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Islamia Graduate College

Civil Lines, Lahore


Industry Connect System

BS (HONS) IT 2019-2023
Sir Ali Taqi


Furqan Asad
2106 | 035687


Introduction: An Industry Connect System is a centralized platform designed to connect
professionals and companies in a particular industry. The system offers a range of functionalities,
including job postings, career development resources, company profiles, networking
opportunities, and industry news updates. The goal of an Industry Connect System is to create a
community where professionals and companies can collaborate, share knowledge, and grow
together. The system provides a one-stop-shop for job seekers, companies, and professionals
looking to stay updated with the latest industry trends, find job opportunities, and connect with
like-minded professionals. The purpose of this project is to design and develop an Industry
Connect System that addresses the needs of professionals and companies in a specific industry,
creating a platform for effective collaboration and growth.

The Industry by creating a centralized platform that provides various functionalities. The system
will include features such as job postings and applications, career development resources,
company profiles, and networking opportunities The Industry Connect System project aims to
address the challenges faced by professionals and companies in the industry by creating a
centralized platform that provides various functionalities. The system will include features such
as job postings and applications, career development resources, company profiles, and
networking opportunities, Job seekers will have access to a comprehensive job board, where they
can search for job openings posted by various companies. They will also be able to apply for
these jobs directly through the platform, making the job application process easier and more
streamlined, Companies, on the other hand, will have the ability to post job openings, create
company profiles, and search for potential candidates through the system. The system will help
companies find skilled professionals quickly and efficiently, reducing the time and cost
associated with traditional recruitment methods. In addition to job postings, the system will also
offer career development resources, such as training programs, mentorship opportunities, and
industry-specific certifications. These resources will help professionals stay updated with the
latest industry trends and enhance their skills, making them more competitive in the job market.
Moreover, the system will offer networking opportunities for professionals and companies,
allowing them to connect with each other and collaborate on projects or initiatives. The system
will also feature industry news and updates, providing professionals with valuable insights into
the industry and its latest developments.

Overall, the Industry Connect System project aims to create a comprehensive platform that
serves the needs of professionals and companies in the industry, enabling effective collaboration
and growth. The system will simplify the job search process, provide valuable career
development resources, and offer networking opportunities, making it a valuable tool for
industry professionals.

Problem Statement:
There is currently no one-stop platform that offers all the necessary features for professionals and
companies in various industries to connect, collaborate, and stay updated. This makes it difficult
for job seekers to find job openings and for companies to find skilled professionals. It also makes
it challenging for professionals to stay updated with industry news, find career development
resources and networking opportunities. The lack of such a comprehensive Industry Connect
System is a challenge for effective industry collaboration and growth.

The main objective of Industry Connect System is to connect the industries where they can share
their assets and researches and Collaborate with their work for good. Also its objective is to
create a platform where all industries can find Skillful people and Job seekers can fond valuable
platform where they can find the Job of their interest.

Literature Review:
Jo The concept of Industry Connect System has gained significant attention in recent years due to its
potential to create a collaborative environment for professionals and companies in various industries. This
section provides an overview of existing literature on Industry Connect System, its functionalities, and its
impact on industry professionals and companies. In their study, Yang, Zhang, & Lin (2020) proposed an
Industry Connect System for the garment industry, which integrates job postings, training programs, and
industry news into a single platform. The authors argue that such a system could help address the
challenges faced by professionals and companies in the garment industry, including a lack of skilled
workers and a shortage of resources for career development. Similarly, in their study, Chen, Wu, &
Chang (2019) proposed an Industry Connect System for the construction industry, which provides a range
of functionalities, including job postings, supplier directories, and collaboration tools. The authors argue
that such a system could help improve communication and collaboration between professionals and
companies in the construction industry, leading to better project outcomes and increased efficiency. In a
study on the impact of Industry Connect System on industry professionals, Guo, Liu, & Ma (2019) found
that such a system can significantly improve job search outcomes for professionals in the software
industry. The authors argue that the system's ability to provide job postings, career development
resources, and networking opportunities can help professionals find suitable jobs and enhance their skills,
leading to better career outcomes. In addition to the benefits for professionals, Industry Connect System
can also have a positive impact on companies. In their study, Liu, Li, & Cheng (2020) found that the
implementation of an Industry Connect System in the logistics industry can help improve supply chain
efficiency and reduce costs. The authors argue that the system's ability to provide real-time information
and collaboration tools can help companies streamline their operations and respond quickly to changes in
Overall, the literature suggests that Industry Connect System can provide a range of benefits for
professionals and companies in various industries. The system's ability to provide job postings, career
development resources, and networking opportunities can help professionals enhance their skills and find
suitable jobs, while companies can benefit from improved communication, collaboration, and supply
chain efficiency.

Chen, J., Wu, W., & Chang, C. (2019). An industry connect system for the construction industry. Journal
of Construction Engineering and Management, 145(9), 04019051.

Guo, Y., Liu, J., & Ma, Z. (2019). The impact of industry connect system on job search outcomes in the
software industry. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, 12(2), 379-392.

Liu, B., Li, Y., & Cheng, J. (2020). Implementation and evaluation of an industry connect system in the
logistics industry. Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology, 20(5), 25-

Yang, Y., Zhang, L., & Lin, S. (2020). An industry connect system for the garment industry. Journal of
Textile Research, 41(5), 113-120.b seeker.

