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Lake-dwelling building techniques

in prehistory: driving wooden piles
into lacustrine sediments
This contribution is an ic. A full size Neolithic pile-dwell- build a pile dwelling, how long it Q Fig. 1 Lake
account of an archaeological ing was for instance constructed on would have taken, how much mate- Luokesas’
experiment testing the effort Lake Chalain, France in 1988-89 rial would have been needed, how geographical
required and the techniques (Monnier et al. 1991), and a similar long would such a dwelling last, etc. location
used in order to drive wooden experiment was carried out at the None of them though, was especial-
piles into submerged soft Pfahlbaumuseum Unteruhldingen, ly designed to find out how difficult
lake sediments based on finds Germany, on the northern shore of it was to drive wooden piles into
from the LBA/IA lake-dwelling Lake Constance in 1996 (Schöbel permanently flooded lacustrine
settlement on Lake Luokesas 1997: 83). Bloc-construction build- sediments; and, most importantly,
(Lithuania). ing techniques in shallow water were how prehistoric lake-dwellers man-
tested on Lake Graifen, Switzerland aged to do it.
QFrancesco MENOTTI (Bauer and Leuzinger 2004), where-
as on Lake Neuchâtel, Switzerland, This paper is a detailed account of
wooden piles were driven into the an archaeological experiment done
Elena PRANCKENAITE lake marl near the shore, using the at the Late Bronze Age/Iron Age
(Lithuania) twisting and hammering techniques lake-dwelling settlement on Lake
(Pillonel 2007a: 260-262; 2007b). Luokesas (Lithuania) (Fig. 1), to
test the effort required and the tech-
Introduction and aim Although there are various con- niques used to drive wooden piles
‘Why our ancestors chose to build struction techniques linked to en- into soft and submerged lake sedi-
houses and villages in seemingly in- vironmental as well as cultural fac- ments, e.g. shallow-water morainic
hospitable wet environments, such tors, a large number of wetland shoals near the shore.
as lake shores, marshlands or river sites were built on stilts, regardless
banks’ still remains one of the most of if they were in water or humid
frequently asked questions within ground (Menotti 2004, 2001). Piles Methods and materials
the lake-dwelling research. Although were erected in various ways: Before we start describing the
there is no single straightforward an- methodology and the materi-
swer to this ‘enigma’, a few theories a) by digging postholes, als used, it is important to point
on this intriguing topic have never- b) by leaving them outside the out that the whole experiment is
theless been formulated. Pétrequin terrain, but stabilising them based on archaeological evidence
and Bailly (2004), for instance argue with perforated base-plates found in the past five years of ex-
that such locations were ideal defen- (Pfahlschuhe), cavation in both sites (the village,
sive habitats. Bryony and John Coles c) or simply by driving them into on the northern shore of the lake,
(1992: 151) give us an explanation by the ground. and the large platform, southern
asking another simple, but straight- shore of the lake) (Menotti et al.
forward question: ‘who had an easier The difficulty of the latter technique, 2005).
life, the hillfort people, who, after a and the depth to which the piles were
hard day at work, had still to carry driven, depended on the geological
heavy loads (food, wood, water) up- formation of the terrain. Within the Archaeological evidence
hill to their homes, or the lake-dwell- Alpine region, this depth was on Initial archaeobotanical and micro-
ers, who had ‘everything’ around, average between 1 m in semi-wet morphological analyses have shown
sometimes even within, the village’? environments (swamps, lake shore that both, the village and the plat-
We all know that ‘convenient’ choices – outside the water) and 2-3 m in form were probably built in the wa-
of living were not always very pop- lake marl near the shore (Monnier ter, on the morainic shoals near the
ular in prehistoric times. But, how et al. 1991: 34; Schöbel 1997: 86). In shore (Lewis 2007: 49). The precise
convenient was living on lakes or other parts of Europe, for example, depth of the water at the time of the
similar wetlands in prehistory? And, in the eastern Baltic countries such first occupation is still unknown,
above all, how difficult (or, easy) was as Lithuania, we have examples but it is presumed that it might have
it to construct a settlement in that where piles were driven up to 4.5 m varied between 20 and 100 cm. The
kind of environment? into the soft lacustrine sediments lacustrine sediments, at the bottom
(Menotti et al. 2005: 385). of the lake (on the morainic shoals),
A number of archaeological ex- consist of very soft lake marl, on
periments have been carried out All the above-mentioned experi- which it is almost impossible to
throughout Europe in order to shed ments had specific questions to an- stand without sinking several centi-
more light on this fascinating top- swer, such as, how difficult it was to metres. It is indeed these soft lacus-

