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Sec: SR.

IIT_*CO-SC(MODEL-A&B) Date: 02-10-22

Time: 3HRS Max. Marks: 186

Name of the Student: ___________________ H.T. NO:

PHYSICS: COM and Collisions: Systems of particles; Centre of mass and its
motion; Impulse; Elastic and inelastic collisions.

Alkanes: Homologous series; Physical properties (melting points, boiling
points and density) and effect of branching on them; Conformations of
ethane and butane (Newman projections only); Preparation from alkyl
halides and aliphatic carboxylic acids; Reactions: combustion,
halogenation (including allylic and benzylic halogenation) and oxidation.
Alkenes and Alkynes : Physical properties (boiling points, density and
dipole moments); Preparation by elimination reactions; Acid catalysed
hydration (excluding the stereochemistry of addition and elimination);
Metal acetylides; Reactions of alkenes with KMnO4 and ozone;
Reduction of alkenes and alkynes; Electrophilic addition reactions of
alkenes with X2, HX, HOX, (X=halogen); Effect of peroxide on addition
reactions; cyclic polymerization reaction of alkynes.
MATHEMATICS: Indefinite Integration: integration as the inverse process of
differentiation, indefinite integrals of standard functions.
integration by parts, integration by the methods of substitution and
partial fractions.

 ax 2  bx  c dx and   ax  b  ax 2  bx  c dx
Narayana IIT Academy 02-10-22_SR.IIT_*CO-SC(MODEL-A&B )_JEE-Adv_PTA-3_Q’P

+Ve - Ve No.of Total
Section Question Type
Marks Marks Qs marks
Sec – I (Q.N : 1 – 4) Questions with Single Correct Options +3 -1 4 12
One of More Correct Options Type
Sec – II (Q.N : 5 – 12) +4 -1 8 32
(partial marking scheme) (+1)
Questions with Numerical Value Type
Sec – III (Q.N : 13 – 18) (e.g. 6.25, 7.00, ‐0.33, ‐.30, 30.27, ‐1 +3 0 6 18
Total 18 62

+Ve - Ve No.of Total
Section Question Type
Marks Marks Qs marks
Sec – I (Q.N : 19 – 22) Questions with Single Correct Options +3 -1 4 12
One of More Correct Options Type
Sec – II (Q.N : 23 – 30) +4 -1 8 32
(partial marking scheme) (+1)
Questions with Numerical Value Type
Sec – III (Q.N : 31 – 36) (e.g. 6.25, 7.00, ‐0.33, ‐.30, 30.27, ‐ +3 0 6 18
Total 18 62

+Ve - Ve No.of Total
Section Question Type
Marks Marks Qs marks
Sec – I (Q.N : 37 – 40) Questions with Single Correct Options +3 -1 4 12
One of More Correct Options Type
Sec – II (Q.N : 41 – 48) +4 -1 8 32
(partial marking scheme) (+1)
Questions with Numerical Value Type
Sec – III (Q.N : 49 – 54) (e.g. 6.25, 7.00, ‐0.33, ‐.30, 30.27, ‐ +3 0 6 18
Total 18 62

SR.IIT_*CO-SC Page. No. 2

Narayana IIT Academy 02-10-22_SR.IIT_*CO-SC(MODEL-A&B )_JEE-Adv_PTA-3_Q’P
PHYSICS Max.Marks:62
This section contains 4 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its answer,
out of which ONLY ONE is correct.
Marking scheme +3 for correct answer , 0 if not attempted and -1 in all other cases.
1. A particle of mass m1 collides elastically with a stationary particle of mass m2  m1  m2  .
Find the maximum angle through which the striking particle may deviate with its
original direction of motion as a result of the collision.

 m2   m2 
A)   sin 1   B)   sin 1  
 m2  m2   m1 
 1 2 

 m1   m2 
C)   sin 1   D)   sin 1  
 m2  m2   m1 
 1 2 

2. An empty box of mass m is kept on the pan(negligible mass) of a spring scale of

weighing machine. A continuous stream of marbles (each of mass m0 ) drop into the box
from a height h at the rate of  per second (Fig). The marble sticks to the base of the
box. What is the reading on the scale after 4s ?

