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Commercial Production of Acids by Fungi

Author(s): Vincent W. Cochrane

Source: Economic Botany , Apr. - Jun., 1948, Vol. 2, No. 2 (Apr. - Jun., 1948), pp. 145-
Published by: Springer on behalf of New York Botanical Garden Press

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Commercial Production of Acids by Fungi
Citric, gluconic, fumaric and gallic acids, all having
industrial applications, are the only ones among 41
known fungus acids that are produced commercially

Assistant Professor of Biology, Wesleyan University, Middletown, Conn.

Introduction only a few fungus products are of com-

THE fungi as a group contain widely mercial importance; among the forty-one
diverse types of microorganisms, ranging known acids, the subject of this review,
in size from microscopic to the easily only a handful are of any interest-
visible mushrooms and puffballs. Their citric, gluconic, fumaric, gallic, d-lactic,
metabolic activities are similarly diverse, itaconic, kojic and oxalic-and only the
and literally hundreds of products are first four named are actually being pro-
formed in the group. Many of these duced commercially at the present time.
products are acids; a recent review lists The fungi concerned in these processes
forty-one, and there are undoubtedly are of the group known commonly as
many more not yet investigated. " molds". These are saprophytic organ-
Fungi come to our attention primarily isms, deriving their energy by oxidation
as destructive agents-spoilage of fruits of organic compounds, and can be grown
and vegetables, diseases of crops, deteri- in suitable culture media. The mold
oration of textiles and leather, and body consists of numerous microscopic
molding of stored foods are a few of their threads which cohere and interwine in
undesirable activities. It is instructive large masses to form the mycelium. Re-
to recall, however, that their primary production is accomplished by produc-
role in nature is beneficial, namely, the tion of large numbers of usually one-
decomposition of dead plant and animal celled spores which can be carried great
residues which would otherwise encumber distances by air currents or may be
the earth. The utilization of fungi in transferred deliberately by the investi-
industry is similarly to be listed on the gator to start new cultures of the
credit side for the fungi; it is necessary organism. Since the molds, like all
to mention only the drug penicillin, pro- other fungi, require molecular oxygen,
duced by a fungus, to remind us that the they normally grow on the surface of a
fungi are not necessarily harmful. medium, forming a mat or pad of growth.
Among the hundreds of known fungus However, if air is bubbled through a
products only a few are of industrial liquid medium, the growth is no longer
importance. There may be no industrial restricted to the surface and the organ-
need for a particular compound; it may ism grows in scattered masses through-
be produced more cheaply by a chemical out the liquid. These two methods of
process; the fungus may produce too cultivation, "surface" and "sub-
little of it for man to use it; or the merged", are both used in the produc-
separation of the desired product from tion of acids by fungi; generally, the
other metabolic substances may be too latter method is preferred if the desired
expensive. For these and other reasons product is formed under submerged con-

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ditions, since it is more economical of of this compound has been developed by

labor and equipment and since contamin- research to a point where no other
ation is more easily controlled. method can compete with it in cost or
In all industrial microbiological proc- product quality.
esses the organism is grown in pure Historical. Citric acid itself was first
culture in or on a medium which sup- isolated, from lemon juice, by Scheele in
plies it with food. The medium used 1784. Liebig in 1838 determined most
depends on the mold and on the product of its chemical properties, especially the
desired, but all or almost all contain a fact that the molecule contains three acid.
carbohydrate source (starch or sugar), groups.
a source of nitrogen and some inorganic In 1893 the history of the industrial
salts to supply essential elements. utilization of fungi began with the dis-
These substances may be added as pure covery by Wehmer in Germany that a
chemicals or may be supplied in a crude green mold named by him Citromyces
state; in the citric acid process, for ex- glaber but now considered to be a form
ample, carbohydrate may be either re- of Penicillium, forms citric acid from
fined cane sugar or crude molasses. sucrose solutions. Wehmer and others
It is common practice to refer to all after him realized the commercial pos-
microbial processes as "fermentations", sibilities of this discovery, and in the
and this usage is followed here. The next decade attempts were made in Ger-
term is not a good one, since the original many to develop a large-scale method of
definition of it, the definition still used production. These attempts failed for
by many, implies anaerobic conditions. a variety of reasons, chiefly that the
Mold processes are all carried out in the fundamental knowledge of mold meta-
presence of oxygen, i.e., under aerobic bolism was not at that time sufficiently
conditions. By fermentation we refer to extensive to enable the everyday prob-
any microbial activity resulting in chem- lems of a plant-scale fermentation to be
ical changes in the medium. solved.
While there are a bewildering number The next great advance came in the
of mold genera and species, only a few second decade of this century when
are concerned in industrial production of
Zahorski in Germany and Currie in this
acids. These include species and strains country discovered that another fungus,
of the genera Aspergillus, Penicillium,. Aspergillus niger, is a much more ef-
Rhizopus and Mucor. The first two ficient producer of citric acid than
genera named contain some of the famil- Wehmer's organism. In addition, Cur-
iar green and blue-green molds occur- rie and Thom worked out conditions of
ring on fruit; Rhizopus and Mucor are culture giving high yields of citric acid
represented in everyday experience by and a minimum of other, undesirable
the black bread-mold. Some of the acids. The first commercial units were
organisms utilized have a sexual stage, put into operation about 1919, although
but in routine transfer the asexual spores large-scale output was not attained until
or conidia are used exclusively. about 1923.
Economics of Citric Acid Produc-
Citric Acid
tion. Citric acid occurs naturally in
This is the most important acid pro- many fruits, either as the chief acid or
duced industrially by fungi. From a admixed with malic acid. In the latter
relatively unpromising start in the clos- group belong cherry, strawberry and
ing years of the nineteenth century the raspberry. Among fruits almost the en-
fermentation method for the production tire acidity of which is the result of citric

