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Case Study: Optimizing Test Coverage for a High-Volume E-commerce


You have been tasked as a software test engineer with optimizing the test coverage
for a high-volume e-commerce application that processes millions of transactions per
day. The application's architecture is complex, with multiple microservices and APIs.
The optimization's primary goal is to reduce the time it takes to run the tests while
maintaining high test coverage.

Current State of Testing

The current test suite includes 10,000 test cases that are executed on a daily basis.
The average execution time for each test case is 5 minutes, and the total time it
takes to execute the entire test suite is approximately 833 hours (10,000 test cases x
5 minutes / 60 minutes). The test suite has a test coverage of 85%.

Your challenge is to optimize the test coverage of the application while reducing the
time it takes to run the test suite by 50%. You need to identify and prioritize the
critical test cases that are essential to maintain the quality of the application.

The following data is available to you:

 The application includes 50 microservices and APIs.

 The current test suite includes 10,000 test cases.
 The average execution time for each test case is 5 minutes.
 The total time it takes to execute the entire test suite is approximately 833 hours.
 The test suite has a test coverage of 85%.

You need to submit a report to the management that includes the following:

 A list of critical test cases that must be executed to maintain the quality of the
 A revised test suite that includes the critical test cases and meets the objective
of reducing the test suite execution time by 50%.
 A detailed plan that outlines how you will execute and maintain the revised test

You can assume that the infrastructure required to execute the revised test suite is
available, and the test automation framework is in place. You can also assume that
you have access to the necessary resources, including developers, testers, and
infrastructure, to complete the project.

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