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ĐỀ 15 CÔ PHƯỢNG 27-01-2023

I. VOCABULARY: -> Even the most law-abiding drivers feel an urge

1. profuse (adj) to break the speed limit occasionally.
-> ~ apologies/thanks 13. judicial (adj): [b4 N] -> court, judge, legal
-> ~ bleeding judgment
2. protracted (adj) = prolonged: lasting longer > -> ~ powers
expected -> the ~ process/system
-> protracted delays/disputes/negotiations 14. impose (v): expect sb -> do sth for you /
-> There followed a ~ series of legal wrangles. spend time with you, esp when it’s inconvenient
3. ample (adj): enough or more than enough -> impose on/upon sb/sth: I turned down his
-> ~ opportunity/evidence/space/proof offer to stay as I did not wish to impose upon his
-> Two months is ample time to allow for the job family.
to be completed. 15. revolt (v) = rebel, protest
_______ (adj): (sb) large, in an attractive way -> Teenagers often ~ against parental discipline.
-> These clothes belonged to a man of more ________ SB (v): make you feel horror
ample girth. = disgust = nauseate = sicken (v)
4. grant (v) -> All the violence in the movie revolted me.
-> grant a scholarship/wish => revulsion (n) = disgust = repugnance
5. assent to sth (v): agree to a request, idea, 16. campaign (v): take part in/lead a campaign
suggestion => achieve social/political change / win an
-> Nobody would ~ to the terms they proposed. election
6. concede defeat (phr): admit that you lost -> As soon as the consumer protection law was
-> Although they had suffered heavy losses, the passed, some manufacturers began to campaign
commanders refused to concede defeat. to have it changed.
7. acquire (v): gain, obtain sth -> to campaign vigorously/tirelessly
-> She has acquired a good knowledge of 17. protest (v): say / do sth publicly => show: you
English. disagree of sth
-> to acquire skills -> There’s no use protesting, I won’t change my
-> apply the newly acquired skills mind.
8. cut back (phr v): reduce sth 18. abstinence (n): [U] sự kiêng khem, nhịn
= cut back (on sth) (food, alcoholic drinks, sex)
-> The governemnt spends vast sums on defence -> In order to give up smoking, you need to
while public services are being cut back. exercise great abstinence.
9. cut up (phr v): divide sth -> smaller pieces => abstinent (adj)
with a knife 19. obstinacy (n) = stubbornness = pig-
-> He cut up the meat on his plate. headedness (n)
10. cut through (phr v): go through sth -> make 20. endeavour (n): an attempt to do sth, esp
your route shorter new or difficult
= cut sth through sth -> Please make every endeavour to arrive on
-> The prisoners cut their way through the time.
barbed wire. -> The public bombarded the company with
11. legitimate (adj) = valid = justifiable complaints in an endeavour to have the price
-> a ~ grievance increases revoked.
-> It seemed a perfectly legitimate question. 21. willpower (n): [U] ability -> control your
____________(adj) = legal = lawful (adj) thoughts, actions => achieve what you want
-> strictly ~ -> She managed to finish the race by sheer
12. law-abiding (adj): obeying, respecting the willpower.
law 22. provide a solution (phr)
-> For ppl with hearing difficulties, telephones 3. have known SB/STH (to) do STH (v): have
with volume controls provide the best solution. seen, heard, experienced STH
23. aristocracy (n): ppl born in the highest social -> I have never known him (to) pay for a drink.
class -> He has been known to spend all morning in
= nobility (n) the bathroom.
-> members of the ~ 4. It was the little boy ___ they thought was to
24. wield (v): have & use power, authority,… blame for the broken window.
-> Members of the aristocracy don’t wield a -> who: tại vì was to blame
great deal of power nowadays. 5. let’s not = don’t let’s
________ (v): hold sth, ready -> use it as a -> Let’s not tell her what we did.
weapon/tool -> Don’t let’s tell her what we did. (British)
= brandish (v) 6. You think you are funny, _______?