A)  m  4m0   g  m0  2 gh B)  m  4m0   g  m0  32 gh

C)  m  m0   g  m0  2 gh D)  m  m0   g  m0  32 gh

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Narayana IIT Academy 02-10-22_SR.IIT_*CO-SC(MODEL-A&B )_JEE-Adv_PTA-3_Q’P
3. Two men of masses 40kg and 20 kg are standing on a boat of mass 100kg. Length of
boat is 20m. Neglect the friction between water and boat. Find the displacement of the
boat when both person reach at middle of boat

5 5
A) m , towards right B) m , towards left
4 4
5 5
C) m , towards right D) m , towards left
8 8
4. A particle of mass m collides elastically with the pan of mass  M  2m  of a spring
balance, as shown in figure. Pan is in equilibrium before collision. Spring constant is K
and speed of the particle before collision is v0 . Maximum height attained by the particle
after collision from the point of collision is …

v02 v02 v02 v02

A) B) C) D)
16 g 8g 36 g 72 g

This section contains 8 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its answer,
out of which ONE OR MORE is/ are correct.
Marking scheme +4 for correct answer , 0 if not attempted and -1 in all other cases.
5. A block of mass M has a circular cut with a frictionless surface as shown. The block
rests on the horizontal frictionless surface of a fixed table. Initially the right edge of the
block is at x  0 , in a co-ordinate system fixed to the table. A point mass ‘m’ is released
from rest at the topmost point of the path as shown and it slides down. When the mass
loses contact with the block, its position is ‘x’ and the velocity is ‘v’. At that instant,
which of the following options is/are correct?

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A) The ‘x’ component of displacement of the centre of mass of the block M is: 
M m

B) The position of the point mass is : x   2
M m

2 gR
C)The velocity of the point mass m is : v 

D) The velocity of the block M is: V   2 gR

6. A ball of mass 2 kg strikes a floor as shown in figure. For this situation mark the correct

A) The impulse experienced by ball during the collision is acting along the + ve y-
direction and has a magnitude of 50 NS.
B) Floor may be rough or smooth
C) Coefficient of restitution between floor and ball is

D) The direction of impulse experienced by ball during the collision is along a direction
somewhere between the + ve y-axis and + ve x-axis
7. A boy throws a ball with initial speed 2 ag at an angle  to the horizontal. It strikes a
smooth vertical wall and returns to his hand, if the boy is standing at a distance ‘a’ from
the wall. which of the following options is/are correct?

2u sin 
A) The time of flight is greater than

B)  cannot be less than 150

C)  cannot be less than 30


D) the coefficient of restitution between the ball and the wall is .
 4sin 2  1

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Narayana IIT Academy 02-10-22_SR.IIT_*CO-SC(MODEL-A&B )_JEE-Adv_PTA-3_Q’P
8. Three identical particles A, B and C (each of mass m) lie on a smooth horizontal table.
Light inextensible strings which are just taut connect AB and BC and ABC is  . An
impulse J is applied to the particle C in the direction BC for a very short time interval.
which of the following options is/are correct?

A) If   1350 the Speed of C is

10 J
B) If   1350 the Speed of B is

C) If   1270 the speed of A is

52 J
D) If   1200 the Speed of B

9. Two spheres are moving towards each-other. Both have same radius but their masses are
2kg and 4 kg respectively and coefficient of restitution is e  then which of the
following options is/are correct?

A) Magnitude of impulse till complete deformation is 4 3 SI units.

B) Magnitude of impulse during reformation is SI units.

C) Maximum loss of kinetic energy during deformation is 18 SI units.

D) Loss in kinetic energy in the collision is 16 SI units.

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10. The blocks m1 and m2 connected by an ideal spring of constant k and natural length l0
rests on a smooth horizontal plane. A constant horizontal force F starts acting on the
block m2 as shown in the Fig. Which of the following option(s) is/are correct.

A)the maximum distance between the blocks during the subsequent motion of the
2 Fm1
system is lo 
K (m1  m2 )

B)the minimum distance between the blocks during the subsequent motion of the system
2 Fm1
is lo 
K (m1  m2 )

C)the maximum distance between the blocks during the subsequent motion of the system
2 Fm2
is lo 
K (m1  m2 )

D)the minimum distance between the blocks during the subsequent motion of the system
is lo
11. Laila and Majnu are on a boat for a picnic. The boat is initially at rest. Laila has a big
watermelon which she throws towards Majnu. The man catches the melon and eats half
of it. He throws back the remaining half to Laila. She eats the half of the melon that she
receives and throws the reamining part to Majnu. Majnu again eats half of what he
receives returns the remaining part back to Laila. This continues till the melon lasts. The
two are sitting at the two ends of the boat which has a length L.Combined mass of the
boat and the two lovers is M 0 and the mass of the water melon is M. Assume that the
boat can move horizontally on water without any resistive force. The displacement of the
boat when

