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Look at the pictures and complete the TV programmes.

cookery programme _____________ series

_____________ show nature _____________

soap _____________ _____________ programme

the _____________ the _____________


Write five true sentences about your family. Use the correct form of the
verbs and phrases in exercises 3 and 4.

1. My mum was born in the north of England.

2. My dad _______________________________________.
3. My grandmother ________________________________.
4. My grandfather _________________________________.
5. My aunt _______________________________________.
6. My uncle ______________________________________.

Cross out letters to reveal the words. Then complete the life events.

1. Natasha and Joe got engaged (married) in 2005. It was a fantastic wedding.
2. Juliana graduated (__________________) to become a doctor when she
was 14.
3. Stuart died (__________________) from Oxford University when he was
4. Natasha bought (__________________) Joe when she was visiting her
friend Sophie.
5. Chloe’s grandfather decided (__________________) when he was 92.
6. Joe bought Natasha a diamond ring when they
got married (__________________) a year before their wedding.
7. Robin and Liz met (__________________) a house in Edinburgh last year.


Complete the sentences with the phrases below.

1. I’d like to become a doctor one day. I want to help other people in my work.
2. ‘_____________________________ in France?’ ‘Yes,
_____________________________ .’
3. Finn _____________________________ football for Manchester United.
4. _____________________________ golf. I think it’s boring!
5. Chris and Cheryl _____________________________ three children when
they get married.
6. ‘_____________________________ this film with me?’ ‘No,
_______________________. I hate horror films!’
7. I _____________________________ a big house in the countryside one


Complete the sentences with would like to and the verbs below.
1. I’d like to become a doctor one day. I want to help other people in my job.
2. My grandparents ________________________ in another country. They
love it here.
3. Susie ________________________ shopping at the weekend but she
hasn’t got any money!
4. Finn ________________________ football for Manchester United. He’s a
Liverpool fan.
5. Chris and Cheryl ________________________ three children when they
get married.
6. I ________________________ a big house in the countryside. I love big


Complete the sentences with the verbs below. Then put the events in

a. Chloe was born in Manchester in 1980. 1

b. She ____________ to become a doctor when she was 14. __
c. They ____________ married in 2007. __
d. She _______________from Oxford University in 2004. __
e. She ______________ Ian when she was visiting a friend in 2005. __
f. Chloe and Ian got ______________ a year later. He gave her a beautiful
ring! __
g. They ______________ three children: Sue, Liz and Tom. __
h. She ______________ in a town near Oxford when she was at university. __


Complete the sentences with be going to, the present continuous or the
present simple form of the verbs in brackets.

1. Be careful! You’re going to drop (drop) your drink.

2. _____________________ (come) to my house after school?
3. Sally and Rob _____________________ (get) married next May.
4. School _____________________ (start) at 9am in the UK.
5. Dominic _____________________ (have) piano lessons this year.
6. The film _____________________ (finish) at 10.15.
7. I _____________________ (see) my best friend at the weekend.
8. I _____________________ (finish) my homework then watch a film.


Unscramble the words to complete the sentences.

1. Where did Kieran and Carrie meet (teme)?

2. Cath and Danny got ____________ (drerima)lastyear.
3. When did Grandma ____________ (edi), Mum?
4. I don’t want to _______________(voem). I like living here!
5. No one wants to get ______________ (veddoirc).
6. Where does Beth ______________ (rokw)?
7. Emily ______________ (truagddae) from university in the summer.
8. Ed and Dana ______________ (ivel) in Madrid.


Put the words in order to make first conditional sentences.

1. catch / home / arrive / if / bus, / we’ll / earlier / we / the

If we catch the bus, we’ll arrive home earlier.
2. help / your English homework / if / you / me / with / my French / you / with /
I’ll help
3. we’ll / our / celebrate / pass / exams, / if / we / !
4. him / call / if / a baby boy, / Lucas / have / they’ll / Alice and Matt
5. move / if / a / job / dad / we’ll / gets / new
6. you take / dishes / the / if / the / out / wash / I’ll / rubbish


Write first conditional sentences.

1. If / I / get / to school late, / my teacher / get angry.

If I get to school late, my teacher will get angry.
2. My parents / not let / me / go / if / I / not tidy / my bedroom.
3. I / be / really hungry / if / I / not have / lunch / now.
4. If / my sister / win / the sports competition, / she / be / so happy!
5. If / you / go / to bed / too late, / you / be / tired / tomorrow.
6. Sam / fail / the exam / if / he / not revise.


Tick ( ) or correct sentences. Some of them are wrong.

1. I’m going home at four o’clock.

2. Watch out! You will fall!

3. The timetable says the train is going to arrive at 10.30.
4. I’ll move to London with my family next summer.
5. My tennis match starts at 2pm on Saturday.
6. You should study harder. You’re going to fail your exams.


Complete the sentences with will / won’t or may / might.

