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e cutter. Move the cutter to a free space you would need a 3 m x 3 m space for making the adjustments. Ensure there is no copra fiber around, if it exists it should be shielded, so that, it does not catch fire when you are either welding or grinding in proximity. You shall need tools like spanners, Keys, Grinding Machine, Welding Machine and a few extra nuts and bolts. Open the safety cover of cutter, by opening all the bolts and nuts

Bring the cutter and feeder close to each other, adjust the height as per the following Para:

The initial adjustment needs to be made so that the conveyors of the feeder reach right close to the front plate of cutter. (This may require cutting the front right leg of feeder) The feeder is being made slightly taller then the height actually required, (for it to fit accurately with the main cutter). Maintain the top portion of the lower conveyor at the same height as that of the metal plate in front of the cutter, cut the extra height of the feeder by chopping off the legs suitably. Make sure that this front plate (white shiny metal plate in front of the cutter) is 4 to 7 mm lower then the top of the lower conveyor belt. To do this you might have to open the assembly of the front plate in cutter, and re-shape the stand of this front plate create enough space is beneath the front plate so that the conveyor takes easy position (Pulley has a curvature). Maintain 8 mm of horizontal distcnce between the belt and the front plate, for the smooth movement of the belt.

You might need another front plate on top of the existing front plate (unlikely, only if last part of the fiber jumps out of machine during cutting), should you need that , the minimum recommended distance between the existing and the new front plate should be 50 mm. Make a temporary welding between the legs of chopper and feeder to join them good, The gap between the conveyors can be adjusted to certain extent ( 40 mm ) if needed, based on the type of copra fiber that you feed, although this is adjusted after lots of trials, you may want to change that again ( do that only when absolute necessary needs a lot of adjustment once touched )

The Chain mechanism makes it a positive displacement type of conveyors, if the chain makes too much of cutting noise, loosen the chain a little, and if the sprokets override the chain tighten the same, (chain loosening or tightening is a bit sensitive, with very small change, the effect is in magnitudes)

There are two rollers, the first one is to break the hardness of the fiber, and the second one is to flatten the fiber curve. While adjusting Maintain a height difference of approx 10 mm between the first and the second roller, first being higher.

Variator: This is an electronic device, to control the speed of the conveyor belt. The set direction is reverse, and recommended speed on the LED is between 20 and 30, however initial trials without fiber can be taken at lower speeds. Feed: The feed to the feeder is manual, an operator

shall feed fibers into the hopper one after another, he can place two or three together depending on the size, however, do not overload the hopper with fiber, else the conveyor will choke. After a while through experience, the operator
will arrive at the optimum capacity of feed.

If the cutter is also supplied with the speed adjusting device, a balance is to be arrived at while changing the speed of both the motors for the optimum capacity and the performance of these machines.

In case of choking of fiber in between the conveyors, STOP the machine immediately, reverse the direction of conveyor by a button on variator, reduce the speed manually., remove the fiber, change the direction to the original and start again.

The variator will return to the pre-set condition, once the machine is switched on afresh, should need to make the recording of the new settings, take the following steps: 1. Make the desired changes 2. Press the ENTER button on the panel. 3. switch off the variator 4. Switch on again Once the trial are over, weld the feeder to the chopper firmly, paint in the desired color. Cut the top safety cover of cutter to fit with the new conditions, make sure that the machine is working smoothly (make movement of cutter wheel by hand). Fix the safety cover back to its place. Spares: There are spares supplied along with this machine, like belt joints, extra belt length, sprokets, extra master joints for the chain, and extra chain, nut sand bolts etc. It is highly recommended to keep them at a safe place as they are specific to this machine and may hamper production if not replaced timely.

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