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Ciro Lawrence Dumaicos Grade 10 Fibonaccci 1/12/2202


Write a short reflection on how HIV affect a person’s life and others.

- Being infected with the HIV virus has a negative impact on a person's life in general. Beyond the
symptoms and steady decrease in both health and appearance once it begins, the most difficult
element is the social stigma that comes with it, which is also the most distressing. All but the
most devoted of their friends will most likely leave, even among family; only the closest ones
will stay with you and cheer you up while you bounce back and forth between melancholy and
acceptance. A significant part of how an individual will deal with this will be depending on the
personality of the sufferer and the individuals standing beside him.


FALSE 1. A person with HIV/AIDS is allowed to donate blood, tissues, or organs

TRUE 2. HIV testing is not compulsory and required

TRUE 3. Pre- and Post- test counseling sessions are given to those who undergo HIV testing in accredited

FALSE 4. People with HIV/AIDS are not allowed to avail services provided by public hospitals because
infection might spread.

TRUE 5. AIDSWATCH monitors the incidences of HIV infection in the country and writes reports about it.

TRUE 6. A person with HIV/AIDS is treated with utmost confidentiality by medical personnel

TRUE 7. A patients case is still confidential even if there is an interference by a court.

FALSE 8. The AIDS Prevention control act of 1998 promotes discrimination against people with HIV

FALSE 9. The Philippine National Aids council manages the HIV testing in various accredited centers.

FALSE 10. A person with HIV/AIDS is not allowed to travel abroad.

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