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V STUDIES Lake-dwelling building techniques in prehistory...

trine sediments that raise another The reconstructed ed two old ones in the lacustrine
important question: ‘how did prehis- settlement to see how they looked,
toric lake-dwellers manage to drive structure: materials the wood used and, above all, the
long and heavy piles, while standing The structure consists of two levels of average depth to which they were
in that soft lake-bottom?’ Of course, six wooden (ash) planks (20-25 cm driven. The extraction operation
once the frame of a platform was wide, 130 cm long and 3 cm thick), lasted several hours and we were as-
erected, the work would have been three wooden (fir) piles (150 cm tonished to see that both piles had
much easier, but the problem did ex- long and 10 cm in diameter), and fi- been driven more than four metres
ist at the very beginning, especially nally six wooden (oak) pegs (40 cm into the lake marl (Fig. 8) (Menot-
to build the settlement double-fence, long and 3 cm in diameter). ti et al. 2005: 385). Because of the
around which no permanent wood- straightness of the tree trunks, the
en structure was ever constructed. In each plank, two holes (10.5 cm in majority of such long piles were ob-
diameter) were drilled at 15 cm from tained from pine trees. We there-
During the past five seasons of its extremities. Two 3.5 cm holes were fore set off in search for a suitable
excavation on Lake Luokesas, a drilled in each pile; the first at 15 cm one that resembled the old piles.
large number of wooden structures from its upper part, and the second This was an easy task since the ma-
(planks, frames, piles, cross-beams, 90 cm from the first hole down to the jority of the land surrounding Lake
etc.) have come to light on both sites point (see Fig. 3a, 3b). The planks Luokesas is still covered in prima-
Q Fig. 3a
(1 and 2). Most of them belonged to were first arranged into two triangu- ry forest (mainly pine, oak, birch,
Drawing of the remains of platforms, houses and lar forms (Fig. 4) and subsequently, and alder). The pile that we ob-
the wooden walkways. Some of them are nev- the tree piles were slid through the tained was 7.2 metres long, 13 cm
material used ertheless different, and they resem- three holes of each triangle, to form in diameter at one end, and 10 cm
to reconstruct ble the remains of a movable struc- a sort of prism (Fig. 5). Three of the at the other. The total weight of the
the movable ture (see Fig. 2), possibly used as a six pegs were positioned in the up- pile was about 40 kg. Only branch-
structure small standing platform, or rack to per part of the structure to hold the es were removed from the pile; the
(Drawing: drive piles into the lake marl, where plank on which people are standing bark was left in place (Fig. 9). The
B. Pollmann) there was no other stable contrac- (Fig. 6; also compare it with Fig. 2); pile was subsequently made sharp
tions. In order to prove this possibil- and the other three pegs to hold the for the first 20 cm at the thinner
ity, following the above-mentioned lower triangular structure (Fig. 7), end (10 cm in diameter) (Fig. 10).
archaeological evidence, we have re- which prevents the whole prismatic
constructed a similar full-size struc- structure from sinking into the soft
ture, and used it to drive wooden
The experiment
lake marl.
piles into the lake marl in situ. As previously stated, the experi-
The structure was designed to be as- ment is two-fold:
sembled very quickly, and without
the use of glue or nails. The ropes, a) To test the efficiency of the
visible in figure 5, are just holding above-mentioned structure
the whole structure together for when used as a help to drive
transportation. Once the structure long wooden piles into
is in the water and three people are the lake marl.
standing on it, it stabilises auto-
matically, following the principle of b) To see how much effort
gravity. The three vertical piles are is required to drive
purposely left sticking out in the an over-7m-long pile, about
lower part of the structure in order four metres into a permanently
for them to sink into the lake bot- flooded (by about 1m of water)
Q Fig. 3b Wooden material used to reconstruct the mov- tom and stabilise the structure even lacustrine sediment surface.
able structure (Photo F. Menotti) further. It has to be pointed out that
both the structure and the pile for The structure was put in the wa-
the experiment were made using ter and pushed to the chosen place
conventional modern tools. The of the experiment. This operation
structure was built by a professional turned out to be extremely simple
carpenter under the supervision of because the structure floats (three
the authors. Finally, the assembling people were needed) (Fig. 11). The
of the structure and the cutting of pile to be driven into the lake marl
the pile for the experiment was car- was also floated to the site (one per-
ried out by archaeologists, e.g. non- son needed). Once the predeter-
professional carpenters. mined spot for the experiment was
reached, the structure was turned
Choosing the pile in a horizontal position and the pile
passed through it (Fig. 12); the pile
for the experiment was subsequently put in a vertical
Before proceeding with the selec- position (along with the structure)
QFig. 2 Archaeological evidence of the movable wood- tion of a suitable pile to be driven (Fig. 13a, Fig. 13b and Fig. 14). At
en structure used to drive the piles into the lake marl into the lake sediments, we extract- this point, the three people jumped

