251 - List - Countries - Embargos of The EU - 10 - 19

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Countries - Export Restrictions (Embargos)

Embargo measures for

Germany pursuant to the
Embargo measures of the European Union German Foreign Trade and
Payments Regulation

Nuklear use pursuant to
the German Foreign Trade
Arms Financial Prohibition
Restrictions pursuant to lists of goods and Payments Regulation
embargo 0) sanktions of performance
§ 9 / § 52

Afghanistan 2) AF X1)7) X3)

Egypt 2) EG X3
Algeria 2) DZ X
Armenia 2) AM X¹
Azerbaijan 2) AZ X¹
Burundi 2) X3 X
China 2) CN X¹
) )
Democratic Republic of Congo 2) CD X¹ X3
) ) ) of relevance to KSB 5)
Democratic Republic of Korea 2) KP X¹ X3 X4 => Checklist Embargoed Countries X
Guinea 2) GN X3
Guinea-Bissau 2) GW X3
) ) of no direct relevance to KSB, (Iraqi cultural
Iraq 2) IQ X¹ X3 X
X X5)
) ) ) of relevance to KSB 5)
Iran 2) IR X¹ X3 X4 => Checklist Embargoed Countries
Israel 2) IL X
Yemen 2) YE X1)7) X3 X
Jordan 2) JO X
) )
Lebanon 2) LB X¹ X3
of no direct relevance to KSB
) ) 5)
Libya 2) LY X¹ X3 X (the list of goods relates to internal X X

Mali 2) ML X3 X

of no direct relevance to KSB

Myanmar (Birma/ Burma) 2) MM X¹ X (the list of goods relates to internal

Nicaragua 2) NI X3

Pakistan 2) PK X
) of relevance to KSB
Russia 2) RU X¹ X4) => Checklist Embargoed Countries
of no direct relevance to KSB
) )
Zimbabwe 2) ZW X¹ X3 X (the list of goods relates to internal
Somalia 2) SO X1)7) X3
Sudan 2) SD X1) X3 X
) )
South Sudan 2) SS X¹ X3 X
) ) of relevance to KSB
Syria 2) SY X1) 6 X3 X4) => Checklist Embargoed Countries
X X5)
Tunisia 2) TN X3
) of relevance to KSB
Ukraine 2) UA X3 X⁸) => Checklist Embargoed Countries
of no direct relevance to KSB
Venezuela 2) VE X1)7) X3) X (the list of goods relates to internal X
of no direct relevance to KSB
Belarus 2) BY X¹) X3
X (the list of goods relates to internal

Central African Republic 2) CF X 1) X3


Restrictions for goods pursuant to Part I, Section 1 of the German Export List AL
Arms embargo pursuant to §74 - 1 of the German Foreign Trade and Payments Regulation (AWV), Screening using Checklist Part 1
(Consignee and use-related Screening)
Details in the Online Export Control Manual
Note in the customer master (via the customer number)
Screening using Checklist Part 1 (Consignee and use-related Screening) and details in the Online Export Control Manual
Screening using Checklist Part 1 (Consignee and use-related Screening) and details in the Online Export Control Manual
Though the arms embargo pursuant to Art. 4 (2) of EC Dual-Use Regulation No. 428/2009 has been lifted, it continues to be handled as
restrictively as before by the Federal Republic of Germany and has now been included in the German Foreign Trade and Payments Regulation
(Außenwirtschaftsverordnung - AWV)

Arms embargo pursuant to §74 - 2 of the German Foreign Trade and Payments Regulation (AWV), Embargo provision directed against certain persons,
entities or bodies in connection with military items (German Export List AL, Part I, Section A)
CL-GX31 List_Countries_Embargos of the EU_10_19
Countries - Export Restrictions (Embargos)
Refers to the delivery of equipment related to infrastructure development in Crimea and Sevastopol

List of goods: of no direct relevance to KSB

List of goods: of relevance to KSB

CL-GX31 List_Countries_Embargos of the EU_10_19

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