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S4H-BPD-FICO-Financial and Management Reporting

Business Process
Financial and Management Reporting
Finance and Controlling

Business Process Document

Copyright © 2016 Accenture. All Rights Reserved. Confidential
S4H-BPD-FICO-Financial and Management Reporting

1. Document Information
This is a high-level description of the proposed solution, which will be taken as input to further detail design work i.e. the
Technical Solution Document that that will be completed by the development lead within IT.
This document is based in part of the <Project Name> for Project Delivery.

1.1 Document History

Date Version Author Comment

25-May-2016 1.0 Kristine Cerdenia Initial Draft

01-Jan-2017 1.1 Kristine Cerdenia ARTL Cleansing

1.2 Stakeholders
Name Role Email Address

1.3 Document/Process Owner

Name Role Email Address

1.4 Document Sign-off

Name Role Date Version Approval Evidence

Business Process Document

Copyright © 2016 Accenture. All Rights Reserved. Confidential
S4H-BPD-FICO-Financial and Management Reporting

1.5 Purpose of this document

The Business Process Document has the following purposes:

 Allow the communication, validation and agreement between the business and IT of the detailed
business processes
 Provide a structured set of business requirements and rules for solution designers
 Provide input for development of testing scenarios and scripts, user training materials and security
 Provide structure that allows validation of the solution against the process requirements.

This enables the business process owner and business subject matter experts (SMEs) to confirm the
processes are captured correctly, and the proposed solution meets the business' requirements. The Business
Process Document is a foundational document that underpins a number of other documents in the project

1.6 Intended audience and signoff

This document is a key project deliverable for the Design Phase that requires review by the following groups:

 Business SMEs
 IT project team members.

The agreement on the contents of this document will enable the project team to understand the scope of work and progress
with configuration and development tasks.

This documents will be interactively updated with new requirements captured from other businesses according to the
release plan, taking into consideration the different nature of other businesses covered by the vertical and trading category

Business Process Document

Copyright © 2016 Accenture. All Rights Reserved. Confidential
S4H-BPD-FICO-Financial and Management Reporting

1. Document Information..................................................................................................................................... 2
Contents ......................................................................................................................................................................... 4
2. Executive Summary ........................................................................................................................................ 5
2.1 Design assumptions and key considerations .................................................................................................. 5
3. Business Process Definition ........................................................................................................................... 6
3.1 Create Internal Management Report ( ...................................................................................... 7
3.1.1 Business Process Diagram ............................................................................................................................. 7
3.2 Create and Execute Financial Statements ( ........................................................................... 9
3.2.1 Business Process Diagram ............................................................................................................................. 9
4. Master Data Requirements ................................................................................................................................ 11
4. RICEFW ........................................................................................................................................................ 12
Reference .............................................................................................................................................................. 13
7. Appendix............................................................................................................................................................ 13

Business Process Document

Copyright © 2016 Accenture. All Rights Reserved. Confidential
S4H-BPD-FICO-Financial and Management Reporting

2. Executive Summary
S/4 HANA provides multi-dimensional and drilldown reports for as it now provides users access to customize
key figures for both financial and management reports.
The processes covered in this document is;
ID Process Step Create Internal Management Report Create and Execute Financial Statements

2.1 Design assumptions and key considerations

To support this design, the following assumptions have been made for Financial and Management
Reporting endorsement:

1. S/4HANA Reports:
 Balance sheet will have G/L accounts and Profit Centres
 P&L will be presented by profit centres and functional areas and the functional areas will represent a
hierarchy level of cost centres
 No customisation considered for S/4HANA Finance reports
 Embedded Analytics reports will cover the critical queries currently in use
 Analytics reports and Fiori Apps will be released after the Trading Template go-live

2. BW Reports:
 BW reports will be carried out by <Project Name> BI Team in parallel with the Project’s timeline.

i. Open Items
The following action items are open and required in the design sign off from the business to proceed with the

ID Open Item Status Owner Due Date

ii. Pending Decisions

The following design decisions are pending and require the endorsement from the business to proceed with the
next steps in this design.

ID Decision Required Endorsed by Date

1 Confirmation above assumptions are valid and endorsed by 24-Jun-2016

finance business users

The following sections in this document will go through in detail the business process steps.

Business Process Document

Copyright © 2016 Accenture. All Rights Reserved. Confidential
S4H-BPD-FICO-Financial and Management Reporting

3. Business Process Definition

The aim of this section is to provide a detailed description of the main business process flows with impact to
Financial and Management Reporting under 06.01.04 Corporate Finance Management:

Figure 1: Business Process Scope for Perform Financial Management and Reporting

The following legend will be used for each business process diagram:

Symbol Business Role ID

System Step

Automated Step

Manual Step - Outside System

Information / Physical Flow


Business Process Document

Copyright © 2016 Accenture. All Rights Reserved. Confidential
S4H-BPD-FICO-Financial and Management Reporting

3.1 Create Internal Management Report (

In this section, below process is used for analyzing the master data and P&L based from results of other cost
posted, allocated and settled from previous processes.