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Lake-dwelling building techniques in prehistory... STUDIES V

onto the upper planks of the struc- ment, it was, first of all, slid into
ture, making it sink to the bottom the wooden structure and then
of the lake. The three pointed ends erected in a vertical position (see
of the structure sunk into the lake Figs. 12-14). This process took
marl up to the lower planks (see about two minutes. Once the pile
Fig. 7), and thus stabilizing it. Be- (and the movable structure) was
cause the water was about as high in a vertical position, three people
as the structure, the three people climbed up on the movable struc-
standing on it were almost com- ture (see Fig. 15a and Fig. 15b)
pletely out of the water (Fig. 15a and started to drive the pile into Q Fig. 4 Planks of the movable struc-
and Fig. 15b). the lake marl following the pro- ture placed in a triangular form
cedure describe above. Within six (Photos 4-10: F. Menotti)
lift-and-drops times, and in about
The pile 4 and a half minutes, the pile had
The pile, held simultaneously by the reached a depth of 3.6 metres. The
three people in a vertical position, last 40 cm were the most ‘difficult’
was lifted up about 30-40 cm and ones; more than one minute per
then dropped effortlessly follow- 10 cm. The desired depth of four
ing the principle of gravity. Before metres was eventually reached, af-
the whole operation was repeated, ter ca. 9 and a half minutes of work.
the pile was inclined to an angle of The entire experiment (assembling
about 10° and rotated a few times the movable structure, transport-
(4-5) (Fig. 16). The whole opera- ing it (along with the pile) to the
tion (rotating, lifting up and let- designated place, and driving the
ting the pile drop) was repeated ten pile into the lake marl) was carried
times until the desired depth (4 m) out by five people, but only three Q Fig. 5 The fully-reconstructed mov-
was reached. The last four times the of them (including one of the au- QFig. 9
able structure
pile was also pushed downwards thors) drove the pile into the lake Wooden pile
during the dropping procedure to sediments. cut for the
accelerate the whole process. experiment
Results and conclusions
Before starting the experiment, we
Moveable platform have to admit that we were all a lit-
The dimensions of the prism-shaped tle daunted by it; the never-tested
structure constructed using archaeo- movable structure, the extremely-
logical evidence proved to be ideal for soft lake bottom, the water-level
three people to stand on for a depth reaching our waist, the length of Q Fig. 6 Detail of the upper part of
of water between 20 and 100 cm. the pile (7.2 m), and above all, the the movable structure
Without people on it, the structure depth (4 m) to which we were sup-
floats, making the transportation posed to drive the pile into the
to the desired place extremely easy. lake marl. But as the experiment
Transporting the structure and the progressed we were pleasantly sur-
pile from the lake shore to the cho- prised to see how some parts of
sen location on the morainic shoal it turned out to be actually easier
(about 50 m) took less than five min- than we thought they would be.
utes. This movable platform is also For example, lifting the pile in a
extremely easy to disassemble (once
the pile is driven into the lake marl)
and assemble again (in the water)
for the next pile (Fig. 17). In fact,
the structure does not even have
to be disassembled completely; it is Q Fig. 10
enough to slide one of the three piles Pointed end
off, open up the triangular structure, of the wooden
and pull it away from the driven-in pile used in the
pile. The entire disassembling and experiment
reassembling operation lasts only a
few minutes (4-5).

