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TEACHER: _____________________________________ DATE SUBMITTED: _________________________

RATER: _________________________________________ SUBJECT & GRADE LEVEL: __________________

DIRECTIONS: Reflect on your attainment of the RPMS objective by answering the questions/prompts provided. Use
any local or official language that you are comfortable with. Use extra sheets if needed. Please limit your response to
500 words.

Designed, adapted and implemented teaching strategies that are
responsive to learners with disabilities, giftedness and talents
Context: Clara is often seen restless or unfocused in class. She also has troubles following instructions and skips
activities when left unsupervised.
Action Taken: You had a conference with her parents and found out from them that Clara was diagnosed with a
learning disability.

How will you modify the instructions for Clara to keep her focus on classroom activities? Write your
reflections in this form. Mention in your reflections a specific learning disability that you are familiar with or
have researched on.


To have a student like Clara is a challenge that a teacher must surpass. It is about measuring the teacher’s ability
to recognize the problem and make an action to meet the learner’s needs without making them feel that they are
different. Teachers must know that their learners walk into their classroom with a wide range of gifts and try to
find ways to meet their needs, including those with learning and thinking differences.

Given the situation like Clara, as a Mathematics Teacher, I will utilize differentiated instruction, especially in
my subject area, where students tend to use critical thinking skills. With this approach, I can change what
students need to learn, how they’ll remember it, and how to get the material across to them. In my experience,
when my students struggle with one topic, I will create a plan that includes extra practice, step-by-step
directions, and particular homework. Scaffolding is also an option. These breaks learning into chunks. These
chunks follow a logical order and move toward a clear goal. I usually form a bridge between what my learners
already know and what they cannot do independently. In Mathematics, it can be charts, pictures, and cue cards.

In my subject area, MAPEH, Graphic Organization is the best use for my teaching process with learners who
have difficulty understanding. I draw a picture to map out my thoughts and ideas. It can help the students,
especially the younger students, with activities like counting and solving. This can help them plan and organize

According to Branstetter (2019), when you label a student with a learning disability, this creates a problem- they
hold lower expectations. In turn, the student may live up to these low expectations. Although students with
learning disabilities tend to struggle with lower achievement and have negative beliefs about their academic
abilities, some researchers point out that it is difficult to disentangle what is causing these challenges.

With my few years in teaching, encountering situations like Clara is not a surprise at all. What I am doing is
focusing on the sea of strengths around the islands of weakness. Focusing on strengths isn’t just a nice thing to
do. It is essential for students with learning disabilities to feel good about themselves.

I could all take a lesson from my students on a positive mindset. My students with special needs gave me hope
that I can cultivate that resilience and strength in all the students who come to me with diverse learning needs as
an educator and parent.


Branstetter, R. (2019). How to Help Students with Learning Disabilities Focus on their Strengths. Retrieved


If Clara is my student, I will promote the least restrictive environment to combine settings that involve Clara with
regular classroom and school programs as much as possible.
There are various options for changing exams in ways that are fair while also taking into account how busy teachers
are. One option is to argue traditional assignments or tests with portfolios, which are collections of a student’s work
that show their growth over time and frequently include reflective or evaluative remarks from the students, the
teacher, or both. Another option is to design a method for observing the student often, even for a few minutes, and to
take informal notes about the observations for subsequent review and assessment. Also, enlisting the assistance of
teacher assistants, who are often there to assist with a handicap, an assistant may usually complete a brief test or
activity with the student and then report and discuss the results with the learner.
I encountered a student with a mild cognitive disability in my teaching career. This student was assigned primarily to
classes specially intended for slow learners but participated in school-wide activities alongside non-disabled students.
I also designed an individual educational plan for that student considering his strengths and needs.
TEACHER: ______________________________________ DATE SUBMITTED: _________________________

RATER: _________________________________________ SUBJECT & GRADE LEVEL: __________________

DIRECTIONS: Reflect on your attainment of the RPMS objective by answering the questions/prompts provided. Use
any local or official language that you are comfortable with. Use extra sheets if needed. Please limit your response to
500 words.

Designed, adapted and implemented teaching strategies that are
responsive to learners with disabilities, giftedness and talents
Design a lesson plan for the gifted and talented learners based on your idea on how they may be addressed in
your class. Your strategies for the gifted and talented learners must be highlighted and annotated in this form.
Attach your lesson plan here.


In activity 1, which high lightened geometry construction, I used differentiated learning where students have the
option to draw, label, and discuss the figure being drawn. Rubrics are also presented in grading to guide learners on
the task.
I also used collaborative learning with Think-Pair-Share to cultivate the students’ social interaction in which other
students and vice versa can assist one’s weakness. This strategy will encourage the learners to give each other’s
best and strengthen the learner’s flaws by developing with peers.

