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Lesson Plan – session 3

TOPIC: Chukotka, the coldest place on the earth” territory of Russia

Lecturer: Rui Abilio

PART 1: Reading- through choosing the best alternative A, B, C or D, from 1 to 8.

SS give their answers as they read the text, while Lecturer writes on the board.

PART 2: Reading – Find words that suit the explanations from 1 to 10.

SS in pairs work with each one of the explanations, so that find the words (vocabulary). And
then Lect. Writes on the board the answers.

PART 3: Reading – find adverbs/adjectives in the text, as way to find collocations.

SS identify the adverbs/adjectives collocations, Lecturer asks SS to explain their relation.

PART 4: Summary of the lesson (Adverb/adjective collocations).

Ltr writes and explain the contents.


Describe your experiences of extreme weather. Use Relative clauses: (that, who,
what, whose, which) when you comment.

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