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institution_code academic_year program program_modality

target_qualification campus_code program_start_date intake_capacity

is_accredited accreditation_body accreditation_date is_audited
auditing_body auditing_date nbr_curriculum_developed
nbr_curriculum_revised has_blc labor_relevant
indigenous_knowledge is_revised moe_permission
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Academic Year Code Academic Year Academic Year 2nd language Priority Order

201920 2019-2020
202021 2020-2021
202122 2021-2022
202223 2022-2023
202324 2023-2024
202425 2024-2025
Note: ONLY use the CODES and NOT the descriptions in your data submission
Provided values are for illustrative purposes only
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Study Program Code Study Program

ACC Accounting
ACC-A Accounting and Auditing
ACC-F Accounting and Finance
ACU Acupuncture
ADM-S Administrative Service
ADM-SM Administrative Service Management
ADU-ECD Adult Education and Community Development
ADU-HN Adult Health Nursing
ADV Advertising
ADV-M Advanced Midwifery
AER-E Aerospace Engineering
AFA-O Afan Oromo
AFA-OL Afan Oromo and Literature
AFA-OT Afan Oromo Teaching
AFR-S African Studies
AGE-CN Aged Care Nursing
AGR Agronomy
AGR-B Agricultural Biotechnology
AGR-BPE Agricultural Bio- Process Engineering
AGR-C Agricultural Chemistry
AGR-E Agricultural Extension
AGR-ECON Agricultural Economics
AGR-ENG Agricultural Engineering
AGR-ENT Agricultural Entomology
AGR-F Agro-Forestry
AGR-M Agricultural Mechanization
AGR-MAM Agribusiness Management and Agricultural Marketing
AGR-R Agricultural Resource
AGR-VCM Agribusiness and Value Chain Management
AIR-ME Aircraft Maintenance Enggineering
AIR-O Aircraft Operation
AIR-TC Air Traffic Control
ALGE Algebra
ALGO Algorithms
ALT-DR Alternative Dispute Resolution
AMH-LL Amharic Language and Literature
AMH-LT Amharic Language Teaching
ANA Anatomy
ANA-C Analytical Chemistry
ANA-PA Anatomic Pathology
ANE Anesthesiology
ANE-PS Anesthesia and Psychiatry
ANI-B Animal Breeding
ANI-E Animal Ecology
ANI-H Animal Health
ANI-N Animal Nutrition
ANI-NFP Animal Nutrition and Feed Processing
ANI-P Animal Production
ANI-PE Animals Production and Extension
ANI-PT Animal Production and Technology
ANI-RS Animal and Range Sciences
ANI-S Animal Science
ANI-SFT Animal Science and Feed Technology
ANI-WS Animal and Wildlife Science
ANT Anthropology
APP-B Applied Biology
APP-C Applied Chemistry
APP-E Applied Ecology
APP-G Applied Geology
APP-HN Applied Human Nutrition
APP-LC Applied Linguistics and Communication
APP-LEC Applied Linguistics in Ethiopian Language and Cultural studies
APP-MA Applied Mathematics
APP-MI Applied Microbiology
APP-P Applied Physics
APP-S Applied Statistics
AQU-FE Aquatic and Fish Ecology
AQU-FM Aquaculture and Fisheries Management
ARA-LL Arabic Language and Literature
ARC Architecture
ARC-HM Archeology and Heritage Management
ARC-UP Architecture and Urban Planning
ART-I Artifical Intelligence
ASTP Astrophysics
ATH-C Athletics Coaching
ATM-S Atmospheric Sciences
AUD Audiology
AUD-VS Audio Visual Studies
AUT-E Automotive Engineering
AWI-LL Awigni Language and Literature
BAK-PM Baking and Pastry Making
BAN Banking
BAN-F Banking and Finance
BAN-FRF Banking and Finance/Rural Finance
BEA-T Beauty Therapy
BEH-ES Behavioral and Educational Science
BER Bertegna
BIO Biology
BIO-C Biochemistry
BIO-CB Biochemistry and Cell Biology
BIO-CM Biodiversity Conservation and Management
BIO-E Biochemical Engineering
BIO-ED Biology Education
BIO-EMBB Biotechnology (*Molecular Biology and Biotechnology)
BIO-I Bioinstrumentation and Imaging
BIO-LS Biological Laboratory Science
BIO-LT Biology Laboratory Technology
BIO-M Biomedical
BIO-ME BioMedical Engineering
BIO-S Biostatistics
BIO-SE BioSystems Engineering
BIO-TE Biotechnical Engineering
BOD-I Body Imaging
BOI-MW Boiler Making and Welding
BOR-S Borna (Shinashegna)
BOT Botany/Botanical science
BRO-J Broadcast Journalism
BUS-A Business Administration
BUS-AF Business Administration in Finance
BUS-AIS Business Administration and Information Systems
BUS-B Business law
BUS-ECO Business Economics
BUS-EDU Business Education
BUS-M Business Management
BUS-ML Business Management/Leadership
BUT Butchery
CAD-SG Cadastral Surveying and Geomatics
CAR Cardiology
CAR-A Care for the Aged
CAR-D Care for the Disabled
CAR-R Cardiothoracic Radiology
CAR-S Cardiothoracic Surgery
CER-E Ceramic Engineering
CHE Chemistry
CHE-EDU Chemistry Education
CHE-ENG Chemical Engineering
Chemistry Laboratory Science and Management(*Chemistry Laboratory
CHE-LSM Technology)
CHE-LT Chemistry Laboratory Technology
CHI-L Chinese Language
CHI-LL Chinese Language and literature
CHI-O Chiropractic and Osteopathy
CHI-S Children's Services
CIV-E Civil Engineering
CIV-EE Civic and Ethical Education
CIV-ES Civics and Ethical Studies
CLI-C Clinical Chemistry
CLI-CBD Climate Change and Bio-energy Development
CLI-CD Climate Change and Development
CLI-CDRM Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management
CLI-CPN Clinical and Community Psychiatry/ Psychiatric Nursing
CLI-H Climate and Hydrology
CLI-M Clinical Midwifery
CLI-MN Clinical Medical Nursing
CLI-N Clinical Nursing
CLI-ON Clinical Oncology Nursing
CLI-PAT Clinical Pathology
CLI-PHA Clinical Pharmacy
CLI-PSY Clinical Psychology
CLI-R Clinical Research
CLI-S Climate and Society
CLI-TIDM Clinical Tropical Infectious Disease & HIV Medicine
COM-C Compiler Construction
COM-D Community Development
COM-EIM Communication Equipment Install and Maintenance
COM-EN Communication Engineering & Networking
COM-ESN Computer Engineering/Computer Science/Networking/
COM-G Computer Graphics
COM-H Community Health
COM-IL Commercial and Investment law/Investment Law and Governance
COM-L Computational Linguistics
COMM-E Communication Engineering
COMM-N Community Nursing
COM-MS Communication and Media Study
COM-P Computational Physics
COMP-E Computer Engineering
COMP-N Comprehensive Nursing
COM-S Computer Science
COM-SC Computational Science/Computational Physics/Computational Mathematics
COM-SE Computer Science and Engineering
COM-SIT Computer Science and IT
COM-T Computational Theory
COM-TEC Communications Technologies
COM-THE Complementary Therapies 
CON-E Construction Engineering and management
CON-IE Control and Instrumentation Engineering
CON-L Constitutional Law
CON-MAN Construction Management
CON-MOD Conceptual Modelling
CON-SE Control System Engineering
CON-TM Construction Technology and Management
CON-UAH Conservation of Urban and Architectural Heritage
COO-A Cooperative Accounting
COO-AA Cooperative Accounting and Auditing
COO-BM Cooperative Business Management
COO-DL Cooperative Development & Leadership
COO-E Cooperative Economics
COOK Cookery
COO-MK Cooperative Marketing
COO-MN Cooperative Management
COOP Cooperative
COO-S Cooperatives Studies
COU Counselling
COU-A Court Administration
COU-P Counseling Psychology
COU-SP Counseling and School Psychology
CRA Crafts
CRI Criminology
CRI-CEN Critical Care and Emergency Nursing
CRI-CJ Criminology and Criminal Justice
CRI-CN Critical Care Nursing
CRI-LCJL Criminal Law and Criminal Justice Law
CRO-P Crop Production
CRO-S Crop Science
CUR-I Curriculum and Instructional studies
CUR-IS Curriculum and Instructional Supervision
CUR-QAE Curriculum and Quality Assurance in Education
CYB-S Cyber Security
DAI-MT Dairy and Meat Technology
DAI-S Dairy Science
DAM-E Dam Engineering
DAN Dance
DAT-M Database Management
DAT-S Data Structures
DAW-L Dawuro language and Literature
DEC-SS Decision Support Systems
DEF-MA Deferential Mathematics/Deferential Equation
DEN Dentistry
DEN-M Dental Medicine
DEN-T Dental Technology
DER-V Dermatology/ and Venereology
DEV-AIK Developmental Anthropology and Indigenous knowledge/Indigenous Studies
DEV-E Development Economics
DEV-M Development Management
DEV-P Developmental Psychology
DEV-S Development Studies
DIE Dietetics
DIP-IR Diplomacy and International Relations
DIS-RM Disaster Risk Management
DIS-RMSD Disaster Risk Management and Sustainable Development
DRA-TS Drama and Theatre Studies
DRY-LA Dry Land Agriculture( * Dry Land Agriculture Technology and Extension)
DRY-LCS Dry Land Crop Science
EAR-CCE Early Childhood Care and Education
EAR-CE Early Childehood Care & Education
EAR-NT Ear Nose-Throat (ENT)
EAR-SC Earth Science/Geology
ECO-B Eco Biology
ECO-BC Ecotourism and Bio-diversity Conservation
ECO-CB Ecology and Conservation Biology
ECO-E Economics Education
ECO-G Economic Geology
ECO-M Economics and Management
ECOMET Econometrics
ECONOM Economics
ECO-PA Economic Policy Analysis
ECO-S Econometrics (Statistics)
ECO-SZ Ecology and Systematic Zoology
ECO-T Eco Tourism
ECO-TCHM Eco Tourism and Cultural Heritage Management
EDU-LM Educational Leadership and Management
EDU-P Educational Psychology
EDU-PL Educational Policy and Leadership
EDU-PLM Education Planning, Leadership and Management
EDU-PM Educational Planning and Management
ELE-CE Electrical and Computer Engineering
ELE-CME Electronics and Comm. /Microelectronic Engineering
ELECTR-E Electrical Engineering
ELECTRON-E Electronic Engineering
Electrical and Computer Engineering (Electronic Communication Technology
ELE-EE Electrical and Electronics Engineering
ELE-EPSEE Electrical Engineering/Power System & Energy Engineering
ELE-EPST Electrical and Computer Engineering (Electric Power System (TVET)
ELE-ES Electronic Equipment Servicing
ELE-F Electrical Fitting
ELE-IA Electrical and Computer Engineering (Industrial Automation)
ELE-ME Electro Mechanical Engineering
ELE-PCE Electrical Power and Control Engineering
ELE-PE Electrical Power Engineering
ELE-R Electronic and digital Res.mgt.
EME-ICUSN Emergence and ICU Specialty Nursing
EME-MCCN Emergency Medicine and Critical Care Nursing
EME-MR Emergency Medicine (Residence)
EME-NEM Emergency Nursing/Emergency Medicine
END-M Endocrinology and Metabolism
ENE-E Energy Economics
ENE-T Energy Technology
ENG-DD Engineering Drawing and Design
ENG-HH Engineering Hydrology and Hydroinfromatics
ENG-L English Language
ENG-LL English Language and Literature
ENG-LLT English Language and Literature (BEd)
ENTO Entomology
ENTRP Entrepreneurship
ENV-APH Environmental And Public Health
ENV-B Environmental Biotechnology
ENV-C Environmental Chemistry
