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Project Work-II

Facial Expression Recognition

Rounak Bajaj En19cs301302
Introduction :-

Facial expression recognition is the process of identifying human emotion.

This is both something that humans do automatically but computational
methodologies have also been developed.

In the facial recognition application faces are matches with the available
dataset to find out the human faces. These application are mostly used in the
biometric, government cyber security areas etc. These application can be
used in many places like in digital cameras, where on the smile expression
the image captured operation will perform or in case of the automation system
according to mood the system or robot will interact with human.
Objectives :-
In this project we try to present an approach based on keras and NumPy (NP)
for facial expression recognition. The input into our system is an image; then,
we use keras and NP to predict the facial expression label. We will then
record an information such as his/her mood with time and date.
Significance / Scope :-

Our project work well for organization and institution that wants to collect the information
about their client to study about their emotional status and use it to improve the working
Proposed System:-
This proposed system capable of performing automatic facial expression or emotion
recognition of seven universal emotions, considered to be universal across cultures:
disgust, anger, fear, happiness, sadness, neutral and surprise. Such system would
analyze the image of a face and produce a calculated prediction of the expression. The
approach integrates a module for automatic face detection.
Source of Data:-

The data that we used for training was taken from Kaggle Data Sets. We used FER-
2013 Data Set in our project.The data consists of 48x48 pixel grayscale images of
faces. The Data set contains images of seven basic facial expressions which are anger,
happy, sad, surprised etc. There are 35K images in the data set.
System requirement analysis:-
System Feasibility:-


It saves money as we are using a dataset that is available for free on the
internet. We are not using any of the paid software or any paid APIs. We
didn’t setup any hardware for servers as our computer itself was able to
perform all the operations on itself easily.
Technical :-

The software we installed are OpenCV which is a library of python used in

deep learning of computer vision, some python other libraries. Visual studio
code which is a code editor which also helps us to organize our files and
folders easily. The application is platform independent and the user can run
our application from any platform as per their comfort.
Behavioral :-

Our system withstands in all the situations i.e., it is also a measure of how
people feel about the application. In this application the user will definitely
feel that it is very user friendly and there would not be any problem because
it totally has a clean and simple UI design. This project developed is worth
and solutions to the problem will work successfully.
Platform Specification


64-bit system

At least 8GB RAM

Web Cam

Software implementation language/ Technology


IDE or code Editor (Visual Studio) etc.

System analysis
Conclusion :-
This project was developed in python language for backend and this project
aims at detecting Facial expression with the use of Keras and NumPy. The
first step of our project is to detect the face present in the frame and then
recognize its expression.

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