Pakistan Studies Bsaf 1 C

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BASF 1 C (2147189)


“Pakistan not only means freedom and independence but the Muslim
Ideology which has to be preserved, which has come to us as a
precious gift and treasure and which, we hope other will share with
Pakistan came into being on 14th august 1947, after a years of struggle of the
Muslims of the sub-continent. But after Muslims got independence & finally
achieve an independent state, many problems began with this. This time the new
nation faced many initial problems before it could feel secure and safe. Quaid-e-
Azam became the first governor general of Pakistan and tried solve the issues
which were occurred at the time of partition. Following are the major problems
which were faced by newly born state:

a) Lack of Experienced Personnel:
The most important job was to establish an efficient administration for the
government, but since there was a great deficiency of able and experienced
personnel in the central and provincial government, instead of skilled people,
junior staff were occupying the posts.

b) Official Accommodation:
There was no proper accommodation for administrative purposes. The central
secretariat began to function hastily in improvised shacks and army barracks with
no proper furniture and stationery. Also the official records required for
administration were either not transferred or destroyed during transit by the

c) Constitutional Problem:
After the partition, the government act of India 1935 was adopted with some
amendments as the constitution. Until such a time that the constituent assembly
framed another constitution. However, the assembly failed to do so and the
constitution was eventually formed in 1956 after 9 years of effort.

d) Choice of Capital:
One of Pakistan’s biggest and list problems after independence was that it did
not have many developed cities like India. So Pakistani leaders have only a few
choices of cities as capital. Karachi was chosen as the capital, and the officers
and officials came from Dehli to Karachi to set up the government capital.


a) Obsolete Machinery:
Pakistan need military equipment’s for defence and other machinery for
economic welfare. The army was justly divided but the division of military assets
was unfair. All the weapons were not transferred only those which were obsolete
and out of date.

b) No Ordinance Factories:
There were no ordinance factories in Pakistan whereas 16 were situated in India.
Eventually, a financial settlement of 60 million rupees towards Pakistan’s share
of ordinance factories was arranged.


The first and immediate problem, which invited the government attention was the
rehabilitation of the refugees who had to leave their homes to begin a new life in
Pakistan .The refugees, in miserable conditions, were pushed into Pakistan to
create difficulties for the government which was busy in consolidating itself.
Millions of persons were made to leave their Earth and homes for Pakistan
simply to create economic problem for the newly born country and for its


Irrigation headworks were in India. Due to the division of Punjab, the head-works
of various river flowing into Pakistan went to India. Knowing that Pakistan’s
economy was mainly dependent on agriculture, India stopped the flow of water in
these canals on first April, 1948turning Pakistan fertile plains into an arid desert.
In the beginning Pakistan had to pay a large amount of money to buy water, but
later the World Bank took up this matter and the Indus basin treaty was signed
on 19 September, 1960 according to which rivers Indus, Chenab, and Ravi were
allocated in Pakistan.

The newly formed government faced difficulties in choosing an official language
for the nation. The western half wanted Urdu to be the official language whereas
the eastern wing wanted the official language to be Bengali. This was the cause
of great disunity among the people at such a crucial stage.

Pakistan, at that time, was purely a new state and had to face quite number of
problems, just because of the diplomacy of the Hindus and the British. Pakistan
however, faced these problems and proved that nothing could stop it from
flourishing. The government of Pakistan and the citizens worked together and
crushed all this plans of the British and the Hindus.

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