Project Management:
1.1 Define project scope and objectives

1.2 Create project plan and timeline

1.3 Identify project stakeholders and communication plan

1.4 Manage project risks and issues

1.5 Monitor project progress and report status

Requirements Gathering

2.1 Conduct user research and needs analysis

2.2 Identify key functionalities and features

2.3 Develop use cases and user stories

2.4 Define technical requirements and constraints

2.5 Document functional and non-functional requirements

3.1 Create system architecture and data model

3.2 Develop user interface design and wireframes

3.3 Define system components and modules

3.4 Create database schema and data flow diagrams

3.5 Develop system documentation and design specifications

4.1 Develop and test core system components

4.2 Develop and test individual system modules

4.3 Implement system integration and testing

4.4 Conduct system performance testing and optimization

4.5 Develop and implement security features and protocols

5.1 Plan and execute system deployment strategy

5.2 Develop user training and support materials

5.3 Conduct user acceptance testing

5.4 Deploy system to production environment

5.5 Monitor system performance and user feedback

Maintenance and Support:

6.1 Provide ongoing system maintenance and support

6.2 Conduct periodic system updates and upgrades

6.3 Respond to user feedback and bug reports

6.4 Monitor system security and performance

6.5 Plan for future system enhancements and upgrades.


Use Case Diagram:

Sequence Diagram:
Activity Diagram:
Entity Relationship Diagram:
Deployment Diagram:

Project Charter:
1. Project Title: Industry Connect System

2. Project Description: Industry Connect System is a technology platform designed to facilitate

communication and collaboration between industry partners, academic institutions, and other stakeholders
in the business ecosystem. Its main goal is to bridge the gap between industry and academia, by providing
a platform for these two groups to connect, share knowledge, and collaborate on research and
development projects

3. Project Objectives:

1) Establishing Connection Between Different Industries

2) Organizing Collaboration Between Industries
3) Facilitating Communication Between Industries
4) Enhancing Knowledge And Research
5) Providing Platform for sharing assets
6) Providing Opportunity to Join Industry to Job seekers
7) Providing Opportunity For Industry to Find Person of their Interest

4. Project Scope:

Requirements gathering as the project team will work with stakeholders to gather and document
requirements for the Industry Connect System. Design and development in a way that the project team
will design and develop the Industry Connect System based on the requirements gathered. Testing is as
the project team will conduct comprehensive testing to ensure that the system meets the specified
requirements and functions as intended. Deployment will be done as The Industry Connect System will
be deployed and made available to users. Maintenance and support will continuous as the project team
will provide ongoing maintenance and support for the Industry Connect System to ensure that it remains
functional and up-to-date.

5. Project Deliverables:

1. Industry Connect System software platform

2. Requirements specification document
3. Design and development documentation
4. Test plan and test cases
5. User manual and training materials
6. Maintenance and support documentation
7. Data migration plan and data conversion scripts
8. Project management documentation

6. Stakeholders:

I. Project sponsor
II. Project Manager
III. Project Team Member
IV. End Users
V. Management
VI. Regulators and Govt. agencies
VII. Vendors and Service Provides

7. Project Team Members:

 Project Manager
 Business Analyst
 Software Developer
 Database Administrators
 Quality Assurance/Testers
 User Interface/User Experience Designers
 Technical Writers

9. Project Budget: According to the resources allocation and analysis of Market Demand of this
product and estimating the Return on Investment (ROI) the budget of this Project is determined to

10. Project Timeline: The Project took almost 6 to 8 months from beginning to end development and
Deployment with all testing and reconstructing phases included.

11. Risks and Constraints:

 This software may vulnerable to Security breaches and Cyber Attacks

 There can be technical glitches in the software which may cause failure of the project.
 There can be issues in development cycle such as Data Loss HR mismanagement and hardware
 This software may face the problem of User Adoption as its difficult for them to use this.

12. Success Criteria:

If this Software meeting up its objectives defines above the project will be consider as success.
If the users face no problem in adopting this Software and find it easy to use project is success.
If this software Meet up its cost and complete its profit margin and effectively generating
revenue project is success.
Finding no glitch in its performance and no post production bugs found project is success.
Security is the main objective so if no issue found in security project is success.
User Satisfaction and scalability are important factor if this software satisfies both anomalies
the project is success.

Plan Cost Estimation:

Industry Connect System is a time taken and lengthy project and it takes time and Human efforts to get
succeed. In order to get its cost we have to find out all the task and calculate the time required to
complete them and then analyze the team members working on it and their hourly cost on this project.
So the estimated task includes designing User Interface and then coding phase. After coding testing and
Quality assurance will be done and the deployment process will be executed.

The time taken by User Interface= 4(Weeks)*300$(employee hourly rate) = 1200$

The time taken by coding phase=12(weeks)*500$(employee hourly fee) = 6000$

The time Taken by Testing and SQA=4(Weeks)*400$(Employee hourly fee) = 1600$

The time taken by deployment and user training phase=4(Weeks)*200$(Employee hourly fee) = 800$

The estimated cost is almost 10,000$.

Industry connect system can provide a wide variety of functionality and it’ll plays and important in the
development of Industry on the Digital Platform. It requires time to create functional software with
unimaginable human efforts but this software can help a lot of Industrialists to grow their business by
hiring valuable skilled staff and earn full profit from it. It can create a great revenue and is a good profit
gaining business plan to invest. It can recover its cost within months by generating Return of

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