ENV-E Environmental Engineering
ENV-ECOL Environment and Ecology
ENV-ECON Environmental Economics
ENV-GEN Environment and Gender
ENV-GEO Environmental Geosciences
ENV-GG Environmental Geology & Geo-hazards
ENV-H Environmental Health
ENV-HS Environmental Health Science
ENV-L Environment and water Law
ENV-OHS Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety
ENV-PHY Environmental Physics
ENV-PRO Environmental Protection
ENV-RM Environmental Resource Mgt
ENV-S Environmental Science
ENV-SD Environment and Sustainable Development
ENV-SE Environmental Science & Ecotoxicology
ENV-T Environmental Toxicology
ENV-TE Environmental Technology and Engineering
ENV-TEEH Environmental Technology/Ecotoxicology & Environmental Health
EPI Epidemiology
EPI-AB Epidemiology And Biostatistics
EPI-B Epidemiology and Biostatistics
ETH-F Ethiopian Folklore
ETH-L Ethiopian Literature
ETH-LAE Ethiopian Language - Amharic Education
ETH-LL Ethiopian Languages and Literature
ETH-LLA Ethiopian Languages and Literature - Amharic
ETH-SLDC Ethiopian Sign Language and Deaf Culture
ETH-SLI Ethiopian Sign Language and Interpreting
EXE-SH Exercise Science and Health
EXP-G Exploration Geophysics
FAM-CS Family and Consumer Studies
FAM-HPB Family Health( Post Basics)
FAM-L Family Law
FAM-M Family Medicine
FAR-MA Farm Management & Agribusiness
FAR-MPE Farm Machinery and Power Engineering
FAS-D Fashion Design
FAS-T Fashion Technology
FED-S Federal Studies
FIE-E Field Epidemiology
FIL-P Film Production
FIL-TA Film and Theatrical Art
FIL-TP Film and Television Production
FIN Finance
FIN-A Fine Arts
FIN-DE Finance and Developmental Economics
FIN-I Finance and Investment
FIR-A First Aid
FIR-T Fire Technology
FIS-AS Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
FIS-WWLM Fisheries, Wetland and Wild Life Management
FLO Floristry
FOL Folklore
FOO-BS Food and Beverage Services
FOO-C Football Coaching
FOO-E Food Engineering
FOO-H Food Hygiene
FOO-PE Food Processing Engineering
FOO-PEPT Food Process Engineering and Post-harvest Technology
FOO-S Food Security
FOO-SAN Food Science and Applied Nutrition
FOO-SN Food Science and Nutrition
FOO-SNSN Food Science and Nutrition/Sport Nutrition
FOO-SPH Food Science and Post-Harvest technology
FOO-STN Food Science and Technology /Nutrition
FOO-TPE Food Technology and Process Engineering
FOR-CT Forensic Chemistry and Toxicology
FOR-FCS Forestry (*Forestery and Climate Science)
FOR-LT Formal Language Theory
FOR-M Forensic Medicine
FOR-MU Forestry Management and Utilization
FOR-PD Foreign Policy and Diplomacy
FOR-S Forensic Science
FRE-FLP French language and literature (*French Language and Professional skills)
GAD-OHS Gadaa and Oromo History Studies
GAM-LL Gamogna Language and Literature
GAR-E Garment Engineering
GAR-EE Garment Engineering (Education)
GAS-H Gastroenterology and Hematology
GAS-N Gastroenterology & Nutrition
GED-LL Gedeuffa Language and Literature
GEE-LL Geez Language and Litrature
GEN Genetics
GEN-DS Gender and Development Studies
GEN-PH General Public Health
GEN-ST Gender Studies
GEN-SU General Surgery
GEO-CH Geochemistry
GEO-EDU Geography Education
GEO-ENG Geological Engineering
GEO-ES Geography and Environmental Studies
GEO-G Geodesy and Geometrics
GEO-G Geology
GEO-GP Geophysics
GEO-GR Geography
GEO-H Geology/Hydrogeology
GEO-IN Geoinformatics
GEO-ISRSGS Geographic Information System and Remote Sensing/Geo-information Science
GEOMA-E Geomatics Engineering
GEOMET-E Geometrics Engineering
GEO-S Geographic information Science
GEOTEC-E Geotechnical Engineering
GIS GIS (Geography Information Science)
GLO-S Global Studies
GOV Governance
GOV-DS Governance and Developmental Studies
GRA-ADGFD Grament and Appareal Design(*Garment & Fashion Design)
GRA-ADS Graphic Arts and Design Studies
GUM Gumzegna
GUR-LL Guragie Language & Literature
GYN-O Gynecology and Obstetrics
HAD- Hadiyisa language and literature
HAI Hairdressing
HEA-BH Health informatics/Biostatistics and Health informatics
HEA-E Health Economics
HEA-EC Health Education and Communication
HEA-EP Health Education and Promotion
HEA-EX Health Extension
HEA-F Health and Fitness
HEA-HRMHA Health Human Resource Management (Hospital Admin)
HEA-IN Health Informatics
HEA-O Health Officer
HEA-PCE Health Promotion and Communication/Education
HEA-PRO Health Promotion
HEA-PSY Healthy Psychology
HEA-SM Health Service Management
HEA-SPM Health System and Project Management
HEM Hematology
HEM-I Hematology & Immunohematology
HEM-O Hematology Oncology
HER-CM Heritage Conservation and Management
HER-MS Heritage and Museum Studies
HIG-E Highway Engineering
HIS History
HIS-CS History and Cultural Studies
HIS-E History Education
HIS-HM History and Heritage Management
HOR Horticulture
HOS Hospitality
HOS-HA Hospital and Healthcare Administration
HOS-M Hospitality Management
HOT-M Hotel Management
HOT-TM Hotel and Tourism Management
HUM-A Human Anatomy
HUM-M Human Movement
HUM-N Human Nutrition
HUM-NFS Human Nutrition and Food Science
HUM-R Human Rights
HUM-RIHR Human Rights/International Human Right
HUM-RLHRC Human Right Law/Human Rights and Criminal law
HUM-RM Human Resource Management
HUM-RODIE Human Resources and Organizational Dev. In Educ
HUM-WSS Human Welfare Stud. & Serv. 
HYD Hydrology
HYDROL-E Hydraulics/Hydrology/ Engineering
HYDROPO-E Hydropower Engineering
HYD-WRE Hydraulic and Water Resource Engineering
IMM Immunology
IND-B Industrial Biotechnology
IND-C Industrial Chemistry
IND-CE Industrial Control Engineering
IND-CFS Industrial Chemistry (food, sugar)
IND-CT Industrial Chemistry (leather and Textile)
IND-D Industrial Design
IND-E Industrial Engineering
IND-ELMIC Industrial Engineering & Logistics Mgmt/Industrial Control engineering
IND-ELMICE Industrial Engineering & Logistics Mgmt/Industrial Control Engineering
IND-OP Industrial/Organization Psychology
IND-PPP Industry Pharmacy/Pharmacy Practice
IND-R Industrial Relations
INF-CT Information Communication Technology
INF-D Infectious Diseases
INF-KM Information and Knowledge Management
INF-MS Information Management & Services
INF-R Information Retrieval
INF-S Information System/Information Science/Geo-information system & Remote sens
INF-SC Information Science
INF-SCT Information Science/Technology
INF-T Information Technology
INF-TED Information Technology Education
INF-TENG Information Technology Engineering
INN-M Innovate Medicine
INO-C Inorganic Chemistry
INS-AS Insurance and Actuarial Studies
INT-BEL International Business and Economic Law
INT-CCMH Integrated Clinical and Community Mental Health
INT-CE International and Comparative Education
INT-DLM Integrated Dry Land Management
INT-ED Interior and Environ. Design
INT-EOS Integrated Emergency Obstetrics & Surgery
INT-M Internal Medicine
INT-PM Integrated Pest Management
INT-RBM Integrated River Basin Management/ Tran boundary Water Management
INT-TIM International Trade and Investment Management
INT-WM Integrated Watershed Management
IRR-DE Irrigation and Drainage Engineering
IRR-E Irrigation Engineering
IRR-EM Irrigation Engineering & Management
IRR-WRE Irrigation and Water Resource Engineering
JEW-M Jewellery Making
JOU-C Journalism and Communication
JUS-A Justice Administration
JUS-LE Justice and Law Enforcement 
KAI-MQ Kaizen Management(Quality and productivity improvement
KEM-LL Kembata Language and Literature
LAB-MQA Laboratory Management & Quality Assurance
LAN-AD Land Administration
LAN-AR Landscape Architecture
LAN-AS Land Administration and Surveying
LAN-EL Land and Environmental Law
LAN-RAM Land Resource Analyses Management
LAN-RPV Land and Real Property Valuation
LAS-PSSC Laser Physics /Soled State/Computational
LEA-E Leather Engineering(*Leather Technology)
LEA-FWE Leather/Footwear Engineering
LEG-S Legal Studies
LEG-SLD Legislative Studies and Legal Drafting
LIB-IS Library and Information Science
LIB-S Library Science
LIN-GL Linguistics (*General Linguistics)
LIT-FF Literature and Folklore/Folklore
LOG-E Logistics Engineering
LOG-SCM Logistics and Supply Chain Management
MAN Management
MAN-E Manufacturing Engineering
MAN-ISMIS Management and Information System (MIS)
MAN-ME Manufacturing and Material Engineering
MAN-TS Management and Technology System
MAN-VE Management of Vocational Education
MAP-S Mapping Science
MAR Marketing
MAR-C Maritime Construction
MAR-CO Marine Craft Operation
MAR-E Maritime Engineering
MAR-LSM Marketing Logistic and Supply Management
MAR-M Marketing Management
MAR-S Marine Science
MAS-T Massage Therapy
MAT Mathematics
MAT-A Mathematics (Analysis)
MAT-C Material Chemistry
MAT-E Mathematics Education
MAT-FM Maternal Fetal Medicine
MAT-M Mathematical Modeling
MAT-RH Maternal Reproductive Health
MAT-S Materials Science
MAT-SE Material Science and Engineering
MAT-SMP Material Science/Material Physics
MAX-S Maxillofacial Surgery
MEA-EEAE Measurement and Evaluation/Educational Ass & Eval.
MEC-D Mechanical system Design
MEC-E Mechanical Engineering
MED Medicine
MED-A Medical Anthropology
MED-BC Medical Biochemistry
MED-BT Medical Biotechnology
MED-C Medicinal Chemistry
MED-CS Media and Communication Studies
MED-EVCAE Medical Entomology and Vector Control/Applied Entomology
MED-LS Medical Laboratory Science
MED-LST Medical Laboratory Science and Technology
MED-LT Medical Laboratory Technology
MED-M Medical Microbiology
MED-P Medical Parasitology
MED-PSC Medical Physics
MED-PSI Medical Physiology
MED-RT Medical Radiology Technology
MEN-HE Mental Health Epidemiology
MEN-HN Mental Health Nursing
MET Meteorology
MET-CP Metal Casting and Patternmaking
MET-E Metallurgical Engineering
MET-F Metal Fitting
MET-H Metrology and Hydrology
MET-PE Metal Production Engineering
MIC-B Microbiology
MIC-CMB Microbial Cellular & Molecular Biology
MIC-E Microbial Ecology
MIC-EE Micro Electronics Engineering
MIC-MB Microbiology and Microbial Biotechnology
MIC-T Mictogiology
MID Midwifery
MID-CAE Mid-Carrier and Agricultural Extension
MID-ES Middle East Studies
MID-W Midwifery and Women's health
MIN-E Mining Engineering
MINER-E Mineral Engineering
MIN-G Mining Geology
MIN-ME Mining and Mineral Engineering
MIN-PE Mineral Process Engineering
MIN-PME Mineral Processing and Metallurgical Engineering
MOD-EL Modern European Languages
MON-EH Monitoring and Evaluation (in public Health)
MOT-NFCHN Mother Nursing and Fam and Child Health Nursing
