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Unit Assessment ( Waste Not .

Want Not)

Task01: Rewrite sentence ‘b’ so tha it means the same as sentence ‘a’
1.a) Drivers must respect the circulation law
b)The circulation law………………………………………………………
2.a) New roads were created in the Amazon rainforest
3.a) Climate changes have caused the rise of temperature in many areas
b) The rise…………………………………………………………………..
4.a) The discovery of cheap and polluting car will improve the world economy
b) The world economy…………………………………………………….
5.a) The outbreak of COVID-19 has caused the death of so many people
b) the death of so many people…………………………………………

Task02: Combine pairs of sentences using connectors in brackets. Make necessary changes when
1. Government prevent wasting plastic.Government wants to recycle plastic. (so that)
2. People are encouraged to protect the environment.People are encouraged to use non-renewable resources.
(so as to)
3. We don’t want to suffer from dangerous diseases. We should decrease the use of chemical products
(in order to )

Task 03: Complete the following table

Verb Noun Adjective

To preserve
Task04: match each word with its definition:
1) Reduce a) use something again for different purpose
2) Reuse b) make an area such as air or water dirty
3) Preserve c) use something again and again
4) Pollute d) keep something safe from any harm
5) Recycle e) keep something in its original state
6) Protect f) use something less

Task05: classify the words according to their final “s”:

“Dams, energies, panels, forests, acids, ecosystems, resources, substances, plastics, wastes, companies, species,

/s/ /z/ /iz/

Task06: Word search puzzle

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