Generally, inductive learning was employed in lesson planning. This discovery learning will let the learners
discover the lesson by observing examples. Examples given in the lesson plan are relatable and can be seen in real-
life situations, so the students can relate and understand very well. This strategy is deemed appropriate for students
who are suffering from learning difficulties. Unlike with deductive learning, students are not given rules that they
need to apply. This strategy will let the learners learn by doing with differentiated learning. It is more on here are
some objects, data, artifacts, experiences, and examples. What knowledge can you gain?

With this teaching strategy, the task is explicitly designed to help guide the learners, especially the students who
have difficulty in the subject. It can be challenging to learn a lot of new rules, but the mental effort of working out
rules using inductive learning helps the student remember them.
Learning Area
Learning Delivery Modality

School Grade Level

Teacher Learning Area

LESSON Teaching Date Quarter
EXEMPLAR Teaching Time No. of Days

I. Objectives
A. Content The learner demonstrates an understanding of key concepts of inequalities in a triangle,
Standards and parallel and perpendicular lines.
B. Performance The learner is able to communicate mathematical thinking with coherence and clarity in
Standards formulating, investigating, analyzing, and solving real-life problems involving triangle
inequalities, and parallelism and perpendicularity of lines using appropriate and
accurate representations.
C. Learning At the end of the lesson, students must be able to:
Competencies or a. Identify and name pairs of angles formed by parallel lines cut by a transversal;
Objectives b. Find the measure of the angles formed by parallel lines cut by a transversal
c. Reflect a variety of life experiences regarding parallelism.

D. Most Essential Proves properties of parallel lines cut by a transversal (M8GE – IVd-1)
E. Enabling
II. Content Pairs of Angles formed by Parallel Lines cut by a Transversal, and
Properties of Parallel Lines cut by a Transversal
III. Learning Resources

A. References
a. Teacher’s Guide K to 12 Basic Curriculum Guide page 144
b. Learner’s
Material Pages Geometry III. 2009 p. 73
c. Textbook Pages G8 Mathematics Patterns and Practicalities, Gladys C. Nivera
pp. 399-404

d. Additional
Materials from Internet (
Learning Road Map ( Engr. Joel D. Antonio, Mun. Planning and Devt. Coordinator)
B. List of Learning
Resources for Mathematics 8 Learner’s Packet (LeaP)
Development and
Engagement Activities PIVOT 4A Learner’s Material Mathematics Grade 8
IV. Procedure
A. Introduction
A. Routinary Matters
● Prayer
● Greetings
● Classroom Management
● Checking of Attendance
B. Review
Direction: Arrange the jumbled letters to answer the following.
N L A O P C A R 1. These are lines lying on the same plane.

L E R A P A L L 2. These are lines that do not intersect.

I T E N R I E S C TG N 3. These are lines that have a point in


R A C U I P R E E P D N L 4. These are lines that intersect at right


R L A S V E R A T N S 5. It is a line intersecting two or more

lines at different points.
C. Priming Activities
Cavite Road Map

Direction: Refer to the map to answer the questions below.

1. Which roads intersect?

2. Which roads are parallel?
3. Which roads are perpendicular?
4. Do lines really exist? How do you say so?
5. Why is it important for a road to have markings such as the white parallel lines
drawn in the center of the road?
Approach: Constructivist (The TGA Activity)
Tell: The teacher will ask the class to bring out the necessary materials for the activity.
The procedures will be read by the teacher and the students must do it on their working
1. Draw a horizontal line and label it as line m.
2. Draw another horizontal line parallel with the first line and label it as line n.
3. Draw a diagonal line intersecting the two lines and name it as line o.
4. Name the points of intersection as x and y respectively.

Guide: While doing the activity, the teacher will facilitate the process.

Act: The teacher will let the student draw the figure on the board and another student to
discuss the figure being drawn.


Very Good Good Needs

(3) (2) Improvement
Accuracy The student The student The student
followed all the followed 2-3 followed 1
procedures procedures procedure only
correctly. correctly. correctly.
Neatness Erasures are Erasures are Erasures are not
well made. sometimes well well made. There
There is little to made. There is is much evidence
no evidence of some evidence of original
original of original construction
construction construction marks.
marks. marks.

1. What have you observed with the illustration on the board?
2. How many angles were formed?
3. Can you tell some angle pairs that you already know? Give example.
4. How do you see the importance of parallel and intersecting lines in real life such as
the road and in others?

B. Development A line that intersects two or more lines at different points is called transversal.


Stair railings Antenna

When parallel lines cut by a transversal line, angles were formed.