-> He was wielding a large knife. -> do you: Mày nghĩ là mày hài hước hả
25. sway sb (v) = influence sb (v) => I like apples, don’t you?
-> He’s easily swayed. -> How about you
26. harden SB/STH/yourself (v): make sb less 7. pay a premium (phr)
kind/affected by extreme situations -> He was willing to pay a premium for a house
-> After many years as a doctor, he had become near the sea.
hardened to scenes of human distress. 8. only (conj): but; were it not for the fact that
-> They were hardened criminals. -> I’d love to come, only I have to work.
-> In this job you have to harden your heart to -> It tastes like chicken, only stronger.
pain and suffering. 9. Đối thoại:
27. spur SB on to (do) STH (v) - ____________.
28. accountable (adj): responsible for your - So + S + V
decisions, actions -> expected to explain them -> an agreement to what has just been said
when you are asked -> - You have just put the teapot in the fridge.
-> accountable to SB: Those men were appointed - So I have!
by the directors and are accountable only to 10. only too = all too + positive ADJ
them. -> We shall be only too pleased if you can spend
29. rip up (phr v): tear sth -> small pieces a few days with us.
30. su‘perlative (adj) = excellent = first-rate (adj) 11. Whatever + N, …
-> a ~ performance -> Whatever his problems, he has no right to
31. overrule (v): change/reject a decision/idea behave like that.
from a position of greater power 12. if (conj) = although
= override (v) -> His style, if simple, is pleasant to read.
-> to overrule a decision/an objection -> He’s a good driver, if a little over-confident.
32. supreme (adj): highest in rank/position -> We’ll only do it once – if at all.
-> It is an event in which she reigns supreme. III. PARTICLES:
___________(adj): very great; the greatest 1. root out (phr v): find SB/STH that is causing
-> to make the supreme sacrifice (die for what problems => get rid of them
you believe in) -> Time has come to root out inefficiency.
II. GRAMMAR: 2. brave it out: deal barely with STH frightening/
1. would think = used to think difficult
-> I am surprised you didn’t like the film. I would -> They had far fewer votes than the opposition,
think it was just your kind of things. but they decided to brave it out.
2. reduced clause, it/there + is adj + SB do STH: 3. brave SB/STH (v): have to deal with SB/STH
chủ ngữ giả thì vẫn ok difficult/unpleasant => achieve STH
-> Being French, it’s surprising that she’s such a
terrible cook.
-> Over a thousand people braved the elements 3. ruthless (adj): hard & cruel; determined to get
to attend the march. (went outside despite bad what you want, not caring if you hurt others
weather) -> We’ll have to be ruthless if we want to make
4. muddle along (phr v): continue doing sth w/o this company more efficient.
any clear plan/purpose 4. contagious (adj)
-> Decide what you want in life – don’t just -> Sally had to stay in her room for an extra day
muddle along. in case her measles were still contagious.
5. dash off (phr v): write/draw sth very quickly 5. compost (n): a mixture of decayed plants,
-> She dashed off a note to her husband saying food -> help plants grow
she would not be home for supper. -> You can make your own compost in a
6. be hauled (up) before SB/STH: be made to compost bin.
appear in court 6. biodegradable (adj) ≠ non-biodegradable (adj)
-> He was hauled up before the local magistrates 7. compulsive (adj) = incorrigible (adj)
for dangerous driving. -> compulsive eating/spending/gambling
7. magistrate(n): judge in the lowest court of law -> a compulsive drinker/gambler/liar
= Justice of the Peace ___________ (adj): (film, play, sports event,
8. bargain for/on STH (phr v): expect sth to book) very interesting, exciting -> cant stop
happen -> Her latest book is compulsive reading/a
-> We knew the project would be difficult but compulsive read.
we didn’t bargain for/on this kind of trouble. 8. incorrigible (adj) -> CORRECT: having bad
-> When he agreed to answer a few questions, habits that can’t be changed/improved
he got more than he bargained for. = incurable (adj)
9. play along with SB/STH (phr v): pretend to -> I’m an incorrigible/incurable optimist.