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acid may be mentioned cranberry, pine- largely to the growth of the fermentation
apple and all citrus fruits-lemons, limes, industry; in 1929 probably 70%o of the
oranges and grapefruit. Prior to the de- acid produced came from this source.
velopment of the mycological method, The estimated current annual produc-
"natural" citric acid from certain citrus tion of citric acid and citrates in this
fruits was the sole source of supply. Not country is 26,000,000 pounds2. Of this
all of the fruits described are of equal im- total the fermentation process supplies
portance as sources of natural citric acid; about two thirds; citric acid from cull
the great bulk is derived from cull lemons in California and from pineapple
lemons, minor amounts from limes and wastes in HaWaii makes up the remain-
from pineapple wastes. ing third. Natural citric acid can com-
Up to 1922 Italy produced about nine- pete with the mycological process only if
tenths of the world supply of citric acid, the raw material is otherwise a waste
chiefly from low grade lemons of Sicily. product, and for this reason the produe-
This was exported, in part as crude tion of natural citric acid is limited by
calcium citrate, in part as pure acid. the tonnage of cull lemons and pineapple
The year 1922 was a critical one in the wastes available.
economic history of citric acid. The Abroad the situation is of course con-
Italian government moved at that time fused by the dislocations of war. Prior
to restrict, by means of export duties, to 1939 both natural and fermentation cit-
the outward movement of citric acid and ric acid were produced in several Euro-
citrates. In the same year the United pean countries. Fermentation plants are
States raised the import duty on calcium known to have been in operation in Bel-
citrate from one to seven cents per pound gium, Germany, England and Czecho-
and on citric acid from five to 17 cents slovakia. Plants were probably also in
per pound. The new rates were almost operation in Russia and Japan. Euro-
prohibitive, and of course the protection pean producers of both natural and fer-
afforded by them was a major factor in mentation acid worked out the Inter-
establishing the domestic citric acid in- national Citric Acid Agreement in 1935
dustry. A third factor in the situation to stabilize prices at a profitable level;
at that time was the increased acreage of details of the cartel agreement were
lemons in California, affording a home never made public.
source of natural citric acid. Finally, In the United States it is believed that
as mentioned previously, the fermenta- only one company is at present engaged
tion method began to yield a significant in the manufacture of citric acid by the
output in 1923. fermentation process. For this reason,
The net result of these changes is production statistics are not published in
shown by the fact that the dollar value any detail; estimates of current produc-
of imported citric acid and citrates fell tion are 17,000,000 pounds per year.
from $2S701,074 in 1922 to zero in 19291. Methods of Production. Details of
During the same period domestic pro- industrial methods are closely guarded
duction of both natural and fermenta- commercial secrets. However, published
tion acid rose from 5,689,473 to 10,755, research from non-commercial sources
789 pounds per year2. The increase and the patent literature give a general
over the seven-year period is attributable picture of the process. From this back-
ground it is clear that the important
' Wells, P. A. and Herrick, H. T. Ind. Eng.
Chem. 36: 255-262. 1938. elements in the fermentation are the
2 von Loeseeke, H. W. Chem. Eng. News choice of the organism, the composition
23: 1952-1959. 1945. of the medium, the physical conditions

