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0:03 (3 min)

Setting a context

To warm students up and get them using the TL

Ask students to talk in pairs about foreigners they know. Do you know any foreigners? Yes, I have an aunt who is Australian. My cousin married a Japanese man. I know only one foreigner the American who works on the beach.... and so on. Ask students to work in pairs to choose the correct article a, an, or the, in a worksheet. Ask individual students their answers Ask students to work in pairs and analyze the sentences in the first task and answer questions about the rules of using a, an, or the Ask individual students their answers and why they chose them. Also, clarify doubts and explain rules at this point of time. Involve half the students in the class in the enactment of a play. Give the students a script with missing articles. The rest half of the class also has the script and can correct any errors the actors make. Repeat for the other half of the class. Ask individual students their answers. Also, clarify any doubts about the rules of using articles at this point of time. Ask students to form groups of 4. Give each group a complex picture from a magazine such as Nat Geo. Ask each student to point to the picture and discuss it using appropriate articles. Eg. This is an elephant. This is a penguin. The animals are in the San Diego Zoo


0:03 (3 min) 0:02 (2 min) 0:05 (5 min) 0:05 (5 min) 0:05 (5 min)


Find out how much students know about the TL To give the correct answers




Language Analysis Students try to figure out the rules for usage of the TL Feedback and Clarification Test Ensure students know the rules of using TL To test whether students have understood the TL



0:04 (4 min)


Ensure students got the right answers Ensure students use the TL correctly in free speaking


0:10 Free Speaking (10 min) Activity




"A" goes before all words that begin with consonants. "An" goes before all The can be used before words that begin with vowels as well as consolnants. words that begin with vowels. Use "an" before unsounded h. When u makes the same sound as the y in you, or o makes the same sound as w in won, then a is used. "A" and "an" signal that the noun modified is indefinite, referring to any member of a group. "A/an" can be used only with countable nouns. The signals that the noun is definite, that it refers to a particular member of a group. The is used with uncountable nouns.

True or False
1. There are four articles in the English language a, at, an, the.
2. The is a definite article it is used to refer to specific nouns. 3. A/An are indefinite articles they are also used to refer to non-specific nouns. (like in example 1). 4. The refers to a particular member of a group. (like in example 3). 5. A/An refer to any member of a group. (like in example 1). 6. The is used with countable nouns only. 7. A/An are used with countable nouns only.. 8. The is used before names of countries, streets, places, mountains, rivers and other geographical nouns.

Fill in the gaps with the correct articles:

Mrs Koala had ______ brand new baby, and ______ news spread like wildfire. The kookaburras in ______ highest gum-trees heard of it, and laughed and chuckled at the idea. In and out of their burrows ______ rabbits came scuttling, their big brown eyes opening wide with wonder as they heard the news. Over the grass ______ message went where Mrs Kangaroo was quietly hopping towards her home. She fairly leapt in the air with joy. "I must tell Mr Kangaroo!" she cried and bounded away in great hops and leaps. Even Mrs Snake, who was taking ______ nap, awoke, gave ______ wriggle, and blinked her wicked little eyes. The whole bushland was twittering with the news, for ______ baby bear was ______ great event. Everyone brought gifts for the new baby. Mrs. Rabbit gave him ______ apple, Mr. Kangaroo brought him honeysuckle, and Miss Bambi gave him ______ elegant bow.

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