3.1.1 Business Process Diagram

3.1.2 Detailed Process Steps

Activity Process Step Step Description Business Expected Result
No. Role

1 Execute CO Master Execute reports for Controller Master data report is displayed.
Data Reports master data:
- Cost Centers
- Cost Elements
- Activity Types
- Statistical Key
Internal Orders
2 Execute Internal Execute Internal Order Controller Internal Order data is displayed
Order Reports (Plan/ Reports: and ready for analysis.
Actual/ Variance) - Plan/Actual
- Actual/Actual

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Copyright © 2016 Accenture. All Rights Reserved. Confidential
S4H-BPD-FICO-Financial and Management Reporting

- Prices
Line Items
3 Execute Cost Execute Cost Center Controller Cost Center data is displayed
Centres Reports Reports: and ready for analysis.
(Plan/ Actual/ - Plan/Actual
- Actual/Actual
- Planning
- Prices
Line Items
4 Execute P&L Report Manage P&L Report Controller P&L Report is displayed by
- By Company user’s key figures.
- By Functional
- By Account

5 Execute Market Execute CO-PA Reports Controller CO-PA reports are displayed.
Segment Reports - KE24 (Display
Line Item)
KE30 (Execute Report)

3.1.3 Roles and Responsibilities

The following business roles are involved in this process:

Business Roles Name Business Role ID


3.1.4 Risk and Controls

Not applicable for this process

3.1.5 Process Variations

Not applicable for this process

3.1.6 Interim Process (If Applicable)

Not applicable for this process

3.1.7 SAP FIORI Application

Application Business Role
Cost Centers Plan/Actual Management Accountant Controller / Controller

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Copyright © 2016 Accenture. All Rights Reserved. Confidential
S4H-BPD-FICO-Financial and Management Reporting

3.2 Create and Execute Financial Statements

Financial statements are being executed in accordance with operational and country-specific legal requirements
in order to report assets, liabilities, accruals and deferrals, and revenues and expenses as a part of the closing

There are some aspects being consider and needs to be fulfilled to be able to create these financial statements
in SAP.

Financial Statement Version

It defines the layout of chart of accounts and eventually, the financial statements. The accounts can be arranged
in accordance with the legal regulations used to generate the financial statements.
Asset Accounting
Relevant depreciation values are posted.
Materials Management
Physical inventory and material valuation is completed.
Sales and Distribution
Goods issues and the invoices for all the appropriate delivery notes are posted.
AP/AR Balance Confirmation
Balances for accounts payable to vendors and accounts receivable from customers.
GR/IR Clearing
Analyze GR/IR clearing accounts
Value Adjustments
If a particular receivable is doubtful or if it is unlikely to be recovered, it should be adjusted as bad debt
reserves or write the debt off.
Foreign Currency Valuation
Carry out foreign currency valuation

3.2.1 Business Process Diagram

Business Process Flo w
L4 Process Name: Perform Financial Reporting
L5 Process Name: Create and Execute Financial Statements

Input Process Output

General Ledger Accountant
Perform Period-End
Closing Procedures

Run Financial
Run G/L Account Statement Reports
Reports (Balance Sheet,

Run Accounts
Payable Reports

Run Accounts
Receivable Reports

Run Fixed Asset


Figure 5 – Create and Execute Financial Statements

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Copyright © 2016 Accenture. All Rights Reserved. Confidential
S4H-BPD-FICO-Financial and Management Reporting

3.2.2 Detailed Process Steps

Activit Process Step Step Description Business Expected Result
y No. Role

1 Run General Ledger Execute General Ledger General G/L Account Reports are
Reports Reports Ledger displayed.
- Trial Balance Accountant
- Journal Entry
- G/L Account Line
G/L Balances (Open, Closed,
2 Run Accounts Execute Accounts Payable Accounts Accounts Payable Reports
Payable Reports Reports Payable are displayed.
- Aging Analysis Accountant/
- Future Payables
- Overdue Payables
- Invoice Processing Payable
Time Manager
- Supplier Payment
- Automatic and
Manual Payments
- Cash Discount
- Bank Account Master
Accounts Payable Balances
(Open, Closed, All)
3 Run Accounts Execute Accounts Receivable Accounts Accounts Receivable
Receivable Reports Reports Receivable Reports are displayed
- Overdue Receivables Accountant/
- Days Beyond Terms Accounts
- Total Receivables Receivable
- Future Receivables Manager
Accounts Receivable
Balances (Open, Closed, All)
4 Run Fixed Asset Execute Fixed Asset Reports Asset Fixed Asset Reports are
Reports - Asset Total Accountant displayed.
- Asset Balances
- 360 view on Assets
- Depreciation
- Asset Transaction
Asset History Sheet
5 Run Bank Account Execute Bank Account Cash Bank Account Reports are
Reports Reports Manager displayed.
- Foreign Bank
- Bank Account
- Bank Statements
- Cash Flows

