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Andrej Gogora

As a first step we usually define the problem, then inspect the lock and after all we find the key. This time it will be exactly opposite. We already have the key just put it into a lock and turn! But I must divulge that this key will be wrong. Nevermind, try it anyway, even if it gets stuck. Ultimately, in human history were many doors smashed or unlocked by passkey. Well, my suggestion for Stadlnova comes from Otto Wagner's project of Die Grostadt (1911). In this brief pamphlet he proposed a plan for modern reconstruction of Vienna. We will drive along his wonderful landscape, across the zone boundaries and through the neat-houses, without permission, but at any cost and for high prices. Continually, till the point when we can say that utopia didn't outwit us, at least for a while. In fact, what would it be like if we were really modern? Let's see it. Maybe we will learn something about Stadlnova. This project didn't arise by chance. It responded to the industrial, commercial and snaky town. Thus it rose up against the factory pollution and sewages, as well against the land machination, slums and cancerous city expansion. Then, it turned against the jagged medieval cityscape, mazy and narrow corridors, walls and congestion... all that lovely trifles which adored Camillo Sitte. Naturally, Wagner had no confidence in these beasts. So, in order to protect Vienna from a mess, speculative growth and blind chance, he proposed a practical solution vision of a modern town, Die Grostadt. To be precise, countless threats and hybrids boiled over in the city that time. Nevertheless, let things go on and continue in fable, maybe we trace them out later. In general, Die Grostadt consists of two operators systematic regulation and unlimited growth. Their collaboration results in an image of the city which develops constantly and under rigorous conditions. This is a major job and they perform it heavenly. In practice, Wagner drawn around Vienna a spider web. Yes, correctly, a network! But be careful, for you can fall into a trap. It has a solid and regular shape, and what is worse, it has a shape. In detail, Wagner divided whole city in a self-contained districts, each one occupies area of 500 1000 hectares and accomodate aproximately 100,000 150,000 persons. With few exceptions, each district has the same ground plan rational grid. If the population exceeds that limit, we just add the new quarter, next to already existing and so on, in every direction, over and over again. This explosion can't have any restriction, except for the geometrical regularity and architectural uniformity. Needless to say, this business is indispensable for the future of our towns. What about Stadlnova? How it relates? Dream up that everything that was promised has been fulfilled that we are very modern, perhaps in the Wagnerian sense. He predicted that given town will double in size in 30 years. If it came true, today, after a hundred years, there would been a continuous carpet of settlement between Vienna and Bratislava. Thus Stadlnova would be a part of Die Grostadt, piece of a cake. And what's more, Bratislava would barely be a provincial suburb. Just imagine a cumulative network of identical wards which unstoppably devour all around all the scattered shanties, fields, memories and clusters of deflections. Let's relocate ourselves in this shiny playground, in fictive Stadlnova (call it a flesh and blood modern space). Where do we end up? Is it worth? In spite of doubt, it won't be a dreary tour. On the contrary, scenario is so pretty wasteful and extravagant that we won't miss all those banal and subtle