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(aeration, temperature, design of vessels, bombardment of spores with ultra-violet

etc.) and purification of the product. rays, X-rays or neutrons. With a larger
We have noted that commercial pro- number of mutants to choose from, the
duction became feasible only with the in- chances of obtaining a superior strain
troduction of Aspergillus niger. This is are greater. Encouraging results have
an extremely ill-defined species, covering been obtained by workers at the Univer-
in general all of the black-spored Asper- sity of Cincinnati, using these mutation-
gilli; there is no certainty that a culture inducing techniques on Aspergillus
identified as this species will be physio- niger.
logically the same as ailother culture While A. niger is the only fungus used
similarly named. In practice the ex- industrially, significant amounts of
istence of this strain variability creates citric acid have been reported to be
innumerable difficulties. In the first formed from sugar by several other
place the results of one research worker fungi. Among these are other species
may be diametrically opposite to those of of Aspergillus; at least seven are known.
another, and there is no way of telling A few other molds-species of Penicil-
whether the discrepancy arises from er- lium and Mucor-also produce citric
ror or from strain differences. A few acid. Two other fungi, Botrytis cinerea
experimental data are available on the and Ustulina vulgaris form considerable
extent of these differences. Workers in quantities of citric acid. Apart from
Italy found that acid production may be the fungi only one doubtful case of citric
either increased or decreased by the ad- acid synthesis exists: a patent was issued
dition of iron to the medium, depending in 1936 for a process involving the f or-
on the strain used. It was early dis- mation of citric acid from acetic acid by
covered that some strains produce citric a yeast.
acid contaminated with large amounts of In the commercial production of citric
oxalic acid, while other strains form a acid, spores of the mold are sown on the
minimum of the less desirable acid. surface of a sterilized liquid medium
One significant result of this character- contained in shallow aluminum pans.
istic is that a commercial producer re- The spores germinate, forming in two or
gards his own strain as an asset of great three days a firm mat of mycelium over
value, and there is no interchange of the surface. The fermentation is com-
cultures or of information. On a more plete in seven to ten days at 250 to 350
fundamental level, strain variability has C. (770 to 950 F.), when 90% of the
two important consequences. First, a sugar present has been utilized. Com-
given strain may "degenerate "-lose its mercially about 60% of the sugar present
capacity to produce citric acid. Current can be recovered as citric acid; higher
biological theory regards such changes as yields are obtained under laboratory con-
mutations, analogous to those of higher ditions.
organisms. The manufacturer must The size, shape and composition of the
maintain stock cultures of his good container have a marked effect on the
strains under conditions which mini- yield. Fungi in general require really
mize change. large amounts of oxygen, and the citric
A second consequence of strain vari- acid organism is no exception. Experi-
ability is that a culture may be improved ence has shown that the ratio of the sur-
-by judicious selection of high-yielding or face area exposed to the air to the total
otherwise desirable variants which arise volume of the medium is critical; the
by mutation. Furthermore, the fre- optimum ratio lies between 1.0 and 2.0.
quency of mutation may be increased by It is believed that commercial production

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utilizes a pan three feet square and two partially successful attempt was made
to three inches deep. Air may be blown in 1930, and the yields were very low.
across the pan to increase the available However, three patents have been issued
oxygen supply. in the last five years for submerged
It can be calculated that the present culture methods. One of the more fully
production of fermentation citric acid described of these calls for a large cylin-
requires the continuous use of 30,000 to drical tank of nutrient medium, air being
40,000 pans of the above dimensions if supplied under pressure and being dis-
this is the only type of container used. tributed by rapid stirring (300 rpm).
The area covered by this number of pans The difficulty of all of the deep tank
reaches the staggering total of seven to methods patented or described so far
nine acres. seems to be that for maximum yields the
Since metals like iron and lead are fungus must be grown in one batch of
toxic even in very small amounts to the medium. This medium must then be
fungus, the material of which pans are removed and a fresh "fermentation"
made is of importance. Aluminum of medium added; citric acid is recoverable
the highest obtainable purity seems to only from the second batch. This manip-
be the most practicable material from the ulation will be costly on a large scale,
standpoint of initial cost, durability and and the length of time required is great.
freedom from toxic effects. These and related submerged methods
In view of the problems involved in deserve further research. If the yield
handling large numbers of pans it is not and fermentation times could be brought
surprising that efforts have been made to into line with those of the shallow pan
substitute some less cumbersome method. method, the large number of pans now
These efforts have been made in two required could probably be replaced by
directions: maintenance of a favorable 50 to 100 large fermenters of the type
surface-volume ratio by use of a porous and capacity used in the penicillin in-
substrate, and maintenance of an ade- dustry.
quate oxygen supply in a large container While Aspergillus niger can form
by supplying air under pressure. citric acid from an amazing variety of
The Cahn method, patented in 1931, other. carbon compounds, sucrose is the
involves the first-named of these prin- preferred raw material for the fermenta-
ciples. A solid but finely divided sub- tion. Individual investigators have re-
strate is impregnated with a nutrient ported success with crude molasses as a
solution; Cahn suggested sugar cane source of sucrose, but there is evidence
bagasse or sugar beet pulp. A yield of that the industry has been forced to use
45%/e in 38 to 60 hours was claimed for
more highly refined sugar. Recent work
this method. A recent report from Eire at the University of Wisconsin has es-
suggests use of a sawdust or sphagnum tablished that inorganic constituents
moss base impregnated with nutrients. (metals) of molasses may be deleterious
The ideal solution to the aeration and that these metals can be removed
problem would be to supply air through from crude molasses bv chemical treat-
a " sparger ", or perforated ring, directly ments.
to the culture medium; such "submerged The concentration of sugar used is
culture" or "deep tank" methods have high for a microbiological medium, 15%
been especially successful in the peni- to 20%o. At lower sugar levels the fun-
cillin industry. It has not yet been pos- gus will attack citric acid for energy
sible to utilize submerged culture in the with consequent poor yields.
production of citric acid. The first even The citric acid mold, like any living