agree with SB/STH 9. vague (adj) ≠ clear (adj)
-> She has decided to play along with the -> to have a vague impression/memory/
robbers for a while. recollection of sth
10. be/get carried away: get very excited; lose _______ (adj) = absent-minded (adj)
control of your feelings -> She seems to be getting rather vague as she
-> The manager warned his young players not to grows older.
get carried away by the emotion of the occasion. 10. cursory (adj) = brief = perfunctory
11. end off (phr v): bring to an end, conclude -> a cursory glance/examination/inspection
-> There’s nothing like a spa treatment to end -> Roger asked his teacher to check his work, but
off a relaxing day spent on the beach on an Olu she only gave it a cursory glance.
Deniz holiday. 11. obscene (adj): -> sex -> offensive
12. perk up (phr v) = brighten -> obscene gestures/language/books
-> A cup of coffee never fails to perk me up. -> I’m not going to repeat the obscene word that
13. sound off about STH (phr v): express your boy said to me!
opinions loudly and aggressively __________ (adj): (money) outrageous
-> He’s always sounding off about how he would -> It’s obscene to spend so much on food when
manage the firm. millions are starving.
IV. VOCABULARY: 12. pass out (phr v) = faint
1. flimsy/pathetic/feeble/lame excuse 13. die out (phr v) = become extinct
-> I’ve heard some lame excuses in my time, but 14. drown SB/STH out (v): (sound) be louder >
your story is utterly ludirous. other sounds -> you can’t hear them
2. ludicrous (adj) = absurd = ridiculous = -> I turned the music up but still couldn’t drown
unreasonable out the sound of the neighbors’ arguing.
-> It is ludicrous to think that the plan could 15. pass down (phr v)
succeed. -> Lucy wanted to pass down her diamonds to
her great granddaughter.
16. wind up (phr v) = end up -> idea
-> If you’re not careful, you’ll wind up 31. confirmed (adj): having a particular habit/
unemployed. way of life -> not likely to change
17. wear down (phr v): continuously pressuring -> a confirmed bachelor
on SB/STH -> make them weaker/less 32. confirmed _________
determined -> meat eater
-> I told Jack I wasn’t going to come, but he wore -> atheist
me down. -> chocaholics
18. wear SB/yourself out (phr v): make 33. atheist (n): person who does not believe that
yourself/SB feel very tired God exists
-> You’ll wear yourself out if you carry on 34. staple __________
working so hard. -> diet
19. bog SB/STH down in STH (phr v): prevent SB -> excuses (used all the time)
from making progress in an activity -> ingredients
-> We mustn’t get bogged down in details. 35. cloud _________
20. get wind of STH = eavesdrop on SB/STH -> my conscience
-> She didn’t want reporters getting wind of -> mood
their plans. -> mind
21. get into hot water = be in hot water = in -> the issue/picture
deep water(s) = in the shit = in deep shit = in 36. dispel (v): make a feeling/belief go away
trouble -> His speech dispelled any fears about his
22. be at the end of your rope/tether: can’t feal health.
with a difficult situation any more bc you are too 37. dispel _________
tired, worried,.. -> the myth
-> You’d better let her know you’re safe. She’s at -> rumors/doubts
the end of her rope. -> fears
23. fall flat: (joke, story, event) completely fail to 38. cut SB off (phr v) = disinherit (v)
have the effect as intended -> He cut his son off without a penny.
-> Without Jem, the whole evening would have 39. be cut off from SB/STH (phr v): prevented
fallen flat. from communicating with ppl outside
24. fall flat on your face: fail completely in an -> He cut himself off from all human contact.
embarrassing way 40. (be) cut off from __________
-> His next television venture fell flat on its face. -> the rest of the world
25. pass over STH (phr v) = ignore/avoid = let it -> civilisation
pass = overlook (v) -> society
-> They chose to pass over her rude remarks. 41. immune = oblivious = impervious (adj)
26. shock SB out of their ________ -> Rupert is immune to criticism; you can say
-> ignorance what you like, but he won’t care at all.
