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Worksheet – Chapter 5

SUBJECT : Computer Science GRADE : IV

I. Choose the correct answer:

1. Which of the following key is used to start a new paragraph?
a) shift b) delete c) backspace d) none of these
2. How many times need to press backspace key to delete the word “HIS”?
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) none of these
3. Which of the following wavy underline indicates grammatical errors in MS Word?
a) red b) green c) black d) none of these
4. Which button is present in the Editing group on the Home tab?
a) find b) format painter c) paste d) none of these
5. Which mouse action is performed to select a paragraph in MS Word?
a) Click b) Double-click c) Triple-click d) none of these
II. Fill in the blanks:
6. Press the _______________key to type all the letters in capitals.
7. _________is used to replace a word with its synonyms.
8. Ctrl+Y is the shortcut key for the ______________operation.
9. Ctrl+Z is the shortcut key for the ______________operation.
10. To select the whole text in a document ________________ shortcut key used.
III. Put a tick  for the correct statements and a cross  for the wrong ones:
11. Cut and Paste options are used to remove a text from original place.
12. You can Redo the changes made by Undo in MS Word document.
13. Spelling errors are indicated by a wavy red underline.
14. The Delete key is used if the text is to be deleted from the right of the cursor.
15. To select a sentence, single-click anywhere in the sentence.
IV. Answer the following questions in one word or one sentence:
16. Difference between Delete and Backspace key.
17. Write the purpose of Caps lock key.
18. How do you insert multiple spaces in a word document?
19. Difference between Cut and Copy option.
V. Answer the following questions:

HIS/CBSE/Worksheet – Chapter 5/2022-23/IV/COMPUTER SCIENCE Page No: 1

20. Write the steps to find the synonym of a given word.
21. What is the use of Find and replace commands?
22. What are the uses of the Undo and Redo button?
VI. Answer the following application-based questions:
23. Ritesh was typing some text in MS Word.
i. He wants to select text from beginning of line till the cursor position. Which shortcut key
he can use?
ii. He wants to break a long paragraph in three small paragraphs. How can she do this?
24. Ishita has made her Science project on „Animal life‟ in MS Word.
i. She wants to replace the word „Zoo‟ with „Jungle‟ in the whole document. How can she do
ii. She wants to find the synonyms for the word „life‟. How can she do that?
25. Swathi has typed a long paragraph in MS Word.
i. She observed that few words are underlined with wavy red lines. What do these lines
ii. She wants to type all the words in capital letter. How can she do this?
26. Kumar wants to type a report on annual day on the computer.
i. Which input devices he can use?
ii. Which of the following program he can use to create the Annual Day report?
a) MS Paint b) MS Word c) MS Access d) none of these

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