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Recording reviews

Naomi Joy Barker structed, consisting of three groups of pieces each con-
taining a toccata followed by a contrapuntal work and
Frescobaldi, Froberger and the art finishing with a set of variations. The final piece is the
of fantasy intabulation of Arcadelt's madrigal Ancidetemipur.

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Ironically it is in the compositions that are least
The art of playing in a freely expressive style is a com- complicated by the musicological issues that Atticciati's
mon link in a trio of new recordings of harpsichord playing is heard at its best. The Partite sopra I'Aria di
music by Frescobaldi, his pupil Froberger and his influ- Follia and the Aria detta Balletto are played with a clar-
ential Spanish predecessors. ity of articulation and sense of rhythmic and harmonic
Cesare Atticciati's 'new musicological edition' of direction that imparts vitality and charm to the for-
the mixed programme on Girolamo Frescobaldi: mulaic structures of the music. These performances are
Harpsichord works (Bongiovanni GB 5527-2, rec 1992) delightful—spirited, buoyant and totally convincing.
is presented as something of a challenge to existing re- The three toccatas are less successful. Atticciati's
cordings of this repertory. In his liner notes, self- views of the embellishments do impart a spirit of free-
consciously constructed in the form of a Renaissance- dom to the performances that is highly desirable, and
style dialogue, Atticciati outlines the musicological indeed there are places, especially in Toccata nona
basis of his interpretations. (This 'dialogue' summa- (book 2) and Toccata ottava (book 1), that are refresh-
rizes an article in Rivista italiana di musicologia, xxv ingly different yet musically convincing. In contrast, his
(1990), pp.61-99, in which his ideas are more fully ex- concern with the minutiae of embellishment at times
plained.) seems to obscure the sense of structure that is in part
Atticciati's primary concern is the interpretation of created by the motivic function of certain of the trills.
embellishments. He claims that the notation of trills The result is that the desired freedom falls into aimless
may be reduced to three formulae that are schematic wandering. This is particularly true of the first item of
representations of trills which in later publications the programme, Toccata prima from book 1, and it also
(notably Michelangelo Rossi's Toccate of c.1650) are in- mars an interesting and challenging interpretation of
dicated by the sign 't' or 'tr'. Atticciati argues that the the well known Toccata nona.
schematic nature of the notation allows the performer While the musicological aura surrounding this
freer interpretation than the literal reading convention- recording is open to considerable argument, the re-
ally accorded them. cording itself is a brave attempt at breaking through the
Although the hypothesis of schematic representation barriers of conventional modern interpretations of
of embellishment is extremely likely, there are prob- Frescobaldi. As such it should be welcomed, not as a
lems in Atticciati's argument. For example, he makes definitive view, but as a challenge to performers to
no distinction between compositions printed in in- think more closely about the received perceptions of
tavolatura and in partitura formats, or between print- authentic performance.
ing from type or engraving: both issues are important A collection of works by Frescobaldi's pupil
to the shaping of style at this period. He also ignores the Froberger are given a well deserved airing in a stylish
embellishments used by Frescobaldi's predecessors and new recording by Shirley Matthews on Johann Jacob
instead makes deductions from compositions and a Froberger: Stylus phantasticus (Gasparo GSCD-299,
single treatise all of which post-date Frescobaldi's toc- issued 1994). In the performances of the six suites
catas by a considerable period. featured on this disc, Matthews successfully negotiates
Musicological misgivings aside, the recording is the fine line between the imaginative fantasy and styl-
thought-provoking, and in many respects the perfor- ization characteristic of Froberger's dance movements.
mances are satisfying. The programme is well con- The playing is articulate and refined, with a clear sense


of the dance structures underlying the expressive Graham Sadler
melodic-harmonic idiom. Her reading of the moving
Lamento from the C major suite sticks in the memory, Fatal ambition: Lully's Phaeton
although Suites 29 (Et major) and 13 (D minor) are
equally satisfying. My only reservation is that in some
rides again
of the allemandes and in the four single-movement It is no surprise that Lully, the most upwardly mobile
compositions that are interspersed with the suites (two composer in the history of music, should have based an
toccatas, the 'Lamentation for Ferdinand III' and the opera on the subject of ambition. From penniless im-

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Tombeau sur la mort de M. Blancrocher) the rhetorical migrant to multi-millionaire by today's standards, and
affects of the stylus phantasticus are not deliberate from miller's son to ennobled conseiller and secretary
enough and could use more expressive silent 'breathing to Europe's most powerful monarch, his own rise was
spaces'. But this is only a quibble. The beauty of spectacular—an outstanding if not entirely edifying
Froberger's music is excuse enough to buy this disc. example of what moderate compositional talent allied
The last of this trio of recordings, Spanish and to a single-minded, ruthless quest for power can
Portuguese harpsichord (Chandos CHAN 0560, rec achieve.
1993), is a compendium of Iberian works from the 16th What may be more surprising is that the opera in
and early 17th centuries played with solid conviction by question, Phaeton (1683), is a study in ambition
Sophie Yates. This disc, featuring diferencias on various thwarted. The eponymous Phaethon sets his sights on
melodies by Antonio de Cabez6n, alongside tientos and the Egyptian throne and, to gain it, is prepared to pull
glosadas by Coehlo, Cabanilles, Carreira and Hernando whatever strings are necessary and to jettison the
de Cabez6n, might be described as illustrative of Santa woman he professes to love. When a rival casts doubts
Maria's Arte de taher fantasia, and as such would be a on his Lineage (his father is, in fact, the Sun), he sets out
useful addition to any library. to provide incontrovertible proof. He traps his reluc-
tant parent into letting him drive the Chariot of the Sun
Flanders Festival Bruges - Belgium across the firmament in his stead. The result is cata-
strophic: Phaethon loses control, and Jupiter, in an at-
32nd Early Music Festival tempt to avert ecological disaster, intervenes: he strikes
29th July - 12th August 1995 down the chariot, and Phaethon plunges to his death.
To examine such subject matter for the light it might
Harpsichord and Fortepiano Competitions throw on Lully's personality is, of course, anachronis-
Jury : A. Abreu - J. Christensen - J. Huys - tic. Opera at the court of Louis XIV was, like so much
G. Lancaster - G. Leonhardt - D. Moroney -
G. Murray - L. Remy else, conceived as a vehicle for royal propaganda. The
message of Phaeton could not be clearer: don't mix it
Interpretation classes, lectures, recitals with the Sun King. Although attempts to identify a spe-
Exhibition, Halls of the Belfry (1-5.8) cific usurper and presumed target of that warning have
harpsichords, fortepianos, clavichords, editions, so far proved unconvincing, Phaeton—like all Lully's
recordings tragidies en musique—remains what one might call an
opira a clef.
Lunchtime and Evening Concerts
Harpsichord & Fortepiano - J.S. Bach and Still, as Pascail Paul-Hareng points out in an essay
contemporaries - H. Purcell and the Restoration accompanying the first-ever recording of the work, it is
easy to stress the political dimension at the expense of
Competition leaflet - full programme the more original aspects of Quinault's libretto. For
further information : once, the 'hero' cannot in any sense be taken as a sym-
Tourist Office, Burg 11, B-8000 Bruges bol for the king. Furthermore, Phaeton is far less con-
Tel. (50) 44 86 86 - Fax (50) 44 86 00
cerned with conventional romantic love than with
Festival Office, C. Mansionsrraat 30, B-8000 Bruges parental concern for a difficult offspring: the separate
Tel. (50) 33 22 83 - Fax (50) 34 52 04
reactions of Phaethon's mother and father to their


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