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Сыныптан тыс шараның тақырыбы: 

Be the Best!
Мақсаты:  Оқушылардың пәнге қызығушылықтарын арттыру. 
                    6-  сыныптардың үш тоқсан негізінде алған білімдерін
                   толықтыру, дамыту.
                   Оқушыларды дайындықсыз ауызша сөйлеу тілдерін, сөздік
                  қорларын молайту
Оқушылар: , 6 - сыныптар арасында
1.     Organization moment
Good afternoon, children and our guests! I’m very glad to see you here. Now we
shall organize a competition called “ Be the Best”. Ten students will take part in a
game of the most quick-witted and the cleverest. It’s time to introduce yourselves.
P1: My name is …..I study at school 69. I am a pupil of the 6 th form A
I like English and I wish everybody success!
P2: My name is Akbilek I study at school 69. I am a pupil of the 6 th form A
I like English and I wish everybody success!
P1: My name is…..I study at school 69. I am a pupil of the 6 th form B
I like English and I wish everybody success!

P1: My name is…..I study at school 69. I am a pupil of the 6 th form B

I like English and I wish everybody success!

P1: My name is…..I study at school 69. I am a pupil of the 6 th form Ғ

I like English and I wish everybody success!

P1: My name is…..I study at school 69. I am a pupil of the 6 th form Ғ

I like English and I wish everybody success!

P1: My name is…..I study at school 69. I am a pupil of the 6 th form Ә

I like English and I wish everybody success!

P1: My name is…..I study at school 69. I am a pupil of the 6 th form Д

I like English and I wish everybody success!

P1: My name is…..I study at school 69. I am a pupil of the 6 th form A

I like English and I wish everybody happiness!

P1: My name is…..I study at school 69. I am a pupil of the 6 th form A

I like English and I wish everybody success!

 Today all of you have a good chance to improve your English during the game. I
want to introduce the members of our jury.  They  are an English teacher…
Now I’m going to teach you how to play this game. They should find the pair and
draw a map.
1.     Who is faster?
 Find the pair and draw a map. (School life)

2.     Choose the right Tence.

3.     Listen and remember the jobs.
4.     Who wants to be a millionaire?
5.     10 sentences. (Present Perfect)
6.     True Or False
Well, I wish you success. Be active, honest and helpful!
II.                The main part.
1. And now  the 1st task is “Find the pair and draw a map» each participant can
get 1 points for the right answer. We will send you the click of the Learning
apps program to your chats on Whatsapp. There you must click the button
and find the pairs of each school subject. Then , if you find the right
answer ,you will be given a map. OK, Let us begin our race.
If you finish the task, you may clap the hands
Балалар, ватсап чаттарыңа сілтеме жіберілді. Сол сілтеме арқылы кіріп
тапсырмаларды орындаймыз. Тапсырманы орындап болған соң, әділ-
қазы мүшелеріне жұмыстарымызды әкеліп береміз. Әділ-қазы
мүшелері балалардың балын жазып отырады. Бұл сайыста тез жылдам
орындаған оқушы бағаланады.

2.     And now we come to the 2nd contest

 The following task “Choose the right Tence. ”

We will send you the click of the Learning apps program to your chats on
Whatsapp. There you must click the button and put the right tense to each gap.
Then , if you find the right answer ,you must give your answers to the judges. OK,
Let us begin our race.
If you finish the task, you may clap the hands
4. The next task is “Who am I” . First look at the Panel board .Listen and remember
each jobs. Pupil will listen and will remember. Then you must write the name of
jobs which you have remembered. The winner will be the person who wrote many
names of jobs. If you finish, please give your sheet to the judges.

5.   The next task is “Who wants to be a millionaire?” If you want to be a
millionaire , you need to answer correctly. Pupils must answer the questions

6. Complete   10 sentences using the present perfect. (Present Perfect)

 Write as more words as you can for 3 minutes

4.My friend________________________________(speak)
5.My parents________________________________(visit)
8.My cat___________________________________(eat)
10.My grandfather______________________________(give)
7. Our last task is the game “True or False?” in this game you must click the link
which is send to your chat on whatsapp. Answer the questions. if you find the right
answer ,you must give your answers to the judges. OK, Let us begin our race.
           Did you like today’s competition? Write your impression here!
The Competition is over! Now it is the time for our judges. Let us listen to our
Орын алған оқушыларды марапаттауға кезек берсек. Thank you for your

Топтарды бағалау парағы

Who is Choose Listen and Who wants 10 True
faster? the right remember to be a sentenc Or
tense. the jobs. millionaire es. False
? (Presen









№ 69 general secondary school

English knowledge
“Be the best!”
6 grades

Teachers: Ospanova A.
Samenova B.
2022-2023 year

Топтарды бағалау парағы

Қатысушы Таныс Білім Өз Кім Лидер Қоры
лар тыру сайысы өнері жылдам ойыны тынд
5 балл 5 балл Кері Әр ы
сандарме боулинг 1
н балл

55 5



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