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Assignment No.

 Name: Muhammad Ammar
 Student No: 46758
 Course Registered:
Advanced Diploma in
Environmental Management Level
5. (ADEM-L5)
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 Name: Muhammad Ammar

 Registration No. 46758
 Course Title: ADEM-L5

Question No.1:

Answer: The Requirements for ISO Standards:

I. Environmental Management
o It’s a procedure to maintain the environmental performance of any organization
or corporate sector. It involves the allocation of resources to fulfill the human
needs at lower possible cost to the environment. It’s parameter by means of
which we can identify the efficiency of the environment and how to achieve this
efficiency at lower possible cost.
o It consists of three basic steps:
 Identify Goals:

In this we set the targets and objectives of any organizations to deal with the
environmental problems. We summarize our environmental issues in a specific
target to achieve in a frequent time.

 Decide either these Goals can be achievable or not

This step involves the measurements of these targets according to their potential.
We do hazard Analysis, risk Assessment and accounting of resources, check
financial needs and legal requirements to ensure that these goals can be achieved
or not achievable.

 Development of polices and practices for these Goals:

In order to complete these environmental goals, we need to make the standard

procedures and codes of practice. Through this we can meet our goal requirements.
every corporate sector develops the environmental policy in which it is to ensure that
our job nature is not harmful to human health and environment.
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 Name: Muhammad Ammar

 Registration No. 46758
 Course Title: ADEM-L5

II. Environmental Management Benefits.

Some of the potential benefits that are associated with environmental
management system is described below.
 Improved environmental performance.

Through by Adopting environmental management system we can increase the

performance graph upto maximum percentage. This increase the environmental core
values of any Organizations

 Enhanced Compliance:

By adopting and following environment management structure we can meet the

compliance requirements and hence this value can be increased by increasing the
performance level

 Control on Pollution

All the points that originates the pollution that because environmental issues can be
reduced up to minimum level thorough following environment management system.

 Resources Conservation

Natural resources can be reserved and save thorough effective management

system. Thus, it directly effects on cost reduction and enhance profitability.

 Increase market Face Values

It also helps us to make new customers, vendors and also share and face values of
the organization. Which impacts positive growth on company reputation.

 Increase employee’s awareness about environmental issues.

This may also lead to increase the staff morale and their awareness level to
regarding the environmental issues and their solution. This can be achieved through
proper communication and understanding between employee and employer.
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 Name: Muhammad Ammar

 Registration No. 46758
 Course Title: ADEM-L5

Question No.2

Answer: Strategic Schemes for Environmental Management:

Environmental strategy is consisting of different theory their action plan and

Framework and check its Performance through stastical approach. The main parts of
these schemes are given as

 Environmental Strategic Plan:

It includes the decision making process to carry out land development under the
umbrella of natural environmental, social political, economic and governance factor
that leads to achieve sustainable outcomes. For example, an environmental planner
plan for the tree plantation around the factory area or front side of the main busy

 Develop Environmental Framework:

It’s an activity in which all the parameters and resources are arranged in a serious
according to time pattern. This framework indicates the how the resources are to be
scheduled with respect to time. The following table shows the environmental frame
work of an Austin hospital that plan its activities per year by utilizing available
resources. This also includes the documentation work as per ISO 14001 standrads
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 Name: Muhammad Ammar

 Registration No. 46758
 Course Title: ADEM-L5

 Accountability of available resources

This section deals with the sources availability and accountability of the available
resources. Through this we can decide either our goals can be met or not. These
includes all resources water, electricity, Air, Biofuel Diesel, Gasoline, Products
Purchasing, Building and land infrastructure and transportation. Etc . In addition to
these resources there also come the waste material and byproducts which also
includes in the environmental frame work.

 Staff Engagement:

Working staff and labor also need the awareness and education about his
programme. So, there is necessary training session must be done on weekly,
monthly and quarterly basis in a year. There should be seminars and cultural events
must be conducted to promote green and clean environment. This will help to
engage staff for the purpose to achieve environmental plan.

 Measurements of environmental performance:

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 Name: Muhammad Ammar

 Registration No. 46758
 Course Title: ADEM-L5
This step identifies the measurement of performance of the designed environment
strategic plan. This comes in the statistical progression and also comes in the

profitability and change of employee attitude towards job routine. These

performances can also be measured through scheduled inspection and surveillance
audit by any external organization. On the basis of their outcomes it is to be decide
that environment strategic drive is going in positive direction or not some of the
statistical review of these performances are given below per year.
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 Name: Muhammad Ammar

 Registration No. 46758
 Course Title: ADEM-L5

Question No. 3

Answer: EMS Continual improvement cycle explanation:

Environmental management system consists of different parts that is repetitive and

forms a cyclic procedure. cycle. it is shown below.

 Policy and commitment:

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 Name: Muhammad Ammar

 Registration No. 46758
 Course Title: ADEM-L5
Every organization and cooperative sectors have its commitment to fulfill the
requirements to meet the environmental goals and targets. It is also ensuring to
enhance the compliance of organization through environmental policy. It stands
in any organization as legal requirement which is to be fulfill from top to lower
management. The main parts of any policy contains the statement of intent,
organization section and arrangement section.
 Planning
The company then defines environmental aspects such as air pollution, water
pollution and other factors that have negatively impose on human’s health.
For this achievable goals and targets are set and planned in the reasonable
timeframe. These planning includes environmental framework for these goals
 Implementation:
This section describes the work practice and procedures that impalement these
goal to be fulfilled. It also identifies the documental work for policy implementation
and emergency preparedness and response. This also includes the training
session of employees to refresh their knowledge and working abilities for
implementation of these planning targets and objectives. This also includes the
utilization of resources in an effective way.
 Evaluation:
After the implantation procedure, its effectiveness is evaluating by assessment
techniques. The evaluation of strategic drive is accomplished through inspection
and audits techniques. We have internal and routine base inspection. The
performance is evaluating through external audit by 3 rd party and compliance
team. it is also done by the environment protection department by the
government. After these assessments and audits, it suggests that these targets
and goals are being met or not through Non conformities, observations. In order
to fulfill these non-compliance, the corrective and preventative actions are then
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 Name: Muhammad Ammar

 Registration No. 46758
 Course Title: ADEM-L5
 Review:
The senior management then review the EMS performances, results and
suggestion for improvements. It is also including that policy review and update it
as per requirement. This review helps to identifies the effectiveness of this
environmental management system which can directly effects on business
devolvement and enhance the market face values.

 Action for continuous improvement:

In the envioemrntal management after review the environmental performances
and results. The next step come the ongoing improvement of the targets and
goals. This steps gives the organization the next level of excellence. An EMS
reviews can never be completely satisfying the organization’s performance, there
always remains gaps and corner of improvements. This starts again with the
cyclic procedure in which planning, implementation, evaluation is then improved
through “change management, study plan, new technologies, update the
procedures and practices and refresher training programme of employees.

Student Signature Muhammad Ammar Date 24-09-2022

For Tutor Use Only

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 Name: Muhammad Ammar

 Registration No. 46758
 Course Title: ADEM-L5

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