-> complacency 42. deficient in STH (adj): not having enough of
-> daydream STH essential
27. take drastic action -> If you’re deficient in vitamin C, you’ll suffer
28. drastic ________ from all kinds of problems.
-> action 43. be derived from = derive from (phr v): come/
-> measure develop from
-> changes -> This shampoo is derived from verious plant
29. expound (v): explain STH in details oils.
30. expound a ________ 44. eligible (adj)
-> theory -> eligible for STH
-> view -> eligible to do STH
V. WORD FORMS: -> His sudden death had been foreshadowed by
1. downcast (adj) -> CAST = dejected = sad = earlier health scares.
depressed 13. self-service (adj, n) -> SERVE: [U] customers
=> forlorn, bereft, hollow,… serve themselves and pay for the goods
2. enriching (adj) -> RICH -> Supermarkets say the move towards self-
-> Few events are anticipated more eagerly, nor service checkouts is not all about cutting costs.
form the subject of more complex and enriching 14. lay-by (n): an area at the side of a road ->
daydreams. [(nothing else than holiday plans) vehicles may stop for a short time
can be more wonderful daydreams] -> lay-bys (plr)
3. outside of = apart from -> When we first had our campervan, I had ideas
-> They offer us perhaps our finest chance to of possibly stopping in lay-bys for free.
achieve happiness – outside of the constraints of 15. ac‘climatize = ‘acclimate (v) = get used to =
work, of our struggle for survival and for status. get accustomed to
4. unknowingly (adv) -> KNOW = unintentionally -> People living in the tropics who are
-> The way we choose to spend them embodies, acclimatized to heat have a larger blood volume.
if only unknowingly, an understanding of what 16. maternity (n) -> MOTHER: the state of being
life might ideally be about. a mother
5. tragicomic (adj) -> TRAGEDY: bi hài kịch :)) -> maternity clothes
-> the tragicomic failure of his dreams -> a maternity ward/hospital
6. half-built (adj) -> BUILD: not finished or => maternal – maternity; paternal – paternity;
completed parental – parents
-> the half-built hotel 17. ashore (adv) -> SHORE: lên bờ, tới bờ
7. disorientation (n) -> to come/go ashore
-> She went through of a period of shock and -> natural gas brought ashore by pipelines
disorientation following her husband’s death. 18. offshore (adv) -> SHORE: in the sea, not far
8. despair (n): [U] the feeling of having lost all from the land
hope -> a ship anchored offshore
-> the mid-afternoon despair __________ (adv): (gió) thổi từ bờ ra
-> He gave up the struggle in despair ≠ onshore (adv) (gió)
-> One harsh word would send her into the 19. inshore (adv) -> SHORE: gần bờ
depths of despair. -> The boat came inshore.
-> Eventually, driven to despair, he threw 20. commemorate (v) -> MEMORY
himself under a train. -> We commemorate the founding of the nation
9. lethargy = listlessness = inertia (n) by a public holiday.
-> The report criticizes the lethargy shown by 21. denounce (v) -> PRONOUNCE = rebuke =
employers when it comes to job creation. reprimand = haul/rake SB over the coals
10. setback (n) -> SET: STH that makes a -> The boss denounced one of his workers for
situation worse slacking off in the middle of work.
-> The team suffered a major setback when 22. slack off (on STH) (phr v): do STH with less
their best player was injured. energy than before
11. herbicide (n) -> HERB -> He’s gone from success to success in his
-> Selective herbicides kill certain targets while movie career, and there’s no sign of him slacking
leaving the desired crop relatively unharmed. off.
=> insecticide, pesticide 23. denunciation (n) = rebuke = reprimand
12. foreshadow STH (v) -> SHADOW: be a sign of -> All parties joined in bitter denunciation of the
STH that will happen in the future terrorists.