Use the figure below to identify and name angle pairs formed by parallel lines cut by

line m ll line n cut by line o

1. Corresponding Angles – pairs ∠1∧∠5 ; ∠ 3∧∠ 6 ;

of angles that are found in the ∠ 2∧∠8 ; ∠4∧∠7
same relative position on
different positions.
2. Alternate Interior Angles – ∠ 2∧∠6 ; ∠4∧∠5
pairs of angles that lie on the
inner side of the parallel lines
but on the opposite side of the
3. Alternate Exterior Angles - ∠ 1∧∠7 ; ∠ 3∧∠8
pairs of angles that lie on the
outer side of the parallel lines
but on the opposite side of the
4. Same-side Interior Angles – ∠ 2∧∠5 ; ∠4∧∠6
pairs of angles that are on the
interior (between) the two lines
and specifically on the same
side of the transversal.
5. Same-side Exterior Angles - ∠1∧∠8 ; ∠ 3∧∠7
pairs of angles that are on the
exterior (between) the two lines
and specifically on the same
side of the transversal.
6. Vertical Angles – pair of ∠ 1∧∠ 4; ∠ 3∧∠2 ;
opposite angles formed by ∠5∧∠7 ; ∠ 6∧∠8
intersecting lines.

Let us discuss the properties of parallel lines cut by a transversal. The teacher will use
the same figure to show whether the pairs of angles are congruent or supplementary
based on the postulate and theorems of parallel lines cut by a transversal.

1. Corresponding Angles Postulate – If two parallel lines are cut by a transversal

then corresponding angles are congruent. Thus, ∠1 ≅ ∠ 5 , ∠3 ≅ ∠6 ,
∠ 2 ≅ ∠8 , and ∠ 4 ≅ ∠7

2. Alternate Interior Angles Theorem - If two parallel lines are intersected by a

transversal, then alternate interior angles are congruent. ∠ 2 ≅ ∠6 ,∧∠ 4 ≅ ∠5

3. Alternate Exterior Angles Theorem - If two parallel lines are intersected by a

transversal, then alternate exterior angles are congruent. Thus,
∠ 1 ≅ ∠7 ,∧∠ 3∧∠8

4. Same-Side Interior of Angles Theorem – If two parallel lines are intersected by

a transversal, then same side interior angles are supplementary. Thus,
∠ 2+∠5=180 ° ,∧∠ 4+∠6=180 °

5. Same-Side Exterior of Angles Theorem – If two parallel lines are intersected by

a transversal, then same side exterior angles are supplementary. Thus,
∠ 1+∠8=180° ,∧¿ ∠3+∠7=180 °

6. Vertical Angles Theorem – vertical angles formed by intersecting lines are

congruent. Thus, ∠1 ≅ ∠ 4 ; ∠ 3 ≅ ∠ 2 ; ∠ 5 ≅ ∠ 7 ; ∠ 6 ≅ ∠8

Let the student discover the answer based on the given theorems.
Refer to the figure below. Giver: m ll n, m ∠2=85° .

1. m ∠1
2. m ∠3
3. m ∠4
4. m ∠5
5. m ∠6
6. m ∠7
7. m ∠8
To summarize the properties of parallel lines cut by a transversal…

C. Engagement

Direction: Write your answer on the show-me-board. When the time is up, you will
raise your answer to check whether your answer is correct or NOT.

Given: a ll b cut by c


1. Corresponding angle of ∠ T
2. Same-side interior angle of ∠ E '
3. Alternate interior angle of ∠O
4. Alternate exterior angle of ∠ R
5. Vertical angle of ∠ Y
6. Same-side exterior angle of ∠ Y

D. Assimilation Approach: Collaborative (The Think-Pair-Share Activity)

Direction: You will do this activity in pair. You have 2 minutes to answer the activity.
Then, another 2 minutes to discuss your answer with your partner. Decide your final
answer to be presented in front of your classmates.

Given: a ll b cut by c, ∠G=72 °

Find the measure of the other angles. Explain your answer for each measure by
applying the properties of parallel lines cut by a transversal.

V. Assessment
Direction: Color the box (using any color) with the correct answer . Use the figure

Given: line r ll line s cut by line t ; m∠ 2=82° .

1. Corresponding angle ∠2 ∠3 ∠4
of ∠ 1

2. Alternate interior ∠3 ∠4 ∠7
angle of ∠ 6

3. Alternate exterior ∠1 ∠2 ∠5
angle of ∠ 4

4. Find m ∠3
82 ° 98° 108 °

5. Find m ∠ 7 82 ° 98° 108 °

VI. Reflection
∙ The learners communicate the explanation of their personal
assessment as indicated in the Learner’s Assessment Card.
∙ The learners will write their personal insights about the
lesson in their notebook using the prompts below:
I understand that ___________________.
I realize that ________________________.
I need to learn more about __________.

VII. Agreement Study proving properties of parallel lines cut by a transversal using two-column proofs.
Please refer to your LeAP for Week 3 MELCS.

VIII. Others
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for

C. Did the remedial

lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who
continue to require

E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did it work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized material/s did I
use/discover which I
wish to share with other

H. No. of learners who

earned 80% on the
formative assessment

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