Medical Surgical Nursing-I June 2009

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MAHARASHTRA NURSING COUNCIL, MUMBAI Examination in REVISE! ERAL NURSING AND MIDWIFERY - SECOND YEAR (NEW COURSE) Paper - 1 MEDICAL SURGICAL NURSING -I (Including Pharmacology) Monday, 15th June 2009) (Time : 9.00 a.m to 12.00 noon ‘Total Marks : 75 1. The Candidate must write her / his Seat Number in ENGLISH. 2, Please note that the question paper set in ENGLISH version is final for any doubt in MARATHI paper. 2 Q.1_ (A) Select the most appropriate answer from the following: (05) 1) The most common complication of external cardiac massage is — a) Chest palpitation b) Fracture of ribs c) Hepatic Haematoma d) All the above 2) Which of the following best describe hydronephrosis ? a) Degeneration of glomeruli b) Dilatation of the renal pelvis c) Adenocarcinoma of the kidney +d) Allergic reaction 3) Normal value of total bilirubin in blood is__ mg/100ml. a) 0.1- 1.0 mg. b) 50-250 mg. ©) 0.4-6mg @) 2-5 mg. 4) The process by which glycogen is converted in to glucose in liver is ~ a) glycogen synthesis b) glycogenolysis c) Krebs cycle d) combustion 5) is one of the treatments for myasthinia gravis. a) plasma pheresis b) Proteolytic enzyme ©) plasmin d) paracentesis (B) Match the following * (05) “wy 3 1) Crohns' disease a) Disorder of purine metabolism 2) Haemothorax b) Blood in pleural space 3) Acute pancreatitis c) Kernig's sign 4) Gout d) Inflammatory bowel 5) Meningitis c) Increased serum amylase (C) State TRUE or FALSE. (05) 1) Rabipur is used for prophylaxis of dog bite 2) To diagnosed pancreatic diseases, barium meal is advised. 3) Allergy is an important factor, causing bronchial asthama 4) X ray K. U. B. is done to diagnose bowel problems. 5) Cough is a common symptom of left ventricular heart failure. Turn wer “2. Differentiate (ANY TWO). ) 2) 3) 4) Diabetes mellitus and diabetes insipidis Hydronephrosis and pyonephrosis Cholelithiasis and Cholecystitis Tension headache and Migraine headache Q.3. Write short notes (ANY FOUR) -)) gop eh Diet in peptic ulcer Under water seal drainage Role of nurse in operation theatre. Fiimigation Digitalis Mr. John 60 yrs old man is admitted in Intensive Care Unit (ICU) with complaints of Rt sided paralysis unconsciousness and diagnosed as Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA) Answer the following questions. What are the causes of CVA. List the clinical features of CVA. List the investigations which are carried out in Mr. John. Write in brief a' Glasgow Coma Scale ' Write in detail medical and nursing management of Mr. John. oR (10). (20) (02) (03) (02) (03) (05) Smt. Nanda 63 years old female patient is diagnosed as a case of Bronchial Asthama and is admitted in medical ward. Answer the following. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) i) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Write the etiopathology of Bronchial Asthma. List the signs and symptoms of Bronchial Asthama Write the investigations and management of status asthmaticus. Write the nursing care of Smt. Nanda. What health education you will give to Smt. Nanda ? Shri Rajesh 45 year's old vegetable vendor is suffering from chronic pain in right lumber region. . Doctor has advised nephrectomy operation for him. Answer the following question. What are the indications for Nephrectomy ? What investigations are necessary before Nephrectomy? Write in brief pre operative nursing management of Shri Rajesh. Write post operative nursing management of Shri Rajesh. What are the possible complications that may occur after operation? What health education you will give to him on discharge ? (02) (03) (04) (04) (02) (02) (02) (03) (03) (03) (02) w 78 —~a- Ferns aRaat oRea, ag quite crea ait anf earast facta at oRen (adr snares) oR 9 ta-weafiainn gam - 9 (stsefafrmanre) GAER, 94 FF 2008) (aw = WaTa ¢.00 F GA 92.00 9. Sagar fear / cara are sori gave’ fore rr) arora Rag ae go, 9) Fea TR eT Ser TREAIM soem eRe so a) unit asus 3) wera aftenit @) appara Tet ett 3) Mae 2) Bagh erst &) tetwerrar are ert 2) after thawed ge &) Faftsratte sehterRrar 3) sat 3) wrante apt factors canada ga... GOA doo FAR. ome. @) 0.9-9.0 Gt 3) 4o-.2h0 GRA &) 0.¥-§.0 Tat 3) 4G 8) ager araatorrd wie waar’ aera Wet... PETA. &) Taree Rroire 2) TarehiterRie ) dawamed 3) ara (sae) 6) cece BRS ARORA Tae Bar HVT STAR FEAT STE. a) seme @) steratarafear genie @) carats 3) Fae (@) aastsar ara. 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(03) 4) A. ois ard dart a agar araReNTs afer Ret (04) feat steel ser ear &3 eufear yfecter rarer Ram (aera SRT ) METAS Sereaa SIT 9) ea eta fAPRe ae Pr. (02) 2) ware Rr’ a ae Fr (ca) 3) Rew oem a dared sree Tarra aTaraT a shee uae er. (03) 2) Aad erat sal yam fe. (8) 4) sSertt iar aint otra Wee we Te? (02) 4 A ass v4 aVhe qexer areh feed ory caiaT Goren angen watt GeraraT YATE fae or. Saeert cata alts erga erewarer Woon fer ome F careTdh eraser TET se, anfeeeh aretter reich Ger aM. 4) gaits args craved ahrtorh que areth onda? (02) 2) waieigd atoalorea saree ae crac Te (02) 3) sh. aster att erage oRaat araeersa fer. (03) v) Mader aidt erated dae Ysera fee. (03) 4) erapPtavier ators fafa often Rage ard eae am? (ea) 8) Saar ore a TAT, oreteaPaat are Tee et ? (02) Jee obieioie

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