MOT-VAE Motor Vehicle/Automotive Engineering
MPH-W MPH in Wash
MUS Music
MUS-R Musculoskeletal Radiology
NAN-SP Nano Scale Physics
NAT-REM Natural Resource and Environmental Management
NAT-REM Natural Resource Economics and Management
NAT-REP Natural Resource Economics & Policy
NAT-RM Natural Resource Management
NAT-RMG Natural Resource Management/Governance
NAT-RMSAM Natural Resource Management(Specialization in climate change Adaptation and Mi
NAT-RMSBCM Natural Resource Management(Specialization in Biodiversity Conservation and
NEO-N Neonatal Nursing
NET-C Networks and Communications
NEU Neurology
NEU-R Neuro Radiology
NEU-S Neuro Surgery
NUC-M Nuclear Medicine
NUC-P Nuclear Physics
NUM-A Numerical Analysis
NUR Nursing
NUT Nutrition
NUT-D Nutrition and Dietetics
NUT-PHN Nutrition (Public Health Nutrition )
OCC-SH Occupational Safety & Health
OCC-T Occupational Therapy
ONC Oncology/Pediatric Hematology
OPE-DE Operative Dentistry & Endodontic
OPE-R Operation Research
OPE-S Operating Systems
OPE-TN Operating Theater Nursing
OPH Ophthalmology
OPT Optometry
OPT-A Optimization Analysis
OPT-N Opthalmic Nursing
OPT-T Optical Technology
ORG-C Organic Chemistry
ORO-FACS Oromo Folklore and Arts/Cultural Studies
ORO-FL Oromo Folklore and Literature
ORO-LL Oromo Language and Literature
ORT-S Orthopedics Surgery
ORT-TM Orthopedics and Trauma Management
PAI Painting
PAL-CN Palliative Care Nursing
PAL-PE Paleontology and Paleo-Environment
PAR Parasitology
PAR-S Paramedical Studies
PAS-ERD Pastoral Economy and Rural Development
PAT Pathology
PEA-SS Peace and Security Studies/Peace and Development Studies
PED-C Pediatrics Cardiology
PED-CH Pediatrics and Child Health
PED-CHN Pediatrics and Child Health Nursing
PED-ID Pediatrics Infectious Diseases
PED-N Pediatric Nursing
PED-PC Pediatrics Pulmolnology & Critical care
PED-R Pediatric Radiology
PED-SC Pedagogical Science
PED-SU Pediatrics Surgery
PET Petrology
PET-CE Petrochemical Engineering
PET-E Petroleum Engineering
PHA-AQCA Pharmaceutical Analysis Quality Control/Assurance
PHA-CG Pharmacognosy
PHA-CO Pharmacology
PHA-CT Pharmaceutics
PHA-CY Pharmacy
PHA-SP Pharmaco epidemiology & Social Pharmacy
PHI-L Philology
PHI-S Philosophy
PHO Photography
PHY Physics
PHY-C Physical Chemistry
PHY-E Physics Education
PHY-L Physiology
PHY-LT Physics Laboratory Technology
PHY-T Physiotherapy
PLA-B Plant Breeding/Plant Breeding and Seed Systems
PLA-BB Plant Biology and Biodiversity
PLA-BT Plant Bio-Technology
PLA-E Plant Ecology
PLA-MO Plant and Machine Operations
PLA-PAT Plant Pathology
PLA-PHY Plasma Physics
PLA-R Plastic and Reconstructive
PLA-S Plant Science
PLA-SP Plant Science and Protection
POD Podiatry
POL-EC Political Economy
POL-ENG Polymer Engineering
POL-S Police Studies
POL-SIR Political Science and International Relations
POP-D Population and Development
POP-RH Population and Reproductive Health
POP-S Population Studies
POP-SMD Population Studies (Migration & Development)
POS-A Post Anesthesia
POS-BECCN Post Basic Emergency and Critical Care Nursing
POS-BM Post Basic Midwifery
POS-BMLS Post Basic Medical Laboratory Science
POS-BN Post Basic Nursing
POS-BP Post Basic Pharmacy
POS-BPDN Post Basic Pediatric Nursing
POS-BPSN Post Basic Psychiatric Nursing
POS-N Postbasic Neonatal
POS-ON Post basic Opthalmic Nursing
POS-ONC Postbasic Oncology Nursing
POS-OPN Postbasic Operating Nursing
POS-SN Postbasic Surgical Nursing
POS-ST Postharvest Science and Technology
POW-E Power Electronics
POW-IM Powerline Installation & Maint.
POW-SE Power System Engineering
PRE-E Preschool Education
PRE-M Precision Metalworking
PRI Printing
PRI-M Printmaking
PRI-OJ Print and Online Journalism
PRO Programming
PRO-CE Process Engineering
PRO-DD Product Design and Development
PRO-DE Production Engineering
PRO-EDU Professional Education
PRO-EMIS Production Engineering and Management & Industrial System
PRO-M Project Management
PSY-L Psychology
PSY-N Psychiatric Nursing (*Psychiatry and Ophtalmic Nursing )
PSY-T Psychiatry
PUB-A Public Administration
PUB-AD Public Administration and Development
PUB-ADM Public Administration and Development Management
PUB-H Public Health
PUB-HMHSCM Public Health Management/Health Supply Chain Management
PUB-IL Public International Law
PUB-MP Public Management and Policy
PUB-P Public Policy
PUB-RA Public Relations and Advertisement
PUB-RCC Public Relation and Corporate Communication
PUL-CC Pulmolnology and Critical Care
PUR-M Pure Mathematics
PUR-SM Purchasing and Supply Management
QAF-L Qafaraf and Literature
QUA-EM Quality Engineering and Management
QUA-P Quantum Physics
RAD Radiology
RAD-P Radiation Physics
RAD-T Radiological Technology
RAI-EMC Railway (Electrical/Mechanical/Civil)
RAI-O Rail Operations
RAN-EB Range Ecology and Biodiversity
RAN-M Range Management(*Range Ecology and Natural Resource Management)
REA-E Real Estate
REA-PV Real Property Valuation
REF-ACM Refrigeration and Air Cond. Mechn.
REG-A Regulatory Affairs
REG-LDS Regional and Local Development Studies
REG-UDMP Regional and Urban Development Management/Planning
REH-T Rehabilitation Therapies 
REL-S Religious Studies
REP-EI Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility
REP-H Reproductive Health
RES-CC Residential Client Care
RIV-BDM River Basin Dynamics and Management
ROA-E Road Engineering
ROA-TE Road and Transport Engineering
RUR-D Rural Development
RUR-DAE Rural Development and Agricultural Extension/Rural Development and climate c
RUR-DAE Rural Developmental and Agricultural Extension
RUR-LD Rural Livelihoods and Development
SAL Sales
SCI-ME Science and Mathematics Education
SCU Sculpture
SEC-CS Secretarial and Clerical Studies
SEC-S Security Services
SHE-W Sheetmetal Working
SID-L Sidama Language and literature
SID-LLBE Sidama Language and Literature (BEd)
SOC Sociology
SOC-A Social Anthropology
SOC-AE Social Anthropology/Environmental
SOC-AFDA Social Anthropology Focus in Developmental Anthropology
SOC-CEH Socio Cultural and Environmental History
SOC-DPE Socio-economic Development Planning & Environment)
SOC-FS Sociology and Family Studies
SOC-PH Social Pharmacy
SOC-PS Social Psychology
SOC-SA Sociology and Social Anthropology
SOC-SLE Social Science and Language Education
SOC-SP Sociology and Social Policy
SOC-SW Sociology & Social Work
SOC-W Social Work
SOF-E Software Engineering
SOI-RWM Soil Resource and Water shed Management
SOI-S Soil Science
SOI-WCE Soil & Water Conservation Engineering
SOI-WE Soil and Water Engineering
SOL-P Solid Physics
SOM-LL Somali Language & Literature (*Aff Somali)
SPA-P Space Physics
SPE-E Special Needs Education
SPE-LT Speech-Language Therapy
SPE-NE Special Needs Education
SPE-NIE Special Needs and Inclusive Education
SPE-P Speech Pathology
SPO-EP Sport Exercise Physiology
SPO-M Sport Management
SPO-ME Sport Medicine
SPO-P Sport Psychology
SPO-S Sport Science
STA Statistics
STA-B Statistics (Biostatistics, industrial statistics, econometrics)
STA-CP Statistical and Computational Physics
STA-IS Statistics/Industrial Statistics
STR-E Structural Engineering
STR-G Structural Geology
SUG-A Sugarcane Agronomy
SUG-T Sugar Technology
SUR Surgery
SUR-E Surveying Engineering
SUR-N Surgical Nursing (*Surgical and OTN)
SUS-EE Sustainable Energy Engineering
SUS-NRM Sustainable Natural Resource Management
SYS-AD Systems Analysis and Design
TAX-I Taxation and Investment
TAX-L Tax Law
TEA-ECS Teacher Education and Curriculum Study
TEA-PE Teaching Physical Education
TEC-D Technical Drawing
TEC-IM Technology & Innovation Management
TEFL Teaching English as foreign language/TEFL
TEX-AM Textile and Apparel Merchandizing
TEX-C Textile Chemistry (leather and Textile)Leather Technology
TEX-CPE Textile Chemical Process Engineering
TEX-D Textile Design
TEX-E Textile Engineering
TEX-EE Textile Engineering (Education)
TEX-M Textile Manufacturing
THE-A Theatre Arts
THE-E Thermal Engineering
TIG Tigrigna
TIG-LL Tigrigna Language & Literature
TIG-LT Tigrigna Language Teaching (TeTL)
TOO Toolmaking
TOU Tourism
TOU-D Tourism & Development
Tourism and Hotel Management(*Tourism Development and Hotel
TOU-HLM Management)
TOU-HSM Tourism and Hospitality Management
TOU-M Tourism Management
TRA Traumatology
TRA-ECO Transport Economics
TRA-EM Traditional Ethiopian Medicine
TRA-ENG Transport Engineering
TRA-I Translating and Interpreting
TRO-ID Tropical and Infectious Diseases
URB-DD Urban Design and Development
URB-DL Urban Development & Livelihoods
URB-EM Urban Environmental Management
URB-FG Urban Forestry and Greening
URB-LA Urban Land Administration
URB-LAM Urban Land Administration and Management
URB-LMIS Urban Land Management and Information System
URB-LPV Urban Land and Property Valuation
URB-LUPM Urban Land Use Planning and Management
URB-P Urban Planning
URB-PD Urban Planning and Design
URB-PLL Urban Property and Land Law
URB-PM Urban Planning and Management
URB-RP Urban and Regional Planning
URB-TM Urban Transport Management
URO-G Uro Gynecology
URO-GRPS Uro Gynecology and Reconstructive Pelvic Surgery
URO-S Urology Surgery
VAL-CAERD Value Chain on Agricultural Extension and Rural Development
VET-LT Veterinary Laboratory Technology
VET-M Veterinary Medicine
VET-OG Veterinary Obstetrics and Gynecology
VET-PA Veterinary Parasitology
VET-PH Veterinary Pharmacy
VET-PH Veterinary Public Health
VET-S Veterinary Science
VIS-A Visual Art
VIT Viticulture
VOL-C Volleyball Coaching
WAT-D Water and Development
WAT-EM Water Resource Engineering and Management (SWM, GWM & IWM)
WAT-ENG Water Engineering
WAT-ENV Water and Environment
WAT-H Water and Health (WPH and WWWT)
WAT-IE Water Resource and Irrigation Engineering (*Water Resource and Irrigation Man
WAT-IM Water Resource and Irrigation Management
WAT-RE Water Resources Engineering
WAT-RSEM Water Resource/Supply Engineering & Management
WAT-SEE Water Supply and Environmental Engineering
WAT-SH Water, Sanitation and Health
WAT-SSE Water Supply and Sanitary Engineering
WEE-SC Weed Science
WEL-ST Welfare Studies
WIL-ECM Wildlife Ecology and Management
WIL-ETM Wildlife and Ecotourism Management
WIL-PAM Wildlife and Protected Area Management
WOL-LL Wolayita Language and literature
WOO-E Wood Engineering
YOU-W Youth Work
ZOO-S Zoological Science
Local Band ISCED Band Study Field Study Program 2nd language

