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Name of Experiment
No. No.

1. Introduction to SQL and installation of Oracle Server.

2. To study Datatypes in SQL

3. To Create, Alter and Drop a Table.

4. To perform DML commands on a table

5. To make use of different clauses viz Where, Group by,

Having, Order by.

6. To perform aggregate functions like SUM, MAX,

MIN, AVG, COUNT on a table.

7. To study Arithematic and Logical Operators

8. To perform Single Row Functions: String, Numeric,

Date And Conversion functions

9. To study Set Operators.

10. To study & implement constraints on a table

11. To understand the use and working of Joins.

12. To understand the use and working of Sub-Queries.

To perform Data Security and Privileges Command:

Grant and Revoke, Rollback and Commit on a table.

To make Views of a table and to perform Insert,

Update, Select and Delete operations on View.

15. To make indexes and sequences for a table.

16. Introduction To PL/SQL Architecture.

17. Compute Addition,Subtraction,Product and Division of

given two numbers.
18. To Print Multiplication Table of a number.

19. For Loop – To Find Reverse of a given number.

20. Implementation Of Procedure.

21. Implementation of Triggers.

22. Implementation Of Cursor.

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