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Batch 1

The extra money from the schools could be used to improve the comfort
rooms because the existing toilets are dirty, old and damaged. Also it
makes the student late in their class.
The comfort room is not well-secured and clean enough for students to
use, especially women. Without proper cleaning, washrooms can become
breeding grounds for germs. These germs can then spread disease
throughout the school population. Students might contract a contagious
disease if the toilet is not clean.
If a child feels as if he or she cannot use a facility comfortably, they may
return to a class unrelaxed, unfocused and not in the best mind-set for
learning. Children miss school due to hygiene-related diseases because of
a lack of access to proper Sanitation facilities. If a washroom is not
maintained appropriately, students will feel anxious using them, resulting
in a decreased-attention span whilst at school. If a child uses a toilet
without any soap and then gets sick, they will miss time in the classroom.
Also, they prefer not to use the comfort station because it is not secure,
there is no water, and it is not properly maintained.
As a result inadequate toilet facilities are having a negative impact on
attendance and student wellbeing, which in turn threatens the overall
performance of the school.

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