Band V 04 041
Band V 04 041
Band V 04 041
Band III 09 091
Band V 04 041
Band V 04 041
Band VI 01 011
Band IV 09 091
Band V 04 041
Band III 09 091
Band I 07 071
Band VI 02 023
Band VI 02 023
Band VI 01 011
Band VI 02 022
Band III 09 091
Band IV 08 081
Band II 05 051
Band I 07 073
Band II 05 053
Band IV 08 081
Band IV 08 088
Band I 07 073
Band IV 08 081
Band IV 08 082
Band I 07 071
Band IV 08 088
Band IV 08 081
Band IV 08 088
Band I 07 071
Band I 07 071
Band I 07 071
Band II 05 054
Band I 06 061
Band VI 03 031
Band VI 02 023
Band VI 01 011
Band III 09 091
Band II 05 053
Band III 09 091
Band IV 09 091
Band III 09 091
Band IV 08 081
Band II 05 051
Band IV 08 084
Band IV 08 081
Band IV 08 081
Band IV 08 081
Band IV 08 081
Band IV 08 081
Band IV 08 081
Band IV 08 081
Band IV 08 081
Band IV 08 081
Band VI 03 031
Band II 05 051
Band II 05 053
Band III 08 082
Band II 05 053
Band IV 08 081
Band VI 02 023
Band VI 02 023
Band II 05 054
Band II 05 051
Band II 05 053
Band II 05 054
Band II 05 051
Band II 08 083
Band VI 02 023
Band I 07 073
Band VI 02 022
Band I 07 073
Band I 07 071
Band II 05 053
Band II 10 101
Band II 05 053
Band III 09 091
Band VI 02 021
Band I 07 071
Band VI 02 023
Band I 10 101
Band V 04 041
Band V 04 041
Band V 04 041
Band I 10 101
Band VI 01 011
Band VI 02 023
Band II 05 051
Band II 05 051
Band II 05 051
Band II 05 052
Band I 07 071
Band VI 01 011
Band II 05 051
Band I 07 071
Band II 05 051
Band II 05 058
Band II 05 051
Band I 07 071
Band II 05 054
Band I 07 071
Band I 07 071
Band III 09 091
Band I 07 071
Band VI 02 023
Band II 05 051
Band VI 03 032
Band V 04 041
Band V 04 041
Band V 04 041
Band VI 04 042
Band V 03 031
Band VI 01 011
Band V 04 041
Band V 04 041
Band I 10 101
Band I 07 073
Band III 09 091
Band III 09 092
Band III 09 092
Band III 09 091
Band III 09 091
Band I 07 072
Band II 05 053
Band VI 01 011
Band I 07 071

