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First Quarter Examinations in Grade 9 MAPEH

Class Number: ______ Score:

Name: _____________________________________________________ Date: _____________________

Grade and Section: ________________________________________ Parent’s Signature: _______

Multiple Choice (50 points)


Directions: Read each item carefully, then shade the letter of the correct answer on your
activity sheet.

1. This period is also known as the “Middle Ages” or “Dark Ages”

A. Baroque C. Primitive
B. Medieval D. Renaissance

2. Which of the following statement is TRUE about Renaissance Period?

A. Started with the fall of Roman Empire.
B. A period of exploration, learning and achievement.
C. Also known as the “Middle Ages” or “Dark Ages”
D. Usually based on Latin liturgy and nueme notation
3. The following are the characteristics of a Gregorian Chant, EXCEPT.

A. A-cappella C. Polyphonic
B. Monophonic D. Thoroughly composed

4. He is said to be the greatest master of Roman Catholic Church during the Renaissance period.

A. Adam Dela Halle C. Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina

B. Antonio Vivaldi D. Thomas Morley

5. Type of musical texture consisting of two or more simultaneous lines of independent melody.

A. A-cappella C. Polyphony
B. Monophonic D. Thoroughly composed

6. The following are the main section of mass music, EXCEPT.

A. Agnus Dei C. Gloria

B. Credo D. Sing and Chant

7. Which of the following is the composition of Thomas Morley?

A. Agnus Dei C. Fantsie

B. Credo D. All of the above

8. This period means rebirth, rediscover and revival.

A. Baroque C. Primitive
B. Medieval D. Renaissance

9. Which of the following form of orchestral music employs a solo instrument accompanied by an

A. Chorale C. Concerto Grosso

B. Concerto D. Fugue

10.Which of the following Baroque music forms developed through imitative counterpart?

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A. Chorale C. Concerto Grosso
B. Concerto D. Fugue

11. He was known for his compositions for organ, orchestra, and oratorio.

A. Adam Dela Halle C. Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina

B. Antonio Vivaldi D. Johann Sebastian Bach

12. Which of the following is the composition of Johann Sebastian Bach?

A. Brandenburg Concertos C. Fugue in G

B. Cantata 208 and 211 D. All of the above


13. How will you describe the function of the Pre-historic Painting?

A. Way of communication.
B. Use to carry bridal bath.
C. Use for ceremonial rights.
D. Make the deceased afterlife place pleasant.

14. What are the three main functions of Romanesque Painting?

A. Illumination, Beliefs and Educational

B. Entertaining, Moralising and Educational
C. Ceremonial, Communication, Bridal Bath
D. Entertaining, Ceremonial and Educational

15. This style first evolved in the first third of the 12 th century.

A. Greek Painting
B. Gothic Painting
C. Byzantine Painting
D. Romanesque Painting

16. The lightness or darkness of a color.

A. color C. shape
B. form D. value

17. Which of the following era is classical art?

A. Byzantine C. Greek
B. Gothic D. Romanesque

18. What is the meaning of the Latin word ARS?

A. active C. image
B. creative D. skills

19. Art is also known as the totality of human activities. The following are importance of art to
humans EXCEPT

A. encourage everyone
B. express feelings of love
C. give satisfaction to talented people
D. develop character, proper attitudes and values

20. An art process where an image is created using an assemblage of small pieces of colored glass,
stones or other materials.

A. Drawing C. Painting
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B. Mosaic D. Sgraffito

21. Which of the following is an example of Medieval painting?

A. Christ in Majesty C. Rose Window

B. Empress Theodora D. All of the above

22. A continuous mark made on a surface by a moving point.

A. color C. line
B. shape D. value

23. The following are Principles of art EXCEPT.

A. balance C. hue
B. emphasis D. pattern

24. What are the main colors used in Egyptian Painting?

A. Black, Blue, Red Blue, Gold and Green

B. Blue, Red, Green, Black, Pink, and Purple
C. Red, Blue, White, Orange, Pink and Purple
D. Blue, Yellow, Orange, Gold, Pink and Green

25. A picture, or a diagram made with pencil, pen or crayon rather than paint.

A. Drawing C. Painting
B. Mosaic D. Sgraffito


26. Physical Education is an integral part of the total education process and it aims the
development of the following EXCEPT.

