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Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Trecutul perfect continuu

Afirmativ :
S+ had been + ver- ing
I have been thinking of writing you a mail when you called me.
Negativ :
S + had + Not + been + verb-ing
I had not been waiting long in a queue when I heard a voice calling my name.
Had + S + been + verb - ing
Had they been doing their tasks?

Past Perfect Continuous se folosește pentru a exprima:

- O acțiune în desfășurare la un moment dat în trecut, durata fiind precizată.

They had been working for over an hour until the bus came.

- Arată efectul unei acțiuni întâmplate în trecut.

Mark was tired because he had been working for a project all night long.

~ Adverbe care se folosesc cu Past Perfect Continuous Tense:

by the time, since, for, before

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