Band II 05 053
Band II 05 058
Band VI 02 023
Band VI 02 023
Band III 09 091
Band III 09 092
Band I 07 073
Band VI 01 011
Band VI 01 011
Band III 09 091
Band IV 08 082
Band II 05 052
Band VI 05 052
Band IV 09 091
Band I 05 052
Band III 09 091
Band IV 09 091
Band III 09 091
Band IV 09 091
Band III 09 091
Band III 09 091
Band III 09 092
Band III 09 091
Band VI 05 058
Band III 09 091
Band I 06 061
Band VI 03 031
Band I 07 071
Band I 07 071
Band I 07 071
Band I 07 071
Band III 09 092
Band VI 04 042
Band VI 02 023
Band I 07 071
Band III 09 091
Band VI 03 032
Band II 05 053
Band I 07 071
Band III 09 091
Band II 05 054
Band II 05 054
Band I 07 071
Band I 06 061
Band I 06 061
Band I 07 071
Band III 09 091
Band I 07 073
Band I 07 071
Band VI 04 042
Band I 07 073
Band I 06 061
Band I 07 071
Band I 07 073
Band I 07 078
Band V 04 041
Band V 04 041
Band V 04 041
Band V 04 041
Band V 03 031
Band I 10 101
Band V 04 041
Band V 04 041
Band IV 08 081
Band V 04 041
Band III 09 092
Band VI 04 042
Band VI 03 031
Band VI 03 031
Band VI 02 021
Band VI 04 042
Band III 09 091
Band VI 04 042
Band III 09 091
Band VI 04 042
Band IV 08 081
Band IV 08 081
Band VI 01 011
Band VI 01 011
Band VI 01 011
Band I 06 061
Band IV 07 072
Band IV 08 081
Band I 07 073
Band VI 02 021
Band I 06 061
Band I 06 061
Band VI 02 023
Band I 06 061
Band II 05 054
Band III 09 091
Band III 09 091
Band III 09 091
Band III 09 091
Band VI 03 031
Band V 03 031
Band V 04 041
Band VI 03 031
Band V 04 041
Band III 09 091
Band VI 03 031
Band VI 05 052
Band V 10 103
Band VI 02 021
Band IV 08 081
Band IV 08 081
Band VI 01 011
Band VI 01 011
Band IV 09 091
Band II 05 053
Band II 05 051
Band II 08 082
Band II 05 051
Band VI 01 011
Band II 05 053
Band V 03 038
Band V 03 031
Band V 03 031
Band V 03 031
Band II 05 054
Band II 05 051
Band IV 10 101
Band VI 02 022
Band VI 01 011
Band VI 01 011
Band VI 01 011
Band VI 01 011
Band VI 01 011
Band I 07 071
Band I 07 071
Band I 07 071
Band I 07 071