-> The increase in taxes had foreshadowed in -> He received a severe reprimand for his
the minister’s speech. behavior.
24. -fold (suffix): multiplied by
-> He shall receive as hundred-fold now in this -> She accused him of being elitist.
time. 10. pedestal (n): chân tượng, cột
25. clear-cut (adj) -> CLEAR: definite 11. to put/place SB on a pedestal: admire SB so
-> There is no clear-cut answer to this question. much -> you don’t see their faults
-> He won a clear-cut victory in yesterday’s -> We put athletes and movie stars on a
election. pedestal.
26. pseudo- (prefix): false, pretended 12. the vernacular (n): language spoken by
-> pseudo-Christian (n) -> CHRIST ordinary ppl in a particular region
-> New evidence of how pseudo-Christian cults 13. a hold over/on (n): influence, power, control
target young ppl has been published recently in over SB/STH
China. -> What she knew about his past gave her a hold
27. prolong (v) -> LONG = extend over him.
-> Please do not prolong the discussion 14. wonder (n): [U] feeling -> surprise, pleasure -
unnecessarily. > exp STH beautiful, unusual, unexpected
-> Don’t prolong the agony – just tell us who -> He retained a childlike sense of wonder.
won! 15. ‘shaman (n): thầy mo
28. lengthen (v): make/ become longer 16. spectrum (n): a complete range of related
= elongate (v) qualities, ideas,…
≠ shorten (v) -> spectra (plr)
-> The afternoon shadows lengthened. -> We shall hear views from across the political
-> I need to lengthen this skirt. spectrum.
VI. OPEN CLOZE TEST: 17. take STH as… = resort to STH
1. keen (adj): (competition) involving ppl -> She took nature as her primal source.
competing very hard with each other 18. primal (adj) = primeval
-> They were keen rivals. 19. slushy (adj): (story, film, feelings) silly,
2. SB’s cup of tea = SB’s bag without value -> too emotional and romantic
3. hold (v) -> slushy romantic fiction
-> to hold an event/a party/a competition 20. twaddle (n) = nonsense = rubbish = trash
4. be to do STH: plan -> Sure, there’s some slushy sentimental
5. credentials (plr n): qualities, training, exp -> twaddle in there, but why use that as an excuse
suitable to do STH to discriminate against nature poetry in general?
-> credentials as/for STH: She has impeccable 21. supremacy (n): [U] position -> have more
credentials as a reseacher power, authority, status than anyone else
6. whatever + N = regardless of -> The company has established total supremacy
-> Anyone can sign up – whatever their over its rivals.
credentials – from the old hand to a new cruit. 22. onslaught (n): a strong, violent attack
7. irrigation (n): [U] practice of supplying water - -> The town survives the onslaught of tourists
> area of land through pipes/channels -> crops every summer.
-> Irrigation has increased the area of cultivable 1. on a ADJ morning – in the morning – on the
land. morning of STH
8. extravaganza (n) -> EXTRAVAGANT: a large, -> On a typical morning, I’ll have cereal for
expensive, impressive entertainment breakfast.
-> The parade was a real extravaganza. -> I prefer coffee in the morning.
9. e‘litist (adj): only elites have power or -> We got news on the morning of the wedding.
influence 2. enervate SB (v): make SB feel weak & tired
-> Universities are becoming far less elitist. -> an enervating disease/climate
________(adj): feeling better than others bc of 3. pore over STH = examine
being an elite
-> His lawyers are poring over the small print in -> I breathed a sigh of relief when he left.
the contract. 12. senses (plr n): a normal state of mind; ability
4. bedfellow (n) -> FELLOW: SB/STH related to to think clearly
another, in a way that you would not expect -> If she threatens to leave, it should bring him
-> Commerce and art make strange bedfellows. to his senses.
-> Politics and fun make for unlikely bedfellows. -> He waited for Dora to come to her sense and
-> Melancholy and regrets were my bedfellows return.
on that Caribbean isle, acting like panes of -> You must have been out of your senses to
distorting glass between myself and the world. have sold the house.