A. Mental C. Political
B. Physical D. Social

27. The ability of our muscles to continue to perform an activity without fatiguing.

A. Flexibility C. Muscular Endurance

B. Body Composition D. Cardiorespiratory Endurance

28. What does BMI mean?

A. Body Mask Index C. Body Management Index

B. Body Mass Index D. All of the above

29. If you want to measure your cardiovascular endurance which is the appropriate physical fitness

A. Basic Planks C. 3-Minute Step Test

B. Basic Planks D. Hexagon Agility Test

30. An immediate and temporary care given to a person who has been injured or suddenly taken ill.

A. First Aid C. R.I.C.E Method

B. First Aid Kit D. All of the above

31. Arrange the following first aid steps chronologically. (Heat Exhaustion)
I. Seek medical help II. Check for vital signs
III. Give him/her plenty of water IV. Transport a victim to a cool place



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32. It is a scheme of managing a sport where game rules and keeping order are strictly observed.

A. Referee C. Sports Manual

B. Sports Officiating D. All of the above

33. Which of the following are the qualities of officiating officials?

A. Physical Qualities C. Social Qualities

B. Emotional Qualities D. All of the above

34. It is a break in the bone that can occur from either a quick, one time injury to the bone.

A. Dislocation C. Sprain
B. Fracture D. Strain

35. Which of the following is an example of basketball hand signal?

A. Corner Kick C. Jump ball

B. Double hit D. Offside

36. Arrange the following first aid steps chronologically. (Fracture)

I. Immobilized the injured area.
II. Stop bleeding, don’t try realign the bone
III. Apply ice packs to limit swelling and relieve pain.



37. The ability if an individual to carry out daily tasks without undue fatigue.

A. Agility C. Muscular Strength

B. Balance D. Physical Fitness


38. Define as sociological group in a large place sharing environment.

A. Community C. Ethnic group

B. Environment D. All of the above
39. The following describes healthy community EXCEPT

A. A clean and safe environment

B. An environment that meets everyone’s basic needs
C. An environment that is fully aware of its daily opportunities
D. An environment that promotes social harmony and actively involves everyone

40. Which best describes the benefits of a healthy environment?

A. Active community involvement
B. Less disease, less healthcare costs
C. More community projects for community development
D. More budget for health problems, increased supply of medicines

41. The surrounding which you live in.

A. Community C. Earth
B. Environment D. Ethnic group
42. The following problems are some of the leading causes of environmental destruction EXCEPT

A. Deforestation C. Oil Spill

B. Illegal Mining D. Reforestation
43. What environmental problem reduces the ability of soil to store water support growth?
A. Deforestation C. Oil Spill
B. Illegal Mining D. Soil Erosion
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44. The following are the effects of climate change EXCEPT
A. Economic losses
B. Dead trees from oil spillage
C. More health related illness and diseases
D. Increased risk of drought, fire and floods

45. Which of the following environmental problems causes climate change?

A. Oil Spill C. Pollution
B. Flash floods D. Reforestation
46. Which of the following programs of the Department of Heath promotes community health?
A. Maternal Health
B. Child Health Care
C. Primary Health Care
D. Control of communicable Diseases

47. Why do we need to ensure community health in planning for community development?
A. To attain luxury life
B. To maintain an enjoyable lifestyle
C. To keep the safety of the community
D. To live in a clean, safe, and comfortable home

48. Happens when soil and rock are moved from one place to another by wind, water, and gravity.
A. Deforestation C. Oil Spill
B. Flash floods D. Soil Erosion
49. A sudden flood of a great volume, usually caused by a heavy rain.

A. Deforestation C. Oil Spill

B. Flash floods D. Soil Erosion

50. The excessive sound that causes hearing loss, stress, fatigue, irritability, tension, headaches
and high blood pressure.
A. Deforestation C. Noise Pollution
B. Flash floods D. Soil Erosion

“Your breakthrough is on its way to meet you. Just be patient and trust the process.
I am proud of you” – Bang!
Hiraya manawari

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