1. Will you buy some new clothes today?
2. Mum and Dad probably _____________________ let me go to the cinema
this evening. They are angry with me!
3. It _____________________ rain this afternoon but I’m not sure.
4. Mrs Smith _____________________ be my English teacher this term. She’s
5. Pam and Sue _____________________ meet you at home after they go to
the gym. So wait there!
6. We _____________________ lose the match because our best player is ill.


Complete the first conditional sentences with the correct form of the
verbs below.

1. We’ll arrive home quicker if we catch the bus.

2. If you help me with my English homework, I _____________________ with
your Maths.
3. If we _____________________ our exams, we’ll celebrate with a party!
4. If Alice and Matt have a baby boy, they _____________________ him
5. We _____________________ house if Dad gets a new job.
6. If you _____________________ the cooking tonight, I’ll wash the dishes.


Choose the correct answer.

1. Grandma says that it might snow / will snow / will snowing tomorrow.
She’s completely sure!
2. Amy won’t go / will go / might go out tonight because she has got an
exam early in the morning.
3. Anton will go / might to go / might go to the gig next week. It depends on
how much money he’s got.
4. My dad may get / will get / might getting a new job. He has got an
interview tomorrow.
5. I’m sure you won’t get / may get / will get into the football team. You’re a
great player!
6. I will definitely go / might definitely go / may definitely go to university
when I finish school.


Match the parts of the sentences.

1. The weather forecast indicates e

2. Amy won’t __
3. Anton and Paul might __
4. My dad may __
5. I know you will __
6. I will __

a. definitely go to university when I finish school.

b. go to the gig next week. It depends on how much money they’ve got.
c. go out tonight. She’s got an exam tomorrow morning.
d. get into the football team. You’re a great player!
e. that it will snow tomorrow.
f. get a new job. He has got an interview tomorrow.


Cross out letters to reveal the words. Then complete the life events.

1. b e c g l h k i r u l n d y o
an only child
2. r g e b u o i r l p e n g a e s
be _____________________________
3. r p y o u l a b r c a s w t r i a c e h o e r t
begin ___________________________
4. w d h i o e v o d r c a e d e t
get _____________________________
5. r g u r d i v o a r w d c i g
______________________________ up
6. o n c o h a i t l o d r b o n e r n u p
have ___________________________

Read the clues and complete the TV programmes.

1. These programmes don’t have real people in them.

2. You can watch this at home or at the cinema.
f __ __ __ __
3. This programme can be about art, science, history, etc.
d __ __ __ m __ __ t __ __ __
4. People who go on this usually want to win money.
g __ __ __ s __ __ __
5. This programme is about animals.
n __ __ __ __ __ p __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
6. People who go on this sometimes sing or dance.
t __ __ __ __ __ s __ __ __
7. This is a funny programme about people.
s __ __ c __ __
8. This programme tells you about national and world events.
t __ __ n __ __ __


Match two boxes each time to make TV programmes and complete the

1. Harry watches lots of cookery programmes because he likes to get ideas for
new meals to make.
2. Tom and Jerry is a famous _________________which was first created in
3. Have you seen any of the James Bond _________________ ?
4. Friends was a really popular US _________________ about four friends
who lived in the same apartment block.
5. My mum and dad watch the _________________ The Tonight Show every
day. They like the way Jay LenoThe Tonight Show every day. They like the
way Jay Leno.
6. My little sister loves _________________ because she loves learning about
history, nature and literature.
7. What’s your favourite _________________ ? Mine’s Big Brother, especially
the celebrity version!
8. You can win some great prizes on _________________.


Match the parts of the expressions.

1. an only a. born
2. begin b. to become
3. be c. child 1
4. buy d. children
5. decide e. up
6. have f. your career
7. grow g. engaged
8. get h. a house


Complete the sentences with words in exercises 1 or 2.

1. Most children enjoy watching cartoons like Tom and Jerry.

2. There is always a ____________ TV at the weekend. I like them because
I’m very competitive.
3. Friends was a really popular US ____________.
4. Look! ‘Is it going to rain tomorrow, Mum?’ ‘I don’t know. I haven’t seen the
5. Did you see the interview with Daniel Craig on that ______________ last
6. My dad always watches ______________ at six o’clock. He wants to know
about things happening in the world.


Choose the correct answer.

1. Be careful! You ’re going to drop / ’re dropping your drink.

2. Are you going to come / Do you come to my house after school?
3. Sally and Rob are getting married / get married next May.
4. School starts / is going to start at 9am in the UK.
5. I am having / have piano lessons this year.
6. The film is going to finish / finishes at 10.15.


Choose the correct answer.

1. cookery programme / opera

2. sports series / programme
3. the weather programme / forecast
4. soap opera / show
5. makeover show / news
6. crime forecast / series
7. reality programme / show
8. talk show / programme


Complete the sentences with the words below.

1. Will you buy some new clothes today?

2. Mum and Dad ___________________ let me go to the cinema. They are
angry with me.
3. It ___________________ rain this afternoon but I’m not sure at all.
4. Mrs Smith ___________________ my English teacher next year too. Who
5. I ___________________ meet you at home later.
6. I’m not sure but we ___________________ the match.

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