled to work when the employer has work for him
there is no reason to expect well in advance that the
employee will not be available for work at the specific

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

3. Measures For Control Absenteeism An absent employee means idle machines or unoccupied
work space, with the consequent direct loss and an
● Adoption of a well defined recruitment procedure
indirect reduction in the tempo of production. Productive
● Cordial relationship between supervisors and
efficiency of a plant is adversely affected by absenteeism
which causes disorganization in work. Hence the scope
● Provision of reasonable wages and allowances
of the study throws light on various reasons of
and job security for workers
absenteeism among the employees. Only the employees'
● Motivation of workers and social measures
perception falls under the area of the study. This study
● Improved communication and prompt redressal of
will serve as a base for further study on labour
● Liberal grant of leave
● Safety and accident prevention 6. Research Methodology
● Provision of healthy and hygienic working
● Data Collection
The present study requires the use of both
● Development of workers education
primary data and secondary data. Primary data were
collected using a structural questionnaire framed by the
4. Statement of the Problem Present researcher with his guide. Secondary data needed
for the study were collected through desk research.
Absenteeism has become a major problem in almost all
the industrial sectors. Excessive absenteeism constitutes a ● Primary Data
considerable cost to the industry even when the absent The study is mainly based on primary data.
employee receives no pay. Because of disorganization of Before collecting the primary data, personal interviews
work, work schedules are upset and delayed, resulting in were held with officers and employees of the company to
the management failure to meet delivery dates.[1-6] collect information regarding the training and
When sick pay is authorized, the cost of absenteeism development.[3]
mounds up more rapidly. It is, therefore, desirable that
● Secondary Data
measures are effectively implemented to minimize the
The required secondary data have been collected
cost of absenteeism as for as possible. In the light of
from unpublished materials published articles from
various factors promoting excessive rate of absenteeism
various journals of the company, Besides unpublished
in the units concerned, measures will have to be taken by
data have been collected from the records kept at the
the management. Generally speaking, proper conditions
study unit.[4]
of work in the factory, adequate wages leave for rest and
recuperation constitute the most effective means of ● Tool For Analysis
minimizing cost of absenteeism. Provision of suitable The main tool used for analysis of data was
housing facilities in industrial towns would also go a long percentage method.
way in improving attendance.[15-25] Unless working and
living conditions are improved and necessary 7. Limitations of the Study
commitment of labour force in the place of work is ● The present study on the employee absenteeism is
promoted and stabilized, the problem of absenteeism confirmed to a single study unit. Hence the
cannot be effectively solved. [19] conclusions derived from the study may not be
5. Objective Of The Study applicable to similar firms and to other areas.
● The sample employees selected for the present day IS
● To find out various reasons for employee
limited to 100 workers, because of constraints in
terms of limited time. [5]
● To find out the level of satisfaction of the
● Time factor was one of the main limitations of the
employees regarding overall management [1]
study. In a short span of 15 days it was difficult to
● To find out whether absenteeism is more due to
collect all needed information. [6]
social & religious causes than ill health.
● The process of filling up of questionnaire has taken up
● To find out whether shift system has effect on
so much time as most of the workers were not aware
of the concepts and terms. [7]
● To find out whether absenteeism has impact on
● The respondents were reluctant to express their views
routine work or not.
frankly. So the response was biased at an extent. This
may affect the findings to certain level.
Scope of the Study

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

8. Data Analysis And Interpretation From the above it is infered that 60%of respondents male
40% female.[9]
Table 1. Table showing the information regarding the
Chart Showing The Information Regarding The Sex Of
age of employees
The Employees
20-30 45 45%
31-40 40 40%
41-50 10 10%
Above 50 5 5%
Total 100 100%

9. Inference

From the above table it is inferred that

● 45% of the respondents are aged between 20
● 40% of the respondents are aged between 31
● 10% of the respondents are aged between 41
● 5% of the respondents are aged above 50. [8]
Chart Showing The Information Regarding The Age Of
The Employees
Table 3. Table showing the information regarding
experience of the employees