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A) Watermelon gets finished is if M 0  3M

B) Watermelon gets finished is if M 0  5M

C) Immediately after Laila eat for the first time is if M 0  3M

D) Immediately after Laila eat for the first time is if M 0  5M

12. A wooden wedge of mass 10m has a smooth groove on its inclined surface. The groove
is in shape of quarter of a circle of radius R  0.55m . The inclined face makes an angle
 11 
  cos 1   with the horizontal. A block ‘A’ of mass m is placed at the top of the
 5 

groove and given a gentle push so as to slide along the groove. There is no friction
between the wedge and the horizontal ground on which it has been placed. Neglect
width of the groove.

A) The magnitude of displacement of the wedge by the instant the block A reaches the
bottom of the groove is 5cm

B) The magnitude of displacement of the wedge by the instant the block A reaches the
bottom of the groove is 6cm

C) The magnitude of displacement of the wedge by the instant the block A rotate
through 600 about point O on wedge is between 4cm and 4.5cm

D) The magnitude of displacement of the wedge by the instant the block A rotate
through 600 about point O on wedge is between 4.5cm and 4.75cm

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Narayana IIT Academy 02-10-22_SR.IIT_*CO-SC(MODEL-A&B )_JEE-Adv_PTA-3_Q’P
This section contains 6 questions. The answer to each question is a Numerical values comprising of positive or
negative decimal numbers (place value ranging from Thousands Place to Hundredths place).
Eg: 1234.56, 123.45, -123.45, -1234.56, -0.12, 0.12 etc.
Marking scheme : +3 for correct answer, 0 in all other cases.
13. Two discs whose masses are m1 and m2 are moving in the directions, making angles 
and  with the line joining their centres, collide as shown in the figure. The directions
of motion after the impact is found to be perpendicular to their direction before impact.
(Given m1  4 Kg , m2  1Kg ,   600 ,   300 ) If the coefficient of restitution is , find the
value of N.

14. Two identical balls each of mass M (=1.25 kg) and radius R are kept in contact and are
connected to two identical unstretched springs each of force constant k(=100 N/m). A
third ball also of mass M but radius R/2 strikes with the two balls symmetrically with
speed v0(=1.6m/s) and comes to rest just after the impact. Find the maximum
compression in each spring in cm.


k k


15. Block ‘A’ of mass m is hanging from a vertical spring of spring constant K and is at rest.
m 1
The value of  SI Units. Block ‘B’ also of mass m strikes the block ‘A’ with
k 150
velocity ‘v’ and sticks to it. Then find the value of ‘v’ in m/s for which the spring just
attains natural length. Take g = 10 m/s2.

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16. The centres of the spheres 1,2 and 3 lie on a single straight line. Sphere 1 is moving with
an initial velocity v1 , directed along this line and hits sphere 2. sphere 2 acquiring after
collision a velocity v2 , hits sphere 3. Both the collisions are elastic. If the mass of the

sphere 2 for the sphere 3 to acquire maximum velocity is , find the value of K.

Masses of 1st and 3rd spheres are m1 and m 3 .

The mass per unit length of a rod varies as m  

M0 
17.  x where M 0 is a constant and x is
 L 

the distance of any point on rod measured from one end. Centre of mass of the rod from
the given end is at a distance of on the rod. Find the value of K.

18. A is a fixed point at a height above a perfectly inelastic smooth horizontal plane. A
light inextensible string of lengthl has one end attached to A and other to a heavy
ball. The ball is held at the level of A with string just taut and released from rest. The
speed of ball just after striking the plane is n times m/s. Find n. (Neglect the size of

the heavy ball when compared to length l)



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Narayana IIT Academy 02-10-22_SR.IIT_*CO-SC(MODEL-A&B )_JEE-Adv_PTA-3_Q’P
CHEMISTRY Max.Marks:62
This section contains 4 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its answer,
out of which ONLY ONE is correct.
Marking scheme +3 for correct answer , 0 if not attempted and -1 in all other cases.
19. Combustion for which of the following compounds is least exothermic?