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organism, must be provided with certain The medium of Karow is a replacement

inorganic chemicals. Nitrogen may be medium, hence is low in phosphorus and
supplied as inorganic ammonium nitrate deficient completely in magnesium; pre-
or, less commonly, as urea. Magnesium, sumably these elements are needed for
potassium, sulfur and phosphorus are growth but not for the actual process of
also added to the medium, although conversion of sugar to citric acid.
the concentrations recommended vary It is not possible at present to outline
widely. In addition, a still uncertain the course of the biological conversion
group of "trace elements" must be sup- of sucrose to citric acid. A favorite
plied; recent work indicates that man- theory in the older literature is that any
ganese, iron, aluminum, zinc and chrom- substrate is broken down to alcohol or
ium at proper concentrations improve acetic acid and the citric acid synthesized
yields. Probably at least minute by a series of condensations of smaller
amounts of other elements are required molecules. The high yields obtained-
but are present in adequate amounts as over 80% of the sugar used-are believed


Doelger and Prescott* Karowt

Concentration, Concentration,
Ingredient grams per Ingredient grams per
liter liter

Sucrose ......................
NH4NO3 ......................................................................... 2.23 Urea ...................... .23.................. 0.5
K2HPO4 ....................................................................... .......................1.00 K H 2PO 4 .0.05
MgSO4- 7H2O .0.23 KC........................... 0.15
MnSO4 4H2O .0.02
ZnSO4 * 7H20 0.01

* Doelger, W. P. and Prescott, S. C. Ind. Eng

t Karow, E. 0. Proc. Soc. Amer. Bact. 1947: 41. 1947.

impurities in the other constituents of to refute this theory, but even this ref-
the medium. utation is not secure now, since it has
Finally the acidity of the medium is of been discovered recently that atmos-
paramount importance. Failure to pheric carbon dioxide mav enter the re-
realize this was in large part responsible action and contribute carbon to the cit-
for the early difficulties in establishing ric acid molecule. In spite of its great
the commercial process The medium in scientific and practical interest, the inter-
current use is very acid, the initial pH mediate steps in the biosynthesis of citric
being 1.6 to 3.0. If the pH is much acid are not known.
higher, large amounts of oxalic or glu- Most of the evidence indicates that,
conic acid may form in place of the citric biologically speaking, the formation of
acid desired. large amounts of citric acid is an "ab-
Table 1 contains two recommended normal" process. The normal oxidation
media, that of Doelger and Prescott for of sugar by fungi is more nearly com-
shallow-pan cultivation, and that of plete, resulting in simple end-products
Karow for the newly developed sub- like oxalic acid and carbon dioxide. By
merged method employing Aspergillus supplying an excess of sugar, by main-
wentii. taining a very high acidity and perhaps

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by restricting the supply of essential ent of engraving inks and as a supple-

catalytic agents (phosphate, growth mentary chemical in dyeing and calico
factors), man prevents the oxidation of printing. In Italy citric acid has been
sugar from following its normal course. used as a starting material for the syn-
In line with this interpretation is the ob- thesis of antipyrine and of certain azo
servation that too good growth of the dyes.
mold results in diminished yields of The esters of citric acid are of particu-
citric acid. lar interest today because of their ap-
Returning to the industrial process, at plicability in the rapidly developing
the end of the fermentation the fungus field of plastics and synthetic resins,
growth is separated from the culture These esters are made by a fairly simple
liquid by filtration. The mat is pressed reaction with ethyl or butyl alcohol.
to remove any absorbed acid and is then Each molecule of acid unites with three
discarded. The combined filtrate and of alcohol to form a tri-ester. Both tri-
press-juice are then neutralized with ethyl citrate and tributyl citrate are ex-
calcium hydroxide; calcium citrate pre- cl]ent solvent plasticizers for cellulose
cipitates on heating. A large part of the esters and ethers, e.g., cellulose nitrate,
acid is marketed as the calcium salt; if ethyl cellulose and cellulose acetate, and
pure acid is desired it is easily liberated for phenolic resins. As plasticizers these
by acidification with sulfuric acid. Prep- esters are added to increase the flexibility
aration through the barium salt has also and extensibility of the plastic. Triethyl
been suggested. Commercial yields are citrate can