The pile into the lake marl

Once the pile was transported to Q Fig. 7 Detail of the lower part of QFig. 8 Original Late Bronze Age
the chosen spot for the experi- the movable structure wooden pile extracted from site 1

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vertical position; we first tried Acknowledgements

without the help of any structure,
but the water and the soft lake bot- There are quite a few people to
tom made it extremely difficult. whom we are extremely grateful for
Sliding it into the movable struc- their invaluable help in the imple-
ture and using the latter as sort of mentation of the experiment. First
lever on the other hand made the of all, Mr. Viktoras Pumputis (the
operation much easier and faster. carpenter), who built the movable
Secondly, considering how hard it wooden structure impeccably. Sec-
was to extract one Late Bronze Age ondly the whole Luokesas excava-
original pile, we were all expecting tion team, which prepared all the
‘the driving of the pile into the lake preliminaries for the experiment
sediment’ to be a much harder task brilliantly; in particular we want to
to perform. On the contrary, using thank Zenonas Baubonis, Mantas
the above-mentioned technique, Kvedaravicius, Rokas Kraniauskas
the pile was driven into the lacus- and Benjamin Jennings for physi-
trine deposits almost ‘effortlessly’ cally carrying out the experiment.
and very quickly. A last but not least thank you goes
Q Fig. 11 Transporting the wooden structure to the cho- to Britta Pollmann, who has illus-
sen spot for the experiment (Photo: E. Pranckenaite) If we take into account this experi- trated the various steps of the ex-
ment as well as other similar ones periment brilliantly.
done in different environmental
and geomorphologic settings (Pil-
lonel 2007a; Bauer and Leuzinger Bibliography
2004; Schöbel 1997: 83; Monnier et Bauer, I. and Leuzinger, U. 2004:
al. 1991), it is quite easy to fall into L’archéologie des palafittes:
the environmentally deterministic une vision expérimentale.
‘trap’ and think that the wetlands Archäologie der Schweiz 27.2004.2:
were occupied because dwellings 73-77
Billamboz, A. 1987: Le bois raconte
could have been built easily and
l’histoire des hommes et de la forêt.
reasonably quickly within that kind Archéologia 222: 30-38.
of environment. At the same time Coles, B. and Coles, J. 1992:
though, as previously stressed, op- The wetland revolution: a natural event.
Q Fig. 12 Turning the wooden structure horizontally and
portunistic choices of living were In B. Coles (ed.) The wetland revolution
sliding in the pile to be driven into the lake marl (Photo:
not very popular in prehistoric in prehistory. pp. 147-153. Exeter:
E. Pranckenaite)
times. It is also true that some- The Prehistoric Society and WARP
times people did not have a choice Coles, J. 1973: Archaeology
and they were forced to act against by Experiment.
their will. People’s strategic ap- London: Hutchinson & Co.
Lewis, H. 2007: Pile dwellings, changing
proach to occupying and settling
lake conditions and sediment deposition:
the landscape is therefore a com- preliminary soil micromorphology study
bination of both cultural and natu- of cultural deposits from underwater
ral factors, which sometimes result sites at Lake Luokesas,
into illogical decisions. Moletai Region, Lithuania.
Journal of Wetland Archaeology 7:
We do not know what made the 33-50
Late Bronze Age Luokesas lake- Menotti, F. 2001: The Pfahlbauproblem
dwellers choose that particular spot and the history of the lake-dwelling
to build their settlement. What we research in the Alps.
Q Fig. 13a Positioning the wooden structure and the pile
Oxford Journal of Archaeology
do know is that in an overwhelm-
20.4: 319-328
in a vertical position (Photo: E. Pranckenaite) ingly forest-covered environment, Menotti, F. (ed.) 2004): Living on the lake
agricultural land was considered in prehistoric Europe.
a luxury, and a lake, a sort of oa- London: Routledge
sis or natural outpost which could Menotti, F., Baubonis, Z., Brazaitis,
have offered food and protection. Higham, T., D., Kvedaravicius, M., Lewis,
Considering the effort needed to H. Motuzaite, G. and Pranckenaite,
deforest even small areas of pri- E. 2005: The first lake-dwellers of
mary woodland (especially at the Lithuania: Late Bronze Age pile
beginning) (Coles 1973; Billamboz settlements on Lake Luokesas.
Oxford Journal of Archaeology
1987), and how ‘easy’ it was to con-
24.4: 381-403
struct on the cleared and spacious Monnier, J-L., Pétrequin, P., Richard, A.,
morainic shoals of the lake shores, Pétrequin, A-M. and Gentizon, A-L. 1991:
Q Fig. 13b Schematic illustration of the positioning of it is not surprising if those late pre- Construire une maison 3000 ans avant
the wooden structure and the pile in a vertical position historic groups opted for the lake J.C.: le lac de Chalain au Neolithique.
(Drawing: B. Pollmann) instead of the ‘inland’. Paris: Editions Errance

