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Electoral Process& Modern Democracy

participate in gout
means isthe
people DirectElection. It is
"The that system
voters of election
are elected
of a in
constituency which
who through
have thetheir
to vote are s
(1) choose their representaties & whoever
the citizens Am
gets, the largers number of votes, hold
Right of the people to elect their representatius
is declared elected

Franchise is derived from french word "France" which

means free and suffrage derived from lation which (1)Indirect Electionelect
In this system the voters the
ofam electoral college who
Suffrager, which means vote ultimatelyPelect the representatives
American President, Indian President &
eight and for Felancise is political
very important.
This is the of Universal Adult
Vice President are elected by an electoral
age Franchise. vote the members of their
electoral boardare
When all adult citizen of the state withoutany his expected to exercise choice for their
given the righton
vote &religion,
elect sedtsrepresentative
their or wealth areI representatives carefully.
is called Universal Adult Franchise.
It is based on
Equality and the bestmean ofove Repuesentations withcon
There are two views on representation brander & it
Political Education to the maximum number of people narrower.
in society. I'm above discussion, it is clear that
mining the process of election has important role & electione may denote Representative
sulationshipgovt. also has
between rulers,different
& ruled.meaning
Ihave to be conducted in a fair free honest& impartial Forms of representation &
manner and it usually done by election commision
divvictorial Representation on
Election or Polle means an occassion when the voteru
I'm this form elections are held territoryor area will
Thewhole country is divided into a number of
‫داریند‬ express their will when this expression taken place
in am open manner is known as Public voting electoral constituencies they may be single or multimember
constituency. Single Member constituencies have
I'm secuet voting or secret ballot the voters expurus almost equal Pakulation, and the candidates who
their will without making it Public voting. Elections obtained highest number of votes is declared elected
are of two types& and multi member constituencies multicandidates can
10 Direct Elections
be elected.
2 Indirect Election o


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