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Course Name: Healthcare Design and Delivery (EHHA501)

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Healthcare resources include employees, doctors, materials, funds, facilities, and

anything else that could be used to offer healthcare services. Health care has historically been

a limited resource with an unlimited demand; everyone needs healthcare, especially the

elderly; studies show that persons over the age of 70 acquire 80% of resources worldwide

(WHO, 2017). Health Care Utilization is the measurement or description of services used by

people to prevent and treat health problems, improve their health and well-being, or learn

more about their current and future health conditions.

In one of the studies, it was depicted that older Patients utilize more healthcare

services than those who are younger. Even though the health of older persons varies greatly,

many of them have at least one chronic illness that requires immediate treatment. Older

people's demographic characteristics vary, resulting in differences in their need for and

consumption of health care. Chronic illnesses are more likely to manifest in older adults as a

result of inactivity and old age. (World Health Organization, 2017).

Genetics, on the other hand, has a significant role in the infrequent use of healthcare

services. At the same time, poor lifestyle choices and diet may play a significant role in the

deterioration of youth health, requiring more healthcare resources. Frequent users are a group

of people with complex demands and requirements who are not getting the care they need in

high-cost environments like emergency rooms and hospitals. Housing, healthcare, mental

health, and drug treatment are all difficult for these people, resulting in frequent emergency

room visits and the use of healthcare resources. Thus, the day-by-day use of healthcare with

the increasing population is increasing.

Demographics related to it were studied and it was demonstrated that much of this

demography is also linked to drug usage during adolescence. In 2009, patients under the age

of 20 made 19.1% of the 4.6 million drug-related ER visits in the United States (Wilkens,

2008). Several resources are used each day due to teen drug abuse visits; this equates to about

878,000 visits, or over 2,400 each day. All of this can be avoided through proper drug

screening, and most schools include drug abuse as part of their curriculum, raising awareness

about drug abuse and how it can be avoided to ensure a better future for the country, as well

as avoiding unnecessary hospital visits and saving valuable resources. It is estimated that

drug use is higher in adolescents.

Apart from drug usage, the majority of resources are used because of accidents such

as vehicle accidents, fractured bones, and a variety of other causes. Expenses are commonly

determined in clinical trials and other research by counting resource items used by study

participants and matching them to relevant expenses for each resource unit in the country of

interest. Apart from that, pharmaceuticals are the most common use of healthcare resources.

Most citizens over the age of 18 use a medicine, whether it is only for headaches or serious

chronic clinical disorders, mental health concerns, or long-term medications. In the area of

clinical trials, there is resource utilization. Clinical trials not only consume the majority of

new treatments and therapies, but they also demand a large amount of capital to conduct. In

addition, nutrition treatment programs are being created all over the world to help with

malnutrition and improve general health. (Clinical Nutrition, 2020)


In conclusion, these are some of the most common factors that contribute to patients'

frequent use of healthcare resources; the biggest and most prominent factor is medicines,

followed by clinical trials, nutrition therapy, unnecessary hospital visits due to accidents, or

fear that your condition is more serious than you realize, and drug abuse cases. Even though

most of these resource consumptions are required, many of them can be avoided by taking

accurate measures and saving healthcare industries from spending the majority of their capital

on something that would help patients and people more directly.


 WHO; 2017. [March 8, 2017].

Karen.W Wilkens. 2008. (Frequent users of health resources).
Health resources. IAHPC Pallipedia.
Clinical Nutrition. (September 2020)
Lauren Panoff, MPH,2020.

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