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I don’t really get it I am starting to get it. I got it! I could teach it!
I read the words accurately,
I read the words with no I read most words accurately,
I read word by word with little with expression, pausing at
Fluency expression, too slowly and
expression and very slowly.
with expression, not too slowly
punctuation marks, not too
making lots of mistakes. or too fast.
slowly or too fast.

I don’t understand what I read I understand what I read and I understand what I read and I understand what I read and
Understanding and find questions about the can answer one simple question can ask or answer 2 or 3 can ask or answer 4 or more
text very hard to answer. about the text. questions about the text. questions about the text.

I can not explain what happens I can not explain what happens
I can explain what happens in I can explain what happens at
at the beginning, middle and end at the beginning, middle and end
some parts of the story. I can the beginning, middle and end of
Summary of the story. I can not of the story. I can talk/write
talk about the characters and the story. I can talk about the
talk/write about the characters about the characters and
setting. characters and setting.
or setting. setting.

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