6 euroREA 5/2008
Lake-dwelling building techniques in prehistory... STUDIES V

La forme obtenue est celle d’un prisme.

L’expérience s’est faite dans deux buts:
tester l’efficacité de cette structure pour
le transport et l’installation de longs
pieux dans la marne, et évaluer les efforts
nécessaires pour réaliser l’opération avec
un pieu d’un peu plus de 7m de long à
planter dans environ 4m de sédiments
L’installation de la structure fut
relativement facile car sans poids à
porter elle flotte. Une fois l’emplacement
définitif atteint, plusieurs personnes
montent dessus pour enfoncer la base
des poteaux de soutien. Le pieu ensuite
glissé dans la structure peut être redressé
par une personne seule se tenant sur la
plate-forme supérieure. Il s’enfonce alors Q Fig. 15b
par gravité dans le fond sédimentaire. Schematic
L’ensemble de l’opération a pris moins de
illustration of
dix minutes. the beginning
Q Fig. 14 The pile just about to reach of the
the vertical position experiment
(Photo E. Pranckenaite) Pfahlbau-Techniken in der (three people
Urgeschichte: Zum Einbringen von
standing on
Holzpfählen in See-Sedimenten
the movable
Pétrequin, P. and Bailly, M. 2004: Bei den Ausgrabungen des structure,
Lake-dwelling research in France: from linearspätbronze-früheisenzeitlichen ready to begin
climate to demography. In F. Menotti Siedlungsplatzes am See Luokesas driving the pile
(ed.) Living on the lake in prehistoric (LB A/I A) wurde unter mehreren, aus
in the lake marl
Europe. pp. 36-49. London: Routledge Holz bestehenden Fundstücken auch
– the lake water
Pillonel, D. 2007a: Technologie et usage eine bewegliche, hölzerne Struktur
Q Fig. 15a The pile in a vertical po- level is about
du bois au Bronze final entdeckt, die einer Standplattform oder
einem Gestell sehr ähnlich ist und von sition with three people standing as high as
(Archéologie neuchâteloise 37)
der vermutet wird, dass sie dazu genutzt on the movable wooden structure, the structure)
(Hauterive-Champréveyres; 14).
Hauterive: Office et musée cantonal wurde, Pfähle in den Untergrund des ready to begin driving it into the (Drawing:
d’archéologie de Neuchâtel. Sees zu treiben. Die Struktur besteht aus lake marl (Photo: E. Pranckenaite) B. Pollmann)
Pillonel, D. 2007b: Construction des zwei Ebenen von je sechs Holzplanken,
points celtiques et gallo-romains. die zu Dreiecken verbunden waren; drei
In Schwab Museum (ed.) La Tène: Pfähle wurden durch die Öffnungen in