A) B) C) D)

20. The correct stability order of the following species is

( x) ( y) ( z) ( w)
A) x > y > w > z B) y > x > w > z C) x > w > z > y D) z > x > y > w
21. Identify ‘Z’ (major product) in the following reaction series,

CH3 CH  CH2 
(i)B 2H6 /THF;(ii)H2 O 2 /OH
(X) 
Al2O 3

(Y) 
A) Mixture of H3C and H3C B) H3C

Cl Cl Cl
Cl Cl

C) H3C D) H3C

22. Three isomeric alkenes A, B and C, (C5H10) are hydrogenated to yield 2 – methyl butane.
A and B give the same 3 ROH on oxymercuration – demercuration. B and C give
different 1 ROH on hydroboration – oxidation. Some of the possible isomeric structures
for C5H10 are as follows
(I) CH 3  CH 2  CH 2  CH=CH 2 (II) CH 2 = CH - CH(CH 3 ) 2

(III) CH 3 - CH = C(CH 3 ) 2 (IV) CH 2  C(CH 3 )  CH 2 CH 3

Mark out the correct combination of isomeric A, B and C with structures I to IV

A) I – A, II – B, III – C B) II – A, III – B, IV – C
C) III – A, IV – B, II – C D) III – A, II – B, IV – C

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This section contains 8 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its answer,
out of which ONE OR MORE is/ are correct.
Marking scheme +4 for correct answer , 0 if not attempted and -1 in all other cases.
1 Eq. HBr
Product(s) [All possible]

A) B) C) D)

24. An alkene on reductive ozonolysis yields only ethanal. The other isomer(s) of this alkene
on reductive ozonolysis may give
A) Propanal B) Methanal C) Propanone D) Isobutanal
25. Correct statement(s) regarding addition of Br2 to the following compound is/are

H Me
A) Br2 serve as electrophile in the first step of reaction
B) Total two (major) products are formed.
C) Cyclic bromonium ion is formed as the intermediate.
D) If this addition proceeds in H2O, bromohydrin forms as product
26. Identify the correct statement(s) about the product “A and B” formed in the following
reactions :( Consider only major products for both reactions and Assume carbocations do
not rearrange)

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Narayana IIT Academy 02-10-22_SR.IIT_*CO-SC(MODEL-A&B )_JEE-Adv_PTA-3_Q’P
A) In reaction(i), two geometrical isomers of (A) are possible.
B) In reaction (i), two optical isomers of (A) are possible.
C) In reaction (ii), two geometrical isomers of (B) are possible.
D) In reaction(ii), three stereoisomers of (B) are possible.


Excess alcoholic O3 /H 2O
mixture of products P1 and P2

P2 on reaction with MnO2 and conc. H2SO4 give CO2 and H2O only

2. 
Q1 C 
R1 1.S
 
S1  
T1 H / 
 e/ 
U1 S V

Which of the following statements are correct?

A) X is
B) U1 is aromatic
C) T1 gives white turbidity immediately with Lucas reagent.
D) V is naphthalene.

C6 H10 ( X ) 
excess Cl2 / CCl4
 C6 H10Cl2 ( B)

O3 / H 2O2

(A) [Contains only one carboxylic acid group]

Which of the following is/are incorrect about (X) or (A) or (B)?

A) Degree of unsaturation in (X) is two

B) Compound (X) is cyclic compound containing six membered ring.

C) Compound (A) can gives +ve iodoform test assuming at least five carbon atoms are
present in the parent chain.

D) Only one structure is possible for (X) which satisfies all the conditions.
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29. Which of the following reactions are correctly matched with their major products?
(i) NaOH
(ii) Electrolysis

(i) NaOH
(ii) Electrolysis

CHCl3(1eq) / Me3COK

D) Alc.KOH/Δ

30. Which of the following statements is / are correct?

A) Trans 2-phenyl cyclohexyl acetate on pyrolysis gives 1-phenyl cyclohexene as major


B) Cis 2-phenyl cyclohexyl acetate on pyrolysis gives 1-phenyl cyclohexene as major


C) on pyrolysis gives 1-methyl cyclohexene as major product


A (Major product)

Major product A is

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Narayana IIT Academy 02-10-22_SR.IIT_*CO-SC(MODEL-A&B )_JEE-Adv_PTA-3_Q’P
This section contains 6 questions. The answer to each question is a Numerical values comprising of positive or
negative decimal numbers (place value ranging from Thousands Place to Hundredths place).
Eg: 1234.56, 123.45, -123.45, -1234.56, -0.12, 0.12 etc.
Marking scheme : +3 for correct answer, 0 in all other cases.
31. The ambiguous name dimethylcyclopentene does not clearly distinguish between several
structures. From those structures how many constitutional isomers (excluding gem-
isomer) corresponding to this name are possible.

