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1. Firda Damayanti
2. Maziah Khairani
3. Rohmi Hidayah
4. Sindi Monika

Material Description

- Our goal when entering into a negotiation with anyone isto be

able to walk away with the best deal possible. Just exactly how to
get from the beginning of a negotiation to that deal no matter
what negotiation styles or negotiating techniques are being used
is what we don’t always understand. This is exactly where being
flexible comes into play.
- If we can agree that being flexible is actually
something that can work to your benefit during
a negotiation, then the real question is going to
be how best to use this negotiating skill. During
every negotiation there are going to be
conflicts. This is where your flexibility can help

- Our goal when we enter into our next

negotiation must be to be as flexible as
possible. We need to always have an open
mind and be willing to consider new ideas and
new ways of finding solutions. Find a way to
be flexible and you’ll be able to create the
deals that you want to be able to reach.

You have set your negotiation goals, drawn a

negotiation strategy, and perhaps even selected tactics
to use during your business negotiation. During the
negotiation, you realize the discussion is not going the
way you thought it would. Do you change your strategy
or change your tactics? The answer is you don’t change
strategy but you should reasses your tactics.
As Dr. Chester L. Karrass says: “Flexibility on the
choice of tactics is imperative.” The key to being
able to change and be flexible is to continually
asses what is working and what is not working.
One set of tactics that worked before may not
work now. Dr. Karras gives one basic rule of
choosing your tactics: “Never use a tactic unless
you havve considered what countermeasures the
other side is likely to take.”

You are the Industrial Relations Officer employed

by a bank. You are responsible for all
personnel related matters at a branch of the
Bank. You are very familiar with the
disciplinary code and procedure and like to
consider yourself a resource to everyone in the
The dismissed employee’s supervisor has
informed you that on the 5th September
she received a report from the employee
that 50 Crowns was missing from the
employee’s till.
To achieve FLEXIBILITY OF THE NEGOTIATION we need to make
proper preparations to think of scenarios that might help. By
doing so, we will be able to look at some of the other paths in the
negotiations and broaden our scope of what to achieve in the
negotiations. This is very necessary so that we do not get off
track and can achieve the goals we want.


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