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1. A groin vault is produced by the intersection at right angles of two barrel vaults.
2. The word "groin" refers to the edge between the intersecting vaults.
3. In comparison with a barrel vault, a groin vault provides good economies of material and labor.Sometimes the arches
of groin vaults are pointed instead of round.
4. The thrust is concentrated along the groins or arrises (the four diagonal edges formed along the points where the
barrel vaults intersect), so the vault need only be abutted at its four corners.
Comparison with other vault designs

A groin vault viewed from the underside, showing the arris or 'groin'. Plan of the vault from above showing resultant outward thrust

5. The resulting four ribs convey the stress loading to the four corners, or piers.
6. The more complex groin vault is intrinsically a stronger design compared to the barrel vault
7. the barrel vault structure must rest on long walls creating less stable lateral stress, whereas the groin vault design can
direct stresses almost purely vertically on the piers.
8. Rib vaults resemble groin vaults but introduce structural ribs running along the angles which carry much of the weight,
making possible much greater variations of proportion.
9. A barrel is completely smooth without any hard edges. A groin vault is distinctly curved, but it also has some angles.

Groin vault in Santa Maria dei Carmini. Santa Maria Maggiore at Guardiagrele in Abruzzo

Renaissance period. Gothic period

Groin vault advantages :

Provide ceiling structural support without using buttress formations.

Minimum materials are needed
The X formation helps to deter lateral stress
The vault allow full illumination from all sides
It is cost-effective to build because minimum materials are needed
The groin vault allowed for much more open space and light within the buildings.


groin vaults were that a form had to be made so that the entire vault could be laid.
The complex scaffolding needed to do this had to be strong enough to hold the weight of the vault as it set, which could
take several days.
Also, the limitations to the shape was another problem with this vault type.

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