VIII. SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION: 13. at a low ebb: in a poor state, worse than
1. go through the roof: (prices) rise, increase usual
very quickly -> Morale among teachers is at a low ebb.
-> House prices here have gone through the 14. go off the rails: lose control and function
roof. uncorrectly
__________________ = hit the roof = go -> The company has gone badly off the rails in
bananas recent years.
2. put STH down to STH = attribute STH to = -> She went completely off the rails after her
ascribe STH to sister died.
-> Stan puts his success down to his good 15. prey on your mind
education. -> You shouldn’t let trivial matters prey on your
3. you could hear a pin drop: it was extremely mind to such an extent.
quiet 16. station SB/yourself + adv/prep: position
-> You could have heard a pin drop after the -> The detective stationed himself among the
manager said the factory would be closing. bushes.
4. be getting on for…: be nearly a time, age, 17. rather you than me: you wouldn’t like to do
number STH that another person is going to do
-> He’s getting on for eighty. -> ‘I’m going climbing tomorrow.’ ‘Rather you
5. The fox was released into the wild when it than me!’
was old enough to fend for itself. 18. suit yourself
6. cast/shed/throw light on STH: make STH 19. that’ll be the day
easier to understand IX. READING:
-> Recent research has cast new light on the 1. unsettling (adj) -> SETTLE: making you feel
causes of the disease. upset, nervous, worried
7. by and large = in general = generally -> Seeing Nicky again after so long was an
(speaking) = for the most part unsettling experience.
-> By and large, the company has been pretty 2. dismal (adj) = gloomy = miserable
good to me. -> dismal conditions/surroundings/weather
8. not so much A as B = not so much A but rather -> Christmas will be dismal without the children.
B = more of B than A ________(adj): not successful; of very low
-> It was more of a deliberate crime than an quality
accident. -> Their recent attempt to increase sales has
9. perish (v): (ppl, animals) die, esp in a sudden been a dismal failure.
violent way 3. compelling (adj) = compulsive
-> A family of four perished in the fire. -> Her latest book makes compelling reading.
10. perish the thought: used to say that you find -> His eyes were strangely compelling.
a suggestion unacceptable / you hope STH will ___________(adj): so strong -> can’t resist
never happen -> a compelling need/desire
-> Me get married? Perish the thought! -> He was a sad man with a compelling need to
11. heave/breath a sigh of relief talk about his unhappiness.
___________(adj): that makes you think it’s true
-> There is no compelling reason to believe him.
-> The new studies provide compelling evidence
in support of these concepts.
4. rivall SB/STH for/in STH (v): be as good,
impressive as SB/STH else
= compare with/to
-> Golf cannot rival football for excitement.
5. unrivalled = unsurpassed = unparalleled =
unequalled = peerless = unmatched (adj)

= stand head and shoulders above = knock spots

off SB/STH = be second to none = be without
equal = have no equal = have no/few equals = in
a league of your own = be a cut above the rest

* OUTDO (v) = run rings around/round SB = go

one better than SB/STH = blow SB/STH out of
the water
6. conspicuous (adj): easy to see/notice; likely to
attract attention
≠ inconspicuous (adj)
-> The event was a conspicuous success.
7. pictorial (adj) -> PICTURE: [b4 N] using or
containing pictures
-> Pictorial representation of statistics or data in
a chart is a kind of pictogram.
_________(adj): connected with pictures
-> pictorial traditions
8. delineation (n): act of describing, drawing,
explaining STH in details / description, drawing,
explanation of STH
-> No clear delineation of responsibilities
____________(n): act of showing the exact
position of a border/limit
-> the delineation between good and evil
9. retrogressive (adj) ≠ progressive
-> a retrogressive change
10. stagnation (n): [U] the fact of no longer
developing/making progress
-> a period of economic stagnation
11. outmoded (adj): no longer fashionable/
-> an outmoded attitude
-> This organizational structure was now

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