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Topics chosen:

 Large online classes on Zoom lack efficiency for both teachers and
students. What can be done? 
 K-pop is crowding out talented Vietnamese musicians and artists.
 How can schools in Vietnam train students to be more responsible for
their own learning?

Answer the question for each topic:

1. Large online classes on Zoom lack efficiency for both teachers and
students. What can be done? 

 Why did you choose this particular topic? Why is it important to solve this

As a student, who also participate into both Vietnamese and International school
system, and live through the pandemic. I can say that this issue is much
problematic than it is sound. Students have different memory types so study
through listening and photographic might not be efficient for every student. If
there can be any improvements, I think it is best to include more interaction
between people and also create motivation for student to participate in online

 What exactly will you have to research for this project (consider both primary
and secondary research)?

Research goals:

- Found out why there are flaws in online classes

- Study method, and memory types in students
- Interaction and motivation for effective result in class
- Statistics and datas

 The purpose of a problem solving report is to offer an actionable solution that the
report audience can implement. Who can potentially solve this problem?

Teachers and Students are both responsible for the change.

 Will it be interesting for you to work with this topic? 

Personally, I’d rather find more options and make the decision. As a student I can
understand the issue more easily but still it is not a challenge that I want to

2. K-pop is crowding out talented Vietnamese musicians and artists.

 Why did you choose this particular topic? Why is it important to solve this

I have been a K-pop lover since elementary school but as the same time I am a
person who adore music in general. This issue has been circulating the internet
as people talk about it regularly. I find this very interesting because I believe each
music field have their own strength and weakness, potential and charisma. The
music industry in Vietnam is growing but they do not have enough attention that
they deserved as K-pop, many Vietnamese see the potential in K-pop industry
and decided to join them. Moreover, the Vietnam’s music industry is trying to
follow the trend and completely turn itself into another “K-pop industry” but
received many bad comments.

 What exactly will you have to research for this project (consider both primary
and secondary research)?
Research goals:

- K-pop industry growth

- Vietnamese show that is a replica of Korean’s
- Vietnamese boybands being discriminate
- Idol training systems and music industry in Vietnam

 The purpose of a problem solving report is to offer an actionable solution that the
report audience can implement. Who can potentially solve this problem?

The issue is happening because of the discriminations. Therefore, the majority of

people on the internet would be responsible for the action and speech they have
given. Furthermore, music industry should try to focus on making good music
rather than follow the trend. Targeting for certain audiences would also help the
music industry grows.

 Will it be interesting for you to work with this topic? 

Absolutely, the enthusiasm and interest for this topic would definitely make me
want to work on this topic.

3. How can schools in Vietnam train students to be more responsible for

their own learning?

 Why did you choose this particular topic? Why is it important to solve this

Procrastinating and lazy is the most well-known issue among students. An

effective study plan, or schedules will create a habit to help students to train
themselves not only physically but also mentally. It is helpful for future work,
environment and life style.
 What exactly will you have to research for this project (consider both primary
and secondary research)?

- Why students procrastinating?

- How it is a bad habit? How it is harmful to students
- What benefits would students received if they are more responsible to
their learning

- How can they improve themselves?

 The purpose of a problem solving report is to offer an actionable solution that the
report audience can implement. Who can potentially solve this problem?

The students have to responsible for themselves and their future, school and
parents can only help them for the last for 20 years, but the rest of their lives,
they have to face hardship alone.

 Will it be interesting for you to work with this topic? 

Yes, as a student who also face similar issues, I can easily understand and work
on this project.

The most interesting topic and PAIBOC analysis:

K-pop is crowding out talented Vietnamese musicians and artists.

Purpose - The purpose is to prove

that the K-pop industry
is crowding out talented
Vietnamese artists
- How can they be
differentiating from the
growing industry of K-
- The solution for
Vietnamese artists and
Vietnam’s music

Audience - Other students and Ms


Information - There must be statistics

of the growth of K-pop
industry in Vietnam
- Demographic of people
who enjoy K-pop and
people who enjoy other
music genres
- How Vietnam is trying to
follow the “K-pop
- Discrimination that
artists are facing
because of K-pop fans

Benefits - Solution for Vietnam’s

music industry
- How they can improve if
they want to follow the
“K-pop trend”

Objections - K-pop industry is not

effecting Vietnam’s
music industry
- Not all K-pop fans
would dislike Vietnam’s

Context - The topic would be

looking on the neutral
side, there would be
agreement on the facts
that K-pop is crowding
out the talented
Vietnamese artists but
there would also be
some disagreements to
the matter.

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