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Fatima Alyammahi
World Histor y : origin 1500 (51)
Hellnestic period

◦ Starts after the death of Alexander in 323 B.C

and end with last area conquered by romans 31
◦ Aspect of Hellnestic sculpture high quality
and Vraity where is Different subjects and
complexity .
◦ Sculpture burst with emotions, dynamic and

Hellnestic ◦ Baroque
sculpture ◦ The Hellenistic monarchies' art consists of
the manipulation and exaggeration of
Classical art for the intention to heightened
emotional effect.
◦ Portraits present in courts.
Portrait of Alexander
◦ Roman copy of “Azara Herm.” by Lysippus
◦ Paris, Louvre
◦ Original circa 330 ??
The Capitoline
◦ Elements to be noticed
◦ Hair style ( soaking water with limewater)
◦ bushy eyebrows
◦ Mastach
◦ Gallic torque
◦ battle equipment
◦ Bleeding Wound
The Capitoline Gaul
◦ Wounded as a result of a war .
◦ the Gaul expressing agonized and pain with the transition from
trauma to death .
◦ It a roman statue but believed to be a copy of Hellenistic bronze
THE SEATED Circa 100 B.C.E
Hallow bronze statue
/ copper inlay

BOXER, BOXER Hellenistic period

Italy, Rome

Apollonius , The Seated
◦ broken nose
◦ swollen ears, lips, face cheeks and muscles
◦ copper inlays used to resample bloody patches
◦ Face expression indicate pain and exhaustion
◦ reflect the harsh reality of human experience
◦ ready to fight again or defeated
◦ Mix between Classical and Hellenistic style
More Bronze statues

statuette of a veiled and

The Horse and Jockey from Artemision masked dancer statue of Eros sleeping
150–146 B.C 3rd–2nd century B.C 3rd–2nd century B.C
Terracotta (Tanagra) figurines
a woman
looking into a old nurse holding
statuette of a box mirror a child
woman 3rd–2nd last quarter of 4th
3rd century B.C century B.C century B.C

Standing boy with a

statuette of a draped woman two girls playing a goose
woman 2nd century B.C. game known as 3rd century B.C.
2nd century B.C. ephedrismos
late 4th–early 3rd
century B.C
Nike of Samothrace

◦ Among all Hellenistic sculptures, this is the most well-known

◦ discovered in 1863 at the Temple of the Great Gods on
◦ This enormous Parian marble statue of a winged Nike stands on a
bluish-grey stone base sculpted into the shape of a ship's prow.
◦ Was erected to commemorate a great naval victory.
◦ A link to Demetrius Poliorcetes might be
Winged Victory of Samothrace established from his coins, which depict a similar
Nike on the prow of the ship.
Winged Victory of Samothrace
◦ The statue, as can be observed, has elements from the High and
Late Classical periods.
◦ It's a melodramatic, exaggerated version of Paeonius' Nike, along
with clear visual quotes.
◦ Visual drama is usually dated to the second century, however its
origins can be traced to the third and fourth centuries.
Roman conquest and Late Hellenistic
◦ the Romans faced unchanged artistic culture in Macedonia, Greece, and Greek Asia Minor.
◦ Only after Aemilius Paullus' victory a large-scale commercial imports of art work occur.
◦ However In every way, the artwork remained Hellenistic.
Damophon of Messene
◦ Greek sculptor
◦ Expert in classical sculpture
◦ Repaired the wondrous Phidian Zeus in Olympia imaginary image of the
◦ According to Pausanias : wondrous Phidian Zeus
in Olympia would look
◦ Damophon sculpture work consist of: like
◦ 10 or more marble
◦ Parian
◦ Pentelic
◦ local
◦ Wood
◦ acrolithic statue groups
Damophon of
◦ His artwork extends to :
◦ Peloponnese
◦ west to Leukas
◦ north to Locris
◦ east to the Cyclades
◦ Lycosoura, Temple of Demeter and Despoina
Damophon of Messene
◦ Doliana marble
artwork: ◦ Athens, National Museum
The Lycosoura cult Group ◦ c.180 BCE – circa 200
Demeter Despoina
◦ “melon coiffure” hair style
◦ Ptolemaic queens
◦ Early Hellenistic version of forth century
◦ Face :
◦ heavy proportions
◦ planar surfaces
◦ soft around mouth area
◦ Deep eyes
◦ Holes indicate of metal attachment as earrings
Ptolemaic queens melon coiffure
The Titan Anytus
◦ Classical:
◦ broad flat face
◦ heavy mouth
◦ Forth century :
◦ strong facial surface articulation.
Other parts of the statue

