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University of Makati

J.P. Rizal Ext. West Rembo, Makati City, 1215

College of Education

Name: Nieva, Angel Ann T. Course: II-BSED English

Topic: “The Holy Bible and “The Koran” Name of Activity: Individual Task

Toward a peaceful and spiritual life, people need guidance from a resource that is

connected with their beliefs and religion. The Holy Bible and The Koran, are two powerful books

that are essential for the soul and spiritual righteousness of two different religions; the

Christians and the Muslims.

The Holy Bible contains the word of God, hence marked as a sacred scripture of Judaism

and Christianity. Imprinted on each page are the love of God, the goodness of faith, and hope and

chances in life. Written in the book is the story before Jesus Christ came, His journey in life, His

mission, and His sacred role as the Son of God and Savior of the World (The Holy Bible |

ComeUntoChrist, n.d.). On the other hand, the Koran, known as the sacred book of the Muslims,

they believe is the revelation of God by the Muslims. Accordingly, hence cited in McLean’s

study (n.d.), this holy book of Muslims was revealed by Muhammad, wherein after the Prophet’s

death, his successor compiled each revelation into a manuscript hence the Kuran sacred book

that the Muslims have. Imprinted in the books are all the prayers, moral guidance, historical

narrative, and promises of Paradise that are significant to Muslim faiths and beliefs (The

Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2020).

The Holy Bible consists of the Old Testament, where the sacred scriptures of the Jewish

faith are written, and the New Testament with the Christianity faith. (Old Testament Vs. New
Testament: Passion, Poetry and the World’s Greatest Stories - Intelligence Squared, 2019).

Subsequently, both sacred and holy books contain knowledge that can keep the faith and hope of

individuals toward life, love, and religious beliefs. Thus, it serves as Christians' direction and

rules towards contentment in life. The Holy Bible gives Christians insights and knowledge on

each redeeming feature of a person; it teaches people that love for one another is the most

important thing. Ultimately, it contains wisdom for God that He wants us to embark on and

practice in daily life, each piece of wisdom leads people into glory and have faith in Him.

Over the centuries, most of the stories in the Holy Bible have been transformed and

animated in movies, cartoons, and books, conveying that even the Holy Bible can be transferred

in the culture that we have in the present. Those adaptations make it easier to understand since it

contains animation and comprehensible words for any age since the sacred book contains

metaphors, symbols, and analogies that are hard to interpret and understand in simple reading

(Burnette-Bletsch, 2014). However, as the version became newer, there are said to be changes in

each story, and others may find issues and controversies, but it is still a considerable way to

introduce the Holy Bible to young people, and any age, especially those of Christian beliefs.

The Koran, on the other hand, has one movie adaptation, and lists of films and movies

based on the sacred book (Hasnain, 2021). It narrates the story of Jesus Christ thus from the

Islamic perspective. In the movie and films, there are differences in the teachings, and life of

Jesus Christ. With the sacred scripture, the Koran has certain features and writings that show

uniqueness. The Koran emphasizes miracles that each event happening in the world is said to be

written in their sacred book. It contains information about humans and the Lord. It is the book of
guidance, and the word of Allah directly (Khan, 2022). As a Christian, it is exceptional to read,

analyze and see the beliefs of the Muslims from a religious perspective; their beliefs, ways of

life, and how things happened according to the sacred book that they believed only the creator of

the scripture knew. Muslims, as stated in the Koran, do not believe in or are prohibited from

worshiping statues, tattooing, or any drawing in the body is a sin, and they are classified as dirty

things (Today, F. S. N. F. 2018); which can differentiate their beliefs on the standard physical

attribute and design to the bodies that are acceptable and can be seen as attractive in the society

in this generation. Notably, Muslims are required to read the Koran, and they are required to put

into practice all the teachings and beliefs that are written in their sacred book. Hence, it gives the

sense of them being submissive and genuine with their beliefs and religion

In conclusion, The Bible and The Koran are very different in terms of practice, beliefs,

events, symbols, and even the way of writing. For instance, in reading the Koran, there are signs

and symbols for the reader to recite rightfully (Institute of Linguists, 2021b), but in reading the

Bible, Christians only need to perform a Sign of the Crus and proceed with the readings. On the

other hand, the Holy Bible mostly has historical narratives and parables, poetry, and songs, and

the Koran contains historical narratives and promises of Paradise. Additionally, when it comes

to authorship, it is believed that the sources of The Bible are the product of multiple authors, and

the Koran was written by the final prophet, Muhammad, that was orally transmitted by God

(Magno, 2011). Even then, with hundreds of differences between the sacred books of different

religions, it still has the same purpose, to give knowledge, practices, wisdom, and as guides and

directions towards faith and spiritual righteousness.


A. (2022, February 24). Uniqueness of the QuA. (2022, February 24). Uniqueness of the Quran.

Qamar Islam Khan. Qamar

Islam Khan.

Burnette-Bletsch, R. (2014). The Bible and Its Cinematic Adaptations: A Consideration of

Filmic Exegesis. Journal of the Bible and Its Reception, 1(1), 129–160.

Hasnain, A. (2021, April 17). 5 Movies Based On Islamic History That You Need To Watch In

Ramadan. Brandsynario.


Hhan, Q. (2022, February 24). Uniqueness of the Quran. Qamar Islam Khan.

Institute of Linguists. (2021b, May 20). Rules, Signs and Symbols in the Quran - Institute Of


McLean, J. (n.d.). The Quran | World Civilization.


Magno, E. (2011, May 19). Difference Between The Bible and The Quran. Difference Between

Similar Terms and Objects.

Old Testament vs New Testament: Passion, Poetry and the World’s Greatest Stories - Intelligence

Squared. (2019, July 12). Intelligence Squared.


The Holy Bible | ComeUntoChrist. (n.d.).

The Qur’an. (2020, February 13). The Metropolitan Museum of Art. The Metropolitan Museum

of Art.


Today, F. S. N. F. (2018b, July 23). Forbidden in Islam, getting my first tattoo in the U.S. meant

freedom | Opinion. Florida Today.


Yusuf, A. (1989). The Holy Qur’an (Revised Edition). Brentwood: Amana Corporation

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