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Acceleration enveloping spectral analysis Inthe eary stages of egraation, a bearing defect may notbecetctable on normal acceleration or velocity vibration spectra, Tis is in partto: ‘+ The vibration that is presentin the bearing frequency range may not be shown by the FFT, «The vibrations amplitude isso small that law frequency rotational vibrations maski Acceleration enveloping measurements monitor bearing frequency ranges at which the defects repetitive impacts occur and iter out all non- repetitive impact signals ie, low frequency rotational events). The repetitive impact signals are enhanced and appear as peaks atthe defect’ frequency. To asist in determining fa machine's problems include a fauty bearing bearing defect frequencies can be calculated and overlaid onthe vibration spectra, ‘The enveloped time domain of an acceleration measurement and spectra for an inner ring defect are shown in fig. 4, When collecting acceleration enveloping readings its important to also collect ime domain data, Time domain data can be very useful in the diagnosis of vibration problems in camponents such as gears and bearings. Figs. 14 through 49 show examples of spectrum and time wavefarm data. Al ofthe lustrations contain captions to describe each figure and its data, Fig 16. er ing defect frequencies displayed in an enveloped spectrum. The first peo, from lft right, is runnin speed (5 775 RPM).The large ‘peaks at “51 000, 125 000 RPM, etc, are peaks in the spectrum related to the dafect frequency ofthe inner ring of he bearing. These peaks indicat @ possible defect on the bearing nner rng. 20 SKF Fig. 16. Enveloped time waveform defect outer race). The defects indicated by the modulation of ths signal. The expansion and contraction ofthe ‘peaks froma high amplitude (2 gE) then toward the center (0) indicate that energy is being generated asthe fling element ver-rlis the defect. ig, 17. Envloped time waveform (detect inner race). The defects indicated by the modulation of this signal. The expansion and contraction of the ‘peaks from a high ampiitde (0,2 a) then toward the center (0) indicate that eneray is being generated as the ong element overrols he defect. Fig, 18. Enveloped spectrum with inner race defect and bearing frequency overlays. This spectrum indicates a defect i present on the bearings ner Journal or plain bearings Journal, plain and tited pad bearings have infinite life, provided there is adequate lubrication to support the oil wedge on which the shaft rotates. The shaft performance is normally monitored by two orthagonaly positioned eddy current probe transducers that measures the rel ative displacement between shaft an bearing block, Displacement warning alarms wil indicate the need for possible shaft Balancing proce- «dures. The bearing condition i best assessed by sump cl analyss, which confirms excessive metal wear. ‘SEE measurements have been applied to trend lubrication conditions of rotating element bearings, but ithas nat been reported as being applied ta journal bearings. SEE transducers are based on acoustic emissions concepts, which provce indications of metal-to-metal contacts, Acceleration enveloping is normally only applied where impulsive defect forces are measurable, suchas in rotating element bearings, Summary Figs. 14 through 18 are advanced examples of data from an FFT Analyzer. Time waveform and spectrum analysis are difficult subjects to fexolain thoroughly in an article that overviews the key features of spectrum analysis. There are extensive training courses on analyzing vibra~ tion data, Some key isues to consider when using vibration analysis asa method ef determining machinery health are: * Collect aoth spectrum and time waveform data to complete a thorough data analysis. * Develop skis around condition manitoring through training and application. + Build a knowledge bank of machinery responses and problems. This helps you apply previously gained knowledge and minimizes repeat mistakes, 10. Gears Gears are used to transmit pawer from one system to another. is important ta understand how gears work and what symploms tolook for wien performing an analysis. Moreover, you should full understand the two key elements to cansider: * Gear mesh frequency (GMF) + Sidebands of GMF [By monitoring these two elements, you can establish how the gear affects the system and the significance ofthe problem Gear mesh frequency Gear mesh frequency equals the number of teeth on the gear multiolied by the speed ofthe shaft to which the gears attached. + OM (# of teeth on the gear) (speed of the shaft to which the gear is attached) Example (50 teeth (1 180 RPM) 9.000 CPM or 983,3 He In addition to evaluating GME, is important to use the proper span (Fy) regarding frequency range to observe the GMF at higher frequen ies inthe same vibration signature. To achieve this span, GMF should be multiplied by a factor of 3,25. Example: Using the above CMF: + Fas = 325 «ME + Fra = (3.25) (59 000 CPM) + Frae= 191 750 CPM or 31958 He Ifthe GMFis not known, use Frac 200%shaft running speed * Frac 2001180 RPM *# Frx= 2360000 CPM or 3.933,3 He SKF 23 fear problems do not necessarily occur at fundamental ear mesh frequency (1x GMF}, ane of the mast common frequencies at which gear meshis detected is 3x GMF. Thisis attributed t ‘motions of gear interaction: engaged sing, roling and disengage sliding. Hence, three pulses per revolution. The consideration of ing gear mesh data this factr shoule be evaluated when calle Gear mesh frequency sidebands Gear mesh frequency sidebands can be more significant than GMF, The sidebands are spaced around the GMF relative tothe RMP of each mating gear. When the amplitude of the sideband increases and the number of sdebands present increases, there is kel a problem with the gearbax components. Additional fone or both interfacing gears have wert spaced ata distance equal tothe shaft speed. teeth, the spectrum also exhibits sidebands around GMF. These sidebands are Fig. 19. Spectrum with gear mesh frequency at 402 500 RPM, marked with the overlay. The shaft i turning at 7 545 RPM with 53 teeth onthe gear: therefore, 7595 «53 = 402 500 RPM, 2% SKF asics were Senos ruses Fig, 20. Spectrum containing gear mesh frequency at 378.157 RPM, marked with sideband markers. Sidebonds are spaced at 7 §13 RPM, which i the rominel speed ofthe shaft an which the gear i ding. 11. Blades and vanes Unlike some ether types of machine cnkition viration,flaw-induced vibration can be very dependent on operating conditions, In other words, depending upan the machine's work, or the induced load, the machine can exhibit varying coeitions. Flow-induced vibration condi tions are as follows: ‘Hydraulic ar aerodynamic forces Cavitation or starvation * Recirculation + Turbulence * Surging or choking Pumps, bowers, turbines etc, inherently praduce hydraulic or aerodynamic forces as their impellers impart work nt th fluid they are han- ting, Under normal conditions, such forces are handled rather easly A problem arises when these forces excite resonant frequencies and cause problems such as cavitation or excessively high vibration, The most commonly generated signal related te hydraulic or aerodynamic forces is Blade Pass Frequency (BPP) BP = # of vanes «impeller RPM Example + BPF = (6)(3 600 RPM) = 8PF = 21 600.CPM ar 360He SKF 25

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