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Columbia University: Arts & Sciences

Fall 2021

Course: QMSSGR5070_001_2021_3-GIS&SPATIALANALYSIS-SOCSCI : QMSSGR5070_001_2021_3 - GIS & SPATIAL

Instructor: Michael Parrott

1 - What did you learn - in terms of knowledge, skills, or perspectives - in this course?The answer to this question will generally be available in Vergil.

- Spatial analyses

- geosptial

- Different visualization techniques for spatial data, GeoDa, GIS in Python

- The course covered a number of ways to perform spatial analysis, including cluster analysis, locally defined regressions, and a number of visualizations.
Additionally the course gave a basic overview of python and R.

- Valuable skills on how to use software and how to approach spatial data quesitons

- This course has taught me many new skills with geographical analysis in several different programs and techniques.

- GIS concepts and methods, using QGIS, Geoda, and python to make maps.

- How to use QGIS, spatial statistics, geospatial data in R and Python.

- I learned QGIS, GeoDA, map visualizations in Python/R, Shiny and Leaflet, as well as important concepts in spatial statistics such as standard deviational ellipses,
the Modifiable Areal Unit Problem, and spatial autoregression.

- gis

- I learned a lot in this course -- probably the most of any QMSS course I've taken thus far. Mike delivers content very well,

- Learned how to use QGIS & GeoDa to some degree, and learned how to navigate with R and Python through some spatial regressions

- GIS and Spatial Data Analysis

- This course was incredibly helpful. I got a good grip of basic GIS but also the 'applied' skills to do it. The term is on geo-spatial analyses and techniques, focused on
social science research

- Softwares-- QGIS, Python, RStudio, GeoDaSatScan

Spatial Statistics-- Moran's I, LISA clusters, spatial lag models, spatial error models, geographic weighted regressions.
GIS Mehtods-- Choropleth maps, centrographic statistics, geoprocessing operations.

2 - What is your overall assessment of the course?The answer to this question will generally be available in Vergil.
Response Option Weight Frequency Percentage Percent Responses Mean
Excellent (5) 14 35.90%
Very Good (4) 13 33.33%
Good (3) 10 25.64%
Fair (2) 1 2.56%
Poor (1) 1 2.56%
0 25 50 75 100 Question

Response Rate Mean STD Median

39/47 (82.98%) 3.97 0.99 4.00

Columbia University: Arts & Sciences
Fall 2021

Course: QMSSGR5070_001_2021_3-GIS&SPATIALANALYSIS-SOCSCI : QMSSGR5070_001_2021_3 - GIS & SPATIAL

Instructor: Michael Parrott

3 - Would you recommend this course to another student?The answer to this question will generally be available in Vergil.
Response Option Weight Frequency Percentage Percent Responses Mean
Definitely recommend (1) 15 38.46%
Probably recommend (2) 17 43.59%
I'm not sure I'd recommend (3) 5 12.82%
Probably not recommend (4) 1 2.56%
Definitely not recommend (5) 1 2.56%
0 25 50 75 100

Response Rate
39/47 (82.98%)

4 - Please qualify your recommendations if you wish:The answer to this question will generally be available in Vergil.

- The course was interesting. While I would have liked more analysis, it was still a very interesting way to look at data.

- It is a great 101 course to GIS that is taught in a manageable pace. I would recommend other courses if you already know some geospatial statistics or GIS tools.

- If you are interested in GIS or learning about spatial statistics at all, this course is a comprehensive introduction to relevant applications, Python/R, and some
important spatial statistical methods. This was also the first time I put together a data-related project so that was useful as well.

- Definitely not something you would learn in other classes and is pretty specific to if you are attempting to conduct any type of research on census tract data,
geographic files, or spatial analysis.

- The course is very good. I would definitely recommend. But if you have difficulty coding, this course has fast-paced introductions to both Python and R for GIS so
might get a bit difficult to catch up. Though the two languages are not necessarily used in assignments.

- Skim on the readings, a lot of them are not necessary for the course, but having access to all of the books in the syllabus is a good idea for this course.

5 - How does the workload in this course compare to Columbia courses with a similar structure (e.g. a lecture, seminar, laboratory, or language course)?The answer
to this question will generally be available in Vergil.
Response Option Weight Frequency Percentage Percent Responses Mean
Much heavier workload (1) 2 5.13%
Heavier workload (2) 11 28.21%
Similar workload (3) 26 66.67%
Lighter workload (4) 0 0.00%
Much lighter workload (5) 0 0.00%
No basis for comparison (6) 0 0.00%
0 25 50 75 100

Response Rate
39/47 (82.98%)

Columbia University: Arts & Sciences
Fall 2021

Course: QMSSGR5070_001_2021_3-GIS&SPATIALANALYSIS-SOCSCI : QMSSGR5070_001_2021_3 - GIS & SPATIAL

Instructor: Michael Parrott

6 - How many hours a week did you devote to this course? (Note: Please include all time spent on this class including class time, discussion sections, readings,
assignments, studying, etc.)The answer to this question will generally be available in Vergil.

- 10-15

- Lighter workload at beginning of the semester but heavier workload at the end of semester

- Generally it was about 2 hours of class, 1-2 hours of reading, and about 2-3 hours of homework every other week, for a total of maybe 5 hours a week.


- Roughly 8


- 1 hour readings, 2 hour classes, 4-5 hour homework assignments

- 3-4 hours with no assignments, 6-7 hours with assignments, 12 hours for midterm

- 10hr+

- 10




- 2 hours for class time, 8 -12 hours of reading, labs could take anywhere from 2-16 hours (assigned roughly every other week), exams took 10-12 hours.

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