Band I 01 011
Band I 07 071
Band I 07 071
Band I 01 011
Band I 07 071
Band I 07 071
Band I 07 071
Band I 07 071
Band I 07 071
Band I 07 071
Band II 06 061
Band III 09 091
Band IV 09 091
Band III 09 091
Band IV 09 091
Band III 09 091
Band V 03 031
Band I 07 071
Band I 07 071
Band I 07 073
Band VI 02 023
Band VI 02 023
Band VI 01 011
Band IV 05 051
Band VI 04 041
Band III 09 091
Band II 05 051
Band II 05 053
Band I 07 071
Band II 05 051
Band V 03 031
Band VI 05 058
Band II 05 052
Band II 05 052
Band III 09 091
Band III 09 091
Band VI 04 042
Band III 10 102
Band II 05 053
Band IV 08 082
Band II 05 052
Band II 05 052
Band VI 05 052
Band II 05 052
Band II 05 052
Band I 07 071
Band IV 10 102
Band III 09 092
Band III 09 091
Band IV 09 098
Band VI 02 023
Band VI 02 023
Band VI 01 011
Band VI 02 023
Band VI 02 023
Band VI 02 023
Band VI 02 023
Band III 09 091
Band II 05 053
Band VI 04 041
Band VI 09 091
Band VI 04 042
Band IV 09 091
Band V 04 041
Band I 07 071
Band VI 02 021
Band I 07 072
Band VI 03 031
Band III 09 091
Band VI 02 021
Band VI 02 021
Band VI 02 021
Band V 04 041
Band VI 02 021
Band V 04 041
Band V 04 041
Band III 09 091
Band I 07 071
Band IV 08 083
Band IV 08 083
Band VI 02 021
Band VI 02 023
Band I 10 101
Band II 10 101
Band I 07 072
Band I 10 101
Band I 07 072
Band I 07 072
Band VI 03 031
Band II 05 051
Band II 05 051
Band II 08 088
Band IV 07 072
Band I 07 072
Band I 07 072
Band II 05 053
Band IV 08 082
Band I 06 061
Band III 09 091
Band IV 08 082
Band VI 03 031
Band II 10 103
Band VI 02 023
Band VI 02 022
Band VI 02 023
Band I 07 072
Band I 01 011
Band III 09 091
Band III 09 091
Band VI 02 023
Band VI 02 023
Band II 05 051
Band VI 03 031
Band III 09 091
Band VI 03 031
Band III 09 091
Band II 05 053
Band VI 01 011
Band II 07 072
Band VI 05 052
Band I 07 078
Band II 05 053
Band II 05 053
Band VI 02 022
Band II 05 053
Band I 05 052
Band I 06 061
Band I 07 073
Band I 07 073
Band II 05 052
Band I 07 072
Band II 06 061
Band VI 02 022
Band V 04 041
Band VI 04 041
Band I 07 072
Band VI 02 021
Band VI 02 023
Band VI 02 023
Band III 09 091
Band VI 02 023
Band I 10 101
Band III 09 098
Band III 09 098
Band III 09 091
Band III 09 091
Band III 09 091
Band II 10 101
Band III 09 098
Band III 09 091
Band III 09 091
Band III 09 098
Band III 09 092
Band VI 09 091
Band III 09 098
Band IV 09 098
Band III 09 091
Band III 09 091
Band III 09 091
Band VI 02 022
Band VI 02 022
Band I 07 073
Band VI 02 022
Band VI 02 022
Band VI 01 011
Band VI 02 022
Band IV 08 081
Band I 10 101
Band III 09 098
Band VI 10 101
Band V 10 101
Band V 10 101
Band III 09 091
Band III 09 092
Band III 05 051
Band II 08 081
Band VI 04 042
Band VI 04 042
Band VI 04 042
Band V 04 041
Band VI 01 011
Band III 09 092
Band II 05 053
Band I 07 078
Band I 07 071
Band I 07 073
Band VI 05 058
Band III 09 091
Band II 05 051
Band II 05 053
Band I 07 071
Band II 05 053
Band II 05 053
Band VI 02 021
Band I 07 072
Band IV 07 072
Band I 07 072
Band VI 03 031
Band IV 09 091
Band V 04 041
Band I 06 061
Band III 09 091
Band II 06 061
Band I 06 061
Band II 06 061
Band I 06 061
Band I 06 061
Band II 06 061
Band I 06 061
Band VI 01 011
Band I 07 071
Band III 09 091
Band II 05 053
Band V 04 041
Band VI 04 042
Band IV 09 091
Band VI 01 011
Band VI 08 081
Band I 07 073
Band IV 09 091
Band IV 09 091
Band IV 08 081
Band I 07 073
Band V 04 041
Band I 07 073
Band I 07 073
Band I 07 073
Band I 07 073
Band I 07 073
Band VI 02 021
Band VI 03 032
Band VI 04 042
Band VI 04 042
Band I 07 078
Band VI 02 023
Band IV 09 098
Band IV 08 088
Band I 07 073
Band I 07 073
Band VI 04 042
Band VI 05 052
Band I 07 073
Band II 05 054
Band VI 04 042
Band I 07 072
Band I 07 073
Band VI 04 042
Band VI 04 042
Band I 06 061
Band II 06 061
Band VI 02 023
Band VI 02 022
Band I 07 078
Band V 04 041
Band V 04 041
Band I 07 072
Band V 06 061
Band I 07 072
Band V 04 048
Band VI 01 011
Band I 07 073
Band V 04 041
Band I 07 071
Band I 07 071
Band I 07 071
Band V 04 041
Band IV 04 041
Band II 05 051
Band III 09 091
Band II 05 054
Band II 05 054
Band II 05 053
Band II 01 011
Band III 09 091
Band II 05 054
Band IV 09 091
Band II 05 053
Band I 07 072
Band II 05 053
Band IV 09 091
Band VI 01 011
Band I 07 071
Band I 07 071
Band III 09 091
Band VI 03 031
Band IV 09 091
Band II 05 051
Band IV 09 091
Band VI 03 032
Band II 05 051
Band III 09 091
Band II 09 091
Band III 09 091
Band III 09 091
Band IV 09 091
Band II 05 053
Band IV 09 091
Band III 09 091
Band III 09 091
Band III 09 091
Band II 05 053
Band I 07 071
Band I 07 072
Band I 07 071
Band II 05 052
Band I 07 071
Band II 05 051
Band II 05 051
Band II 05 051
Band I 07 071
Band II 05 051
Band IV 09 091
Band III 09 091
Band IV 08 081
Band VI 02 022
Band III 09 091
Band I 07 072
Band I 07 072
Band II 05 053
Band I 07 072
Band I 07 072
Band I 07 072
Band V 02 023
Band IV 09 098
Band III 09 091
Band I 07 071
Band IV 09 098
Band VI 02 021
Band III 09 091
Band II 05 053
Band VI 05 052
Band IV 08 088
Band IV 08 088
Band IV 08 088
Band VI 04 041
Band IV 08 082
Band IV 08 082
Band III 09 091
Band I 06 061
Band IV 09 091
Band III 09 091
Band IV 09 091
Band III 09 091
Band II 05 053
Band II 05 054
Band III 09 091
Band IV 08 081
Band III 09 091
Band III 09 091
Band IV 10 102
Band III 09 091
Band IV 09 091
Band IV 09 091
Band II 05 054
Band I 06 061
Band III 09 091
Band IV 09 091
Band III 09 091
Band II 05 054
Band III 09 091
Band III 09 091
Band II 05 053
Band VI 02 023
Band VI 02 023
Band VI 02 023
Band IV 09 091
Band III 09 091
Band VI 02 021
Band III 09 091
Band II 05 052
Band II 09 091
Band III 09 092
Band IV 08 088
Band IV 09 091
Band VI 04 042
Band III 09 091
Band IV 09 091
Band III 09 091
Band III 09 091
Band IV 09 091
Band III 09 091
Band III 09 091
Band VI 01 011
Band IV 09 091
Band II 05 052
Band I 07 072
Band I 07 072
Band IV 09 091
Band IV 09 091
Band IV 09 091
Band IV 09 091
Band III 09 091
Band IV 09 091
Band VI 02 022
Band VI 02 022
Band VI 02 021
Band II 05 053
Band II 05 053
Band II 01 011
Band IV 09 091
Band II 05 053
Band III 09 091
Band IV 08 081
Band II 05 051
Band IV 05 051
Band II 05 051
Band I 07 071
Band IV 08 081
Band II 05 053
Band IV 09 091
Band IV 08 081
Band IV 08 082
Band III 09 091
Band VI 03 031
Band I 07 072
Band VI 10 103
Band VI 03 031
Band VI 03 031
Band VI 03 031
Band VI 03 031
Band VI 03 031
Band III 09 091
Band III 09 091
Band III 09 091
Band III 09 091
Band III 09 091
Band III 09 091
Band III 09 091
Band III 09 091
Band III 09 091
Band III 09 091
Band III 09 091
Band III 09 091
Band III 09 091
Band IV 07 072
Band I 07 071
Band I 07 071
Band I 07 071
Band VI 01 011
Band I 07 071
Band I 07 071
Band VI 02 021
Band VI 03 032
Band I 06 061
Band I 07 072
Band I 07 072
Band I 07 072
Band VI 01 011
Band I 07 072
Band V 04 041
Band VI 03 031
Band III 09 091
Band IV 09 091
Band V 04 041
Band V 04 041
Band V 04 041
Band III 09 091
Band IV 09 098
Band VI 04 042
Band V 04 041
Band V 04 041
Band VI 03 032
Band VI 03 032
Band III 09 091
Band II 05 054
Band V 04 041
Band VI 02 023
Band I 07 078
Band II 05 053
Band IV 09 091
Band II 05 053
Band III 09 091
Band I 07 078
Band I 07 071
Band IV 08 081
Band IV 08 088
Band V 04 041
Band I 07 073
Band I 07 071
Band IV 09 098
Band VI 03 031
Band VI 07 078
Band III 09 091
Band VI 02 022
Band III 09 091
Band IV 09 091
Band III 09 092
Band IV 08 081
Band I 07 073
Band I 07 073
Band IV 08 088
Band IV 08 081
Band IV 08 081
Band IV 03 031
Band V 04 041
Band VI 01 011
Band VI 02 021
Band V 04 041
Band VI 10 103
Band I 07 071
Band VI 02 023
Band VI 01 011
Band VI 03 031
Band VI 03 031
Band VI 03 031
Band VI 03 031
Band VI 02 022
Band VI 05 052
Band VI 03 031
Band III 09 091
Band VI 03 031
Band VI 03 031
Band VI 01 011
Band VI 03 031
Band VI 03 031
Band III 09 092
Band I 06 061
Band IV 08 081
Band II 05 053
Band I 07 073
Band I 07 073
Band II 05 053
Band VI 02 023
Band II 05 053
Band VI 01 011
Band VI 09 091
Band VI 01 011
Band VI 01 011
Band III 09 091
Band II 10 101
Band II 10 101
Band II 10 101
Band II 10 101
Band II 10 101
Band II 05 054
Band II 05 054
Band II 05 054
Band II 05 054
Band I 07 071
Band II 05 053
Band IV 08 081
Band I 07 072
Band III 09 091
Band I 07 073
Band III 09 091
Band I 07 071
Band VI 05 052
Band I 06 061
Band VI 03 031
Band VI 04 042
Band VI 01 011
Band VI 01 011
Band I 07 078
Band I 07 078
Band VI 01 011
Band I 07 072
Band I 05 053
Band I 07 073
Band I 02 021
Band I 07 072
Band I 01 011
Band I 07 072
Band VI 02 021
Band I 07 071
Band VI 02 023
Band VI 02 023
Band VI 01 011
Band I 07 071
Band V 10 101
Band VI 10 101