Experience No. of Employees %

Upto 3 years 55 55%

3-5 years 25 25%

5-7 years 12 12%

Above 7 years 8 8%

10. Inference
Table 2. Table showing the information regarding ● 55% of the respondents have experience of 3
the sex of the employees years.
● 25%ofthe respondents have 3-53 years of
Particulars No. Of % experience.
● 12% of the respondents have 5-7 5 year
Respondents experience.
MALE 60 60 ● 8%of the respondents have above 7 years of
FEMALE 40 40
TOTAL 100 100


International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

Chart Showing the Information Regarding Experience Of employees strongly disagree that they are absent due
The Employees to
o lack of proper welfare measures.
● 60% of the employees told that routine work is
affected by absenteeism. 40% of the employees told
that routine work is not affected by absenteeism. [14]
● 10% of the employees are strongly agreeing that they
are taking leave
ve due to the lack of proper leave
facilities. 20% of the employees agree that they are
taking leave due to improper leave facility. 40% of
the employees disagree that they are taking leave due
to improper leave facility.[16]
● 40% of the employees strongly agree that they are
absent due to poor performance appraisal. 30% of
the employees agree that they are taking
leave due to poor performance appraisal. 18% of the
employees disagree [20] that they are absent due to
11. Findings poor performance appraisal. 12% of the
● 45% of the employees are aged between 20 20-30, 40% employees strongly disagree that they are absent due
of the employees are aged between 31 31-40, 10% of to poor performance appraisal. [21-24]
employees are aged between 41-50,5% 50,5% of the ● 65% of the employees are absent due to ill health and
employees aged above 50. [12] remaining 35% of the employees are not absent due
● 20% of the employees are male and remaining 80% to ill health.
are female. [13]
● 55% of the employees have experience of three 12. Suggestions
years. 25% of the employees are having 33-5 years
● The best and simplest way to reduce absenteeism is
experience, 12% of the employees have 55-7 years
providing counseling to those employees who take
experience, 8% of the employees have above 7 years
leave unnecessarily and making them aware of the
of experience. [15]
problems of absenteeism and their importance at the
● 12% of the employees strongly agree that they are
work place. [25-27]
absent due to work load. 18% of the employees are
● The management's strict attitude in granting leave
agreeing that they are absent due to work load. 50%
even when the need is genuine tempts the workers
of the employees are disagreeing that they are absent
to go on leave though on loss of play. Hence an
due to work load. 20% of the employees are strongly
effective way of dealing with absenteeism is to
ng that they are absent due to work load.
liberalize leave rules.[28]
● The rules and regulation relating to attendance must
● 10% of the employees strongly agree that they are
be explained to workers. In order to reduce
reduc work
absent due to poor working condition. 15% of the
load, must appoint sufficient employees. Only them
employees agree that they are absent due to poor
the existing employees can work better without any
working condition. 40% of the employees disagree
stress or strain and by this absenteeism can be
that they aree absent due to poor working condition.
35% of the employees strongly disagreeing that they
● Giving employees incentives for reduced
are absent due to poor working condition. [18]
absenteeism is not the same as rewarding or giving
● 58% of the employees are absent due to family
employees bonuses for reduced absenteeism. An
problems. The remaining 42% of the employees are
incentive provides an employee with a boost to their
not absent due to family
ly problems. [19]
motivation to avoid unnecessary absenteeism.[30]
● 60% of the respondents are absent due to social and
● Periodical medical camps for free check-Ups
check can
religious cause. 40% respondents are not absent due
improve the health of employees. By this
to social and religious cause.[11]
absenteeism can be reduced.
● 12% of the employees are strongly agreeing that they
● Proper counseling regarding religion and caste must
are absent due to lack of proper welfare measu
be endeavoured
18% of the employees agree that they are absent due
● Improving welfare measures considerably reduces
to lack of proper welfare measures. 30% of the
employees are disagreeing that they are absent due to
● Strick disciplinary measures to reduce absenteeism
lack of proper welfare measures. 40% of the

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