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16/2/2014 CISE 301 Numerical Methods

CISE 301 - Term 102 - Spring 2011

Numerical Methods
Muhamed F. Mudawar
Office: Building 22, Room 328, Phone: 4642
Schedule and Office Hours

Syllabus | Lectures | Assignments

Final Exam: Thursday, June 9, at 7:30 AM, Exb Center - B
Quiz 5: Numerical Integration, Tuesday, May 17
Quiz 5 Solution
Exam 2: Thursday, May 5, 10 AM, Building 24, Room 120
Quiz 4: Interpolation: Tuesday, April 26
Quiz 4 Solution
Quiz 3: Least-Squares Regression: Tuesday, April 19
Quiz 3 Solution
Exam 1: Thursday, March 24, 6 PM, Building 24, Room 120
Quiz 2: Solutions to Non-Linear Equations: Tuesday, March 15
Quiz1: Number Representation and Taylor Series: Sunday, February 27

Sohaib Darwish

Questions related to assignments and grading should be directed to the teaching assistant

Numerical Me thods for Engineers, Steven Chapra and Raymond Canale, McGraw Hill International Edition, Fifth Edition, 2006

Course Outcomes
Towards the end of this course, students should be able to:
Use Taylor Series to approximate functions and evaluate approximation errors
Program algorithms to locate the roots of non-linear equations
Program algorithms to solve linear system of equations
S mooth engineering collected data using least square method
Use polynomials to interpolate collected data or approximate functions
Program algorithms to evaluate the derivative or the integral of a given function

Program alogrithms to solve O rdinary Differential Equations or Partial Differential Equations

Apply methods to solve common engineering problems

Use software tools to solve numerical problems

Academic Honesty 1/2
16/2/2014 CISE 301 Numerical Methods
Academic Honesty
View important information on academic honesty

Exam Schedule
Exam 1: Thursday, March 24, 6 PM
Exam 2: Thursday, May 5, 10 AM
Final Exam:

Attendance and Participation: 5%
Assignments and Quizzes: 20%
Exam I: 20%
Exam II: 25%
Final Exam: 30%

Last Updated: Sunday June 05, 2011, by Dr. Muhamed Mudawar 2/2

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