Band V 10 101
Band V 10 101
Band V 10 101
Band III 09 091
Band V 03 031
Band III 09 091
Band I 07 073
Band VI 02 023
Band III 09 091
Band I 07 073
Band VI 03 031
Band I 07 073
Band I 07 073
Band I 07 073
Band VI 07 078
Band I 07 073
Band I 07 078
Band I 07 073
Band I 07 073
Band I 07 073
Band VI 04 042
Band VI 07 073
Band I 07 073
Band I 03 031
Band III 09 091
Band III 09 091
Band III 09 091
Band IV 08 081
Band IV 08 084
Band IV 08 084
Band IV 08 084
Band IV 08 084
Band IV 08 084
Band IV 08 084
Band IV 08 084
Band VI 02 021
Band IV 08 081
Band II 10 101
Band VI 03 031
Band I 07 073
Band I 07 073
Band VI 05 058
Band I 07 078
Band I 07 073
Band IV 08 081
Band I 07 073
Band I 07 073
Band I 07 073
Band IV 10 102
Band I 07 073
Band IV 08 081
Band III 09 092
Band II 05 051
Band IV 08 088
Band IV 08 088
Band VI 02 023
Band I 07 072
Band III 09 092
Band II 05 051
Priority Order Note: ONLY use the CODES and NOT the descriptions in your data submission
Provided values are for illustrative purposes only
a submission
Back to List

