Maheshwari Public School International (MPS International)

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: 2621544, 2621545

Maheshwari Public School International

(MPS International)
Bhabha Marg, Tilak Nagar, Jaipur
Governed by: The Education Committee of The Maheshwari Samaj (Society), Jaipur
A Co-educational CBSE English Medium School

Date of Event/Field Tour 31.03.2023 to 06.04.2023 Type of Field Trip: Educational


Estimated Time of Departure: 31.03.2023 (6.00 PM) Estimated Time of Return: 06.04.2023 (7.00 AM)

Mode of Transportation To & From Event: RAILWAY AND BUS TRANSPORT

Dear Parents,

This is in regard to the upcoming educational trip that has been scheduled for our students. The purpose of this
trip is to provide them with an opportunity to gain practical experience and exposure in their respective fields of

We take the safety and well-being of our students very seriously and have taken all necessary precautions to
ensure a safe and secure trip. However, please be aware that there is always a degree of risk involved in any travel,
and therefore, we require you to read and sign this indemnity notice to acknowledge your understanding and
acceptance of the risks involved.

I, ……………………………………………………………………..[parent/guardian name], hereby acknowledge that my ward

……………………………………………………………[student name], studying in class……………….. section………………., bearing enrolment
no:………………………..will be participating in the educational trip organized by MPS INTERNATIONAL.

I understand that the school has taken all reasonable measures to minimize these risks and ensure the safety and
security of the students. However, I acknowledge that accidents and incidents can still occur despite these

Therefore, I hereby release MPS INTERNATIONAL from any liability for any loss, damage, or injury that may
arise during the course of the educational trip. I agree to indemnify MPS INTERNATIONAL from any claims,
damages, costs, or expenses arising from any loss, damage, or injury caused by my ward during the trip.

I have read this indemnity notice and fully understand its terms and conditions. I hereby give my consent for my
ward to participate in the educational trip organized by MPS International, Bhabha Marg, Tilak Nagar, Jaipur

Thanking You.

[Parent/Guardian Name]: ………………………………………….

Signature:………………………………………………….. Contact No: ………………………………………….

Dated: …………………………………………………………

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