Tritoness Veil of Despoina

details of The Veil of Despoina
Pergamum Altar
◦ Built : Pergamum –Minor Asia – Greek
◦ Period : Late Hellenistic.
◦ Construction : until death of Attalus II (138 BCE)
◦ Material : marble
◦ Wide: 36 m / depth: 34 m
◦ Frieze hight: 2.3 m / length: 113-123 m
◦ inner courtyard frieze hight: 1.58 m
◦ Reason : Attalus I In 228 BCE announce independent
kingdom of Pergamon - Attalus I and his
son Eumenes II needed to prove kingdom credibility.
◦ Berlin- Germany (1930)
Pergamum Altar
◦ Gigantomachy battle (giants battle)
◦ Battle between gaints and gods
◦ Shift for acient Greeks
◦ Myth : gods can only defeat giants with help of mortals
and Haphaestus’ weapons.
◦ Zues and Athena won with help of Herakles.
◦ Which is the perfect image for the undersized kingdom.


Gigantomachy battle
◦ Athena grasping giant Alkyoneos’ wavy hair
◦ Athena's agent the giant snake restraining the titan body while he is kneeling down.
◦ exaggerate expression (wide open eyes – wrinkled eye brows) expressing his suffering
◦ Earth goddess Ge his mother playing the role of intermediary
◦ Emerges from the ground with exaggerate begging for her son’s life
◦ The Nike giving the the crown to Athena
Close up image of Alkyoneos and Ge


zues fighting three Titans
and seem in controll

Gigantomachy uper right eagle is taking

battle over a beard titan

the titan kneeling is struck

by Zeus thunderbolt
• Laocoon and his sons puneched by a greek
Laocoön and his Sons
• Laocoon in the middile sufuring
Early first century C.E • The older brother in the right sid
Esquiline Hill in Rome • The younger brother in the left sid
Vatican Museums • Expressive motion – emotions of fear and
◦ Fullerton, Mark D.. Greek Sculpture, John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, 2016. ProQuest Ebook Central,
◦ Wasson, D. L. (2017, September 06). Pausanias (Geographer). World History Encyclopedia. Retrieved from
◦ Dickins, G., & Kourouniotis, K. (1906). Damophon of Messene.: II. The Annual of the British School at Athens, 13, 357–404.
◦ Cite this page as: Dr. Steven Zucker and Dr. Beth Harris, "Apollonius, Boxer at Rest (or The Seated Boxer)," in Smarthistory, December 7, 2015,
accessed April 10, 2022,
◦ Hemingway, S. (2013, June 17). The Boxer: An Ancient Masterpiece Comes to the Met. The Met. Retrieved April 9, 2022, from
◦ Karin E. Christiaens, "The Pergamon Altar," in Smarthistory, April 1, 2021, accessed April 11, 2022,
◦ Bronze statuette of a veiled and masked dancer. (n.d.). The Met. Retrieved April 9, 2022, from
◦ Bronze statue of Eros sleeping. (n.d.). The Met. Retrieved April 9, 2022, from
◦ Olson, C. E. (n.d.). The Seated Boxer. Furman University Scholar Exchange. Retrieved April 10, 2022, from
◦ Dr. Amanda Herring, "Athanadoros, Hagesandros, and Polydoros of Rhodes, Laocoön and his Sons," in Smarthistory, August 25, 2021, accessed
April 27, 2022,
Refrances of the Terracotta (Tanagra) figurines
◦ Terracotta statuette of a woman. (n.d.). The Met. Retrieved April 13, 2022, from
◦ Terracotta statuette of a woman. (n.d.-b). The Met. Retrieved April 13, 2022, from
◦ Terracotta statuette of a draped woman. (n.d.). The Met. Retrieved April 13, 2022, from
◦ Terracotta group of two girls playing a game known as ephedrismos. (n.d.). The Met. Retrieved April 13, 2022, from
◦ Terracotta statuette of an old nurse holding a child. (n.d.). The Met. Retrieved April 13, 2022, from
◦ Terracotta statuette of a woman looking into a box mirror. (n.d.). The Met. Retrieved April 13, 2022, from
◦ Standing boy with a goose. (n.d.). The Met. Retrieved April 13, 2022, from
◦ * links of the pictures used in the presentation are in notes section which is under the slide

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