die Untersuchung, die Fragen, die den Dreiecken geschoben und bildeten
Antworten. pp. 86-96. dort eine prismenartige Form.
Biel: Verlag Museum Schwab Das Experiment dazu bestand aus zwei
Schöbel, G. 1997: Das neue Teilbereichen: Einmal ging es darum
‘Steinzeithaus’ in Freilichtmuseum herauszufinden, wie effizient die erwähnte
Unteruhldingen. Plattform 5-6: 83-98. Holzstruktur als Hilfskonstruktion
zum Einbringen von langen Pfählen
Summary ist; außerdem sollte herausgefunden
werden, wie viel Kraft nötig ist, um über
Les techniques de construction 7 m lange Pfähle in den von Wasser
des habitats lacustres pendant la bedeckten Untergrund des Sees bis in
Préhistoire: Planter des pieux de bois eine Bodentiefe von 4 m einzubringen.
dans les sédiments lacustres Der Transport der hölzernen
Au cours des fouilles menées sur un Struktur war einfach, da sie an der
établissement de la fin de l’Age du Bronze Wasseroberfläche schwamm, wenn
Q Fig. 17 The wooden structure is
et du début de l’Age du Fer sur le lac keine Personen auf ihr standen. An
der Stelle, an der die Pfähle durch die
partially disassembled and extract- Q Fig. 16
Luokesas, les archéologues ont retrouvé ed from the driven-in pile (Photo:
parmi de nombreux vestiges en bois Holzkonstruktion getrieben wurden, Schematic
sprangen mehrere Personen auf E. Pranckenaite) illustration of
une structure ressemblant à une plate-
forme ou à un guide qui aurait pu être diese herauf und ließen sie dadurch the process of
utilisé lors de l’installation de pieux dans niedersinken. Die drei Pfähle wurden driving the pile
la marne du lac (roche sédimentaire dabei in stabiler Lage in den Boden into the lake
Q Francesco Menotti is a lecturer in
constituée de calcaire et d’argile). gerammt. Die drei Personen, die auf
wetland archaeology and European marl (conical
der Plattform standen, hoben danach
Cette structure en bois est composée de prehistory at Basel University, rotation,
einen der großen Pfähle hoch und ließen
deux triangles formés par trois planches ihn anschließend fallen, um ihn in Switzerland. uplifting and
de bois et réunis entre eux par trois den Boden einzubringen. Der gesamte Q Elena Pranckenaite is a PhD. dropping of the
pieux traversant les angles des triangles Arbeitsgang konnte in etwas weniger als student in archaeology at Klaipeda pile) (Drawing:
au point de contact des planches. 10 Minuten durchgeführt werden. University, Lithuania B. Pollmann)

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