Modality Code Modality Modality Category

RG Regular Regular
EX Extension Non Regular
SU Summer Non Regular
DIS Distance Non Regular
WE Week end Non Regular
Modality 2nd language Modality Category 2nd language Priority Order
Note: ONLY use the CODES and NOT the
Provided values are for illustrative purp
Y use the CODES and NOT the descriptions in your data submission
alues are for illustrative purposes only
Back to List

Qualification Code Qualification

BCH Bachelor's degree
HSP Health speciality/sub-speciality Certificate
PGD Post graduate diploma
MST Master's degree
PHD Doctorate degree
Default ISCED Level Qualification 2nd language Priority Order
Note: ONLY use the CODES and NOT the
ISCED6 Provided values are for illustrative purpo
Y use the CODES and NOT the descriptions in your data submission
values are for illustrative purposes only
Back to List

Accreditation Body Code Accreditation Body

ETA Education and Training Authority
NTQA National TVET Quality Assurance
MOE Ministry Education
Note: ONLY use the CODES and NOT the descriptions in y
Accreditation Body 2nd language Priority Order Provided values are for illustrative purposes only
NOT the descriptions in your data submission
ve purposes only
Back to List

Auditing Body Code Auditing Body

ETA Education and Training Authority
NTQA National TVET Quality Assurance
MOE Ministry Of Education
IQA Internal Quality Assurance Body
Note: ONLY use the CODES and NOT the descriptions in y
Auditing Body 2nd language Priority Order Provided values are for illustrative purposes only
NOT the descriptions in your data submission
ve purposes only

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