urban stuff. Maybe we'll fall in love with it and then we'll come back very hard. After all, we have it in nature. It seems that Stadlnova is either an incredible realm or monstrous teritory. Despite all objections we can afford to get stuck in such a polarizing demarcation. Moreover, unbutton and deliberately set up another contradictions. Forget the carefulness and foresight, there are enough of them order and disorder, human and nature, structure and event, line and curve for example. In addition, we can sort them out and select the best of each couple. You may guess which one it will probably be. We are going full blast. In Stadlnova is neither compromise nor middle way. Just a neatness and clarity, winner and losers. Either Opel or Volkswagen. She is really so. Well, let's hang around and take a glance at Stadlnova. What's the area of reason and man? Soon we'll find out that beside the fixed grid and rectangular axis spread out dynamics which constantly vitalize and reactive this flatness. Resuscitation is an apt word, for to conquer territory and to retain it are very different acts. We are talking about well managed flows and branched routine operations such as ingenious trafic system, bureaucracy, leisure, outlet shopping and another slighter circulations. This networks are quite complex and related, but watch out, it drags you into the endless circuits. Leakage, not an escape, is then a bit complicated. Oh, stop, I digress too much. Whether the rational grid is fake or not has no importance for us. Under given conditions it's only speculation. Stadlnova is not at all like that. Do not cheat! Keep to the point the topic is a true utopic space. Here we see how it's hard to be careless, to play at modern and not to be pushy. Fair play is now of no use. We want pure vision, no Burgenland's wine. Sober up and feel free to exaggerate, to preach the new beginning and to become a modern man without remorse. Let's try it as long as it's possible. Overdo, ignore blood suckers and refrain from comments. So therefore forget CENTROPE and let's back into Stadlnova paradise. Revive her fantastic landscape, pretend that it really took place. First of all, look at it from above. Stadlnova is not just any fiction, it's based on the solid ground. She is a replica of universal order the best work of a man and reason. Stadlnova is absolutely clear and self-evident, she is the finest embodiment of unity, regularity and expansion. There is nothing better. All is perfectly set up and it'll never wear out like mossy border bunkers. Her beauty lies in high speed and flawless circulation. This is given in advance and top-down, not vice versa. We still have not gone to the extreme. Raise! Stadlnova is rupture and deep furrow in history. There was almost nothing before, for all the best started up in her layout. Stadlnova had never taste of wars, occupations, Iron Curtain, customs officers, miseries, developers or devinsky massacre, just a progess and the same footprint. So there is no becoming, thus no obsolence. Mankind has no time for such stupidities. No need, everything is already done and still fresh, and so it will be. It follows the autobahn of modernity which leads to comfortable, healthy and sunny living. What a bliss! Townies can't complain about anything. They are confident of systematic expansion. Everyone knows what will happen and to know means to be a happy. No rage of nature and life is easier then. No plot of Twin City and place is more objective then. Citizens have another reasons to rejoice. Stadlnova is marching deliberately, providing luminous housing, full facilities, continuous traffic and tidy streets, verdure go without saying. Last but not least there rules tactfulness and brotherhood, no trauma of rich West and poor East. Everything, from urban scheme to social relations, is pre-arranged, thus attractive and for free, not like Nickelsdorf's Konfrontationen. You just have to get involved.

Well, wake up, otherwise it will be a neverending story. I guess we aren't longing for that. What can be said, from this bombastic viewpoint, about possibility of present space between Bratislava and Vienna? Or else, what is so thrilling in utopian Stadlnova? Suppose that her allure consists in her debt. The higher price, the more exciting. In other words, the more shinning scheme, the higher charges. What the hell it has in common with money? Nothing, but everything costs something. Abstractly, each action implies a great deal of tools, stuffs, and pieces of information. Some are cheaper, others expensive. We're not exempt from taxes and something similar is true of concepts and theories quid pro quo. Price for them is not as painful as the mortgage payments but they require a certain effort and interest. Each standpoint has it's price, each principle brings arrears and payoffs. Nothing is for free. Project's uniformity is demanding and hard to maintain. All the more when the goal is to become tangible. Finally, outcomes will issue a bill. In our case, Stadlnova is pretty costly and in debt. Why? She is hunger for something pricey without having to do anything. In fact, this terrific social fabric requires a huge amounts of means, checkpoints and vehicles. She must assure ceaseless supervision, immaculate and smooth circulation (clear of noise and mutation). Just imagine what the crowd is necessary to preserve the balance of this space. Modern man and reason are not sufficient. Don't be so proud. Demands are too high. Society didn't make a deal because the price couldn't be simply paid. Nothing occurs, only draft of contract remained. In conclusion, that's why we call projects like this utopia. They have a high price and therefore are such an attractive they incur a loss for the sake of carelessness. But it reveals something more valuable. It cross refers to the way we should or shouldn't think about actual Stadlnova and hints how it should or shouldn't be imagine. Suffering from trying to be a really modern taught us an accountability and fair mind. Overcharged idyl reminds us how to calculate the rate of exchange, how to take account of each item, how to not run into debt, how to redeem ourselves, thus how to be prudent. This method says: Lets indulge only in the things we can afford. Nothing more.

English translation of Die Grostadt:

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