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Copyright © 2016 Accenture. All Rights Reserved. Confidential
S4H-BPD-FICO-Financial and Management Reporting

3.2.3 Roles and Responsibilities

The following business roles are involved in this process:

Business Roles Name Business Role ID

Asset accountant
Accounts payable accountant
Accounts payable manager
Accounts receivable accountant
Cash Manager
General Ledger Accountant

3.2.4 Risk and Controls

Not applicable for this process

3.2.5 Process Variations

Not applicable for this process

3.2.6 Interim Process (If Applicable)

Not applicable for this process

3.2.7 SAP FIORI Application

Application Business Role
Maintain Financial Statement Version General Ledger Accountant
Display Financial Statement General Ledger Accountant
Trial Balance General Ledger Accountant
Trial Balance Comparison General Ledger Accountant
Trial Balance – China General Ledger Accountant
Maintain Financial Statement Version General Ledger Accountant
Display Financial Statement General Ledger Accountant
Financial Statement - China General Ledger Accountant
Manage Financial Statement Structures - China General Ledger Accountant
Subsidiary Ledger AP General Ledger Accountant
Accounts Payable Manager
Accounts Payable Accountant
Subsidiary Ledger AR General Ledger Accountant
Accounts Receivable Manager
Accounts Receivable Accountant
Subsidiary Ledger AC General Ledger Accountant

4. Master Data Requirements

Below are the master data requirements to enable the processes in SAP:

Business Process Document

Copyright © 2016 Accenture. All Rights Reserved. Confidential
S4H-BPD-FICO-Financial and Management Reporting

Master Data Name Description

G/L Account The most fundamental structure for collecting financial information about a
business. The financial statement version is based on G/L Accounts.
Vendor Vendor master data is the data that business require to conduct business
relationship with suppliers or who carry out a delivery or a service for the
company in SAP. A reconciliation G/L account is assigned to the vendor
Customer Customer master data is the data that business require to conduct business
relationships with customers in SAP. A reconciliation G/L account is
assigned to the customer master.
Assets Asset Master is an individual economic good that it is recognized in the
balance sheet at the time of closing, and is in the long-term service of the
Cost Centers Cost centers represent where the expenses are incurred. This enables to
check the profitability of individual functional areas and provide decision
making data for the management.
Internal Orders It is used to plan, collect and settle the costs of internal jobs and tasks (i.e.
from initial creation through the planning and posting of all the actual costs,
to the final settlement and archiving).

RICEFW ID Description Template Type Complexity
R.FIN.003 Trading Margin Analysis Report Trading Custom HANA Live Report Complex
R.FIN.005 Voucher Summary (China) Trading Custom HANA Live Report Medium
Balance Sheet Statement Trading Custom HANA Live Report Medium
R.FIN.006 (China)
R.FIN.007 P&L Statement (China) Trading Custom HANA Live Report Medium
Creditors and Debtors Aging Trading Custom HANA Live Report Medium
R.FIN.008 (China)
R.FIN.009 Trial Balance (China) Trading Custom HANA Live Report Medium
Subsidiary ledger Creditors Trading Custom HANA Live Report Medium
R.FIN.010 (China)
R.FIN.012 Subsidiary ledger AC (China) Trading Custom HANA Live Report Medium
Subsidiary ledger Debtors Trading Custom HANA Live Report Medium
R.FIN.013 (China)

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Copyright © 2016 Accenture. All Rights Reserved. Confidential
S4H-BPD-FICO-Financial and Management Reporting

This document has been created based on the following references.

Document Name Description Version

Solution Blueprint Definition Solution Blueprint (SP046) describes the 1.0

application, business process, technology,
change enablement, and security aspects that
must be incorporated in the solution
ERP Implementation Scope Solution Scope Definition (SP042) describes 1.0
scope of the solution as a whole, including that
of multiple projects and multiple releases, as
appropriate. The document content reflects the
results of a series of discussions on scope
between the sponsors and the program
Process Hierarchy Details Scope Business Process Inventory (BP305) 1.0
RTM Requirements Traceability Matrix (PL101) is a 1.0
tool to capture high-level customer
requirements in the Solution Planning/Plan
stage as well as detailed product requirements
in the Analyse stage

7. Appendix
Throughout this Business Process Document, SAP and business-specific terminology is used. Terms and
abbreviations relevant for this business blueprint are part of the central glossary:
Term / Abbreviation Definition / Description
BPD Business Process Design
GR/IR Goods Receipt/Invoice Receipt
BS Balance Sheet
P&L Profit and Loss
FS Financial Statement
GL General Ledger
AR Accounts Receivable
AP Accounts Payables
CO-PA Controlling and Profitability Analysis

Business Process Document

Copyright © 2016 Accenture. All Rights Reserved. Confidential

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