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English for Academic Enrichment




Instructions :
1. Candidates must read all questions carefully.
2. The examination script consists of the followings:

 Types of
Part  Instruction  Duration
A  25 (MCQ)  Answer ALL question.  45 Minutes
 ESSAY  2 Hours 15
B  Answer 3 out of 5 questions.
(Option) Minutes

English for Academic Enrichment

(25 Marks)


This part consists of TWENTY-FIVE (25) questions. Answer ALL questions in the
space provided

Not Available

English for Academic Enrichment

(25 Marks)
 Duration : 2 Hours 15 Minutes


This part consists of FIVE (5) questions. Answer THREE (3) questions in the booklet.

(Question 1)

Write a report of the following graph below. Your report should be no more than 200

25 marks
(Question 2)

Read the passage and fill in the blanks with the correct answers.

Fleas are perfectly designed by nature to feast on anything containing blood. Adult
fleas grow to about 3 mm (0.12 in) long, are usually brown, and have bodies that are
"flattened" sideways or narrow, enabling them to move through their host's fur or
feathers. They are ideally equipped to do what they do, making them very difficult to
defeat albeit their miniscule size. A flea has a very hard outer exoskeleton, which
means the flea’s body is covered by a tough, tile-like plate called the sclerite.
Because of these hard plates, fleas are almost impossible to squish. The
exoskeletons of fleas are also waterproof and shock resistant, and therefore fleas are
highly resistant to the sprays and chemicals used to kill them.

In addition, little spines are attached to this plate. The spines lie flat against the flea’s
thin, narrow body as the flea scurries through an animal’s fur in search of food.
However, if anything (like fingers or a self-grooming pet) tries to pull a flea off through
the hair coat, these spines will extend and stick to the fur like Velcro. Their tough body
is able to withstand great pressure, most likely an adaptation to survive attempts to
eliminate them by scratching or pulling.

Fleas are some of the best jumpers in the natural world. A flea can jump 18
centimetres, or 150 times its own length, either vertically or horizontally. An equivalent
jump for a person would be 170 metres, more than the height of the Tabung Haji
Building in Kuala Lumpur. Fleas can jump 30,000 times in a row without stopping, and
they are able to accelerate through the air at an incredibly high rate—a frequency
which is over ten times what humans can withstand in an airplane.

Furthermore, fleas have very long rear legs with huge thigh muscles and multiple
joints. When they get ready to jump, they fold their legs up and crouch like a runner
on a starting block. Several of their joints contain a protein called resilin, which helps
catapult fleas high into the air as they jump towards the target. Features of their
outward facing claws on the bottom of their legs could grip anything they touch when
they land, making the fleas almost invincible against other animals with bigger size in
comparison to their infinitesimal body. Hence, it is practically impossible for fleas to
miss the animal that they have marked.

The fleas reproduction cycle is unique, as the adult female flea can mate immediately
after her first blood meal and begins producing eggs in just one or two days. One flea
can lay up to 50 eggs in one day and over 2,000 in her lifetime. Flea eggs are about
the size of a grain of salt, visible to the naked eye. Shortly after being laid, the eggs
begin to transform into cocoons. In this state, fleas are fully developed adults, and will
hatch immediately if conditions are favourable. Fleas can detect warmth, movement,
and carbon dioxide in exhaled breath, and these three factors stimulate them to
emerge as new adults. Under ideal conditions, the entire lifecycle may only take 3
weeks, so in no time at all; pets and homes can become infested.

Characteristics of Fleas

The (a)________ The (j)________

hard (b)________ contain (k)________

also known as outward (l)________
has little

(e)________ (m)________

almost impossible can jump (n)_____

to (f)________ can jump (o)_____ in a
(g)________ row
resistant (p)_______ when they
(i)______ like land.


begin producing eggs (r)_______.

can lay (s)________
(t) ________ offspring in her lifetime.
the size of (u)________.
transform (v)________.
can detect (w)________, (x)________, (y)________.

25 marks
(Question 3)

Write an essay of not more than  350 words on the following topic. The  essay
must have a thesis statement, topic sentences, supporting  details and

“An interesting job with a low salary or a boring job with a high salary.”

25 marks
(Question 4)

Write an essay of not more than  350 words on the following topic. The  essay
must have a thesis statement, topic sentences, supporting  details and

“Pursuing a master’s degree or a career after bachelor's degree.”

25 marks
(Question 5)

Write an essay of not more than  350 words on the following topic. The  essay
must have a thesis statement, topic sentences, supporting  details and

“How has technology been influential in the economic sector?”

25 marks


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