32. The number of alkenes (open chain as well as cyclic) of six carbon giving same product
with HBr in presence of peroxide and absence of peroxide

33. How many compound(s) give three structural products (including one product is
formaldehyde) after ozonolysis.

34. Consider following reactions.

If :

p = number of ( – H) in compound X;
q = number of ( – H) in compound Y

Then value of (q – p) is

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Narayana IIT Academy 02-10-22_SR.IIT_*CO-SC(MODEL-A&B )_JEE-Adv_PTA-3_Q’P
35. Identify the magnitude of X-Y

 B  
Ni 
 A 
 diethyl Ketone + CO 2 
 Alkene 
Cl 2

 X 
 Y fractions
 number of isomeric 
monochloro products


If ‘X’ is the sum of products formed (including stereoisomers) from reaction 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,

then what is the value of x is?

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Narayana IIT Academy 02-10-22_SR.IIT_*CO-SC(MODEL-A&B )_JEE-Adv_PTA-3_Q’P
This section contains 4 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its answer,
out of which ONLY ONE is correct.
Marking scheme +3 for correct answer , 0 if not attempted and -1 in all other cases.
37.  5
 1
 1
x 1  5 x 3  1  4 x 3

 

 1  
 1  4 x 3
 1 4  x 3
A) 6 tan 1  1 c B) 3ln 1
 x3  1 4  x

 

 1  
 1  4 x 3
 1 4  x 3
C) 6 cot 1  1 c D) 3ln 1
 x 3  1 4  x

 

(where ' c ' is a constant of integration)

  
 1  1 x 1  1 x 1  
38. If x   0,1 , then  x tan  2 tan    dx equals to
  1 x 1 1  x  1  
 
2 3/4 4 3/4 4 5/4 2 5/4
A) x c B) x c C) x c D) x c
3 3 5 5
(where ' c ' is a constant of integration)
 1n 1

39. Let f ( x )  lim n  x  x  ; x  0 then
n 

2 n 1

 x. f ( x) dx equals to
x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2 x2
A) ln x  c B)  ln x   c C) ln x   c D) ln x   c
2 4 2 2 2 2 4
(where c is the integration constant)

x 2 1  nx 
40.  n4 x  x 4 dx equals
1  x  1 1  nx  x  1 1  nx 
n    n  n x  x   C n    tan  C
2 2
A) B)
2  nx  4 4  nx  x  2  x 

1  nx  x  1 1  nx  1   nx  x  1  nx  

C) n    tan  C D)  n    tan    C
4  nx  x  2  x  4   nx  x   x 

(where ' C ' is a constant of integration)

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Narayana IIT Academy 02-10-22_SR.IIT_*CO-SC(MODEL-A&B )_JEE-Adv_PTA-3_Q’P
This section contains 8 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 choices (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its answer,
out of which ONE OR MORE is/ are correct.
Marking scheme +4 for correct answer , 0 if not attempted and -1 in all other cases.
2 x 2 sec 2 xdx
41. If   f  x   cot x  x  C , where C is constant of integration, and f  x  is a
 x sec2 x  tan x 

continuous function in its domain such that coslim f  x   0 then

x 0

       
A) f    B) f    C) f     D) f    
 4  4  2  4  2  4  4  4  2  4  2  4
 x  1 4 dx  g  x  & g  1  0 . Then which of the following option(s) is/are
42. If  15
 x  2 4

A) Largest set of values of " x " for which g  x  is defined is R  {2}
B) Largest set of values of " x " for which g  x  is defined is R  [2, 1)

C) Range of y  g ( x) is  0,     
11 
D) g  t    t  2
cos x  sin x  1  x
43. If  e x  sin x  x dx  log e  f  x    g  x   c where c is integration constant and
f  x  is positive function such that f 1  0   3, g  0   0 then
A) f  x   g  x  is an even function
B) f  x   g  x  is an increasing function
C) f  0   g  2   1
D) If a function h  x  is such that h  x   e x  f  x   g  x  then maximum value of h  x  is 1
 sin 2 x 
 dx  e .g  x   c , where
f  x
If  e
x  tan x
 x tan x 
x sec
44. ' c ' is a constant of
 2 
integration then which of the following is/are incorrect?
A) f  0  is equal to 1
B) Number of solution(s) of the equation  g  x   2 
x 3 is 3
2 2
C) Number of solution(s) of the equation  g  x   
2 x 3 is 1
2 2
D) f  x  is an even function

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Narayana IIT Academy 02-10-22_SR.IIT_*CO-SC(MODEL-A&B )_JEE-Adv_PTA-3_Q’P
45. Let yk  x    dx be family of curves and S   yk  x  k  R  , then which of
x 4  kx 2  1
the following family of curves belong(s) to the set S ?
1 x2  x 1 1 x2  5x  1 x 1 x 1
A) ln 2  ln c B)  ln c
4 x  x  1 4 5 x2  5x  1 2x2  2 4 x  1

1  x  1 
1 x2 1  1 x2  2 x  1 1 x
 2 c
C) tan    ln c D) tan 
2 2  2x  4 2 x2  2 x  1 4  2x  2x  2
(where ' c ' is a constant of integration)
3cot 3 x  cot x
46. If  tan x  3 tan 3x dx  p f  x   q g  x   c where ' c ' is a constant of integration, then

1 3  tan x
A) p  1; q  ; f  x   x; g  x   n
3 3  tan x

1 3  tan x
B) p  1; q   ; f  x   x; g  x   n
3 3  tan x

2 3  tan x
C) p  1; q   ; f  x   x; g  x   n
3 3  tan x

1 3  tan x
D) p  1; q   ; f  x   x; g  x   n
3 3  tan x

x  1 e x  x 2  4 x  1 dx  e x f  x   C where ' C ' is a constant of integration, then

47. If

A) If  is one irrational root of equation f  x   f '  x   0 , then  4  4 3  2 2  4

is equal to 1 .
B) If  is one irrational root of equation f  x   f '  x   0 , then  4  4 3  2 2  4

is equal to 0.
C) f  x  is Strictly decreasing in  ,1

D) f  x  is Strictly increasing in  ,1

I n    sin x  cos x  dx and I n  Af ( x)  BI n  2 , (n  2 & n  N ) .

Which of the following can be true ?
(sin x  cos x) n (sin x  cos x) n
A)  f ( x)dx 
c B)  f ( x)dx  

C) 2 A  B  0 D) 2 A  B  2
(Where c is the constant of integration and A and B are lowest form of rational numbers)

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Narayana IIT Academy 02-10-22_SR.IIT_*CO-SC(MODEL-A&B )_JEE-Adv_PTA-3_Q’P
This section contains 6 questions. The answer to each question is a Numerical values comprising of positive or
negative decimal numbers (place value ranging from Thousands Place to Hundredths place).
Eg: 1234.56, 123.45, -123.45, -1234.56, -0.12, 0.12 etc.
Marking scheme : +3 for correct answer, 0 in all other cases.
x n2
49. Let I ( m, n)   x 3 m dx . I (m, n)  A  B .I (m, n  3) , where A and B are
(1  x )  
1  x 3 m 1

 1 
constants, for m=97 and n=33,   equals ______ (where [.] denotes Greatest
 A  B 
Integer Function and x represents modulus of x)
sec x(2  sec x)
50. If  (1  2sec x)2
dx = f ( x )  c ; where c is the integration constant and the curve

 
y  f ( x ) passes through the origin, then 2 f    f ( ) equals

 P  x  
x18  1
51. If  1
dx can be expressed as   c where P  x  is polynomial in ' x '
10 x 5
x 54
 3x  2 x

36 6

of lowest possible degree, n is the lowest form of a rational number and c is the
integration constant then the number of distinct real solution(s) of P  x   0 is

52. Let
  cot 2 x cot 3x  tan 2 x tan 7 x  tan 5 x dx  a ln  tan 2 x   b ln  sin 3x   c ln  sec 5 x   d ln  cos 7 x   C
where a, b, c, d  Q and C is the constant of integration. If  a  b  c  d  can be expressed
as in the lowest from, then  m  n  equals

1 3 x
 
53. Let  dx  k 1  3 x  C , where k  N , m is a rational number which is in the
form of where p, q are coprimes and C is the constant of integration then  k  2m  is
equal to
3e x  5sin x  10 cos x
54. Let I   dx  mx  n n  e x  4sin x  3cos x   C , where C is constant of
e x  4sin x  3cos x
integration and m, n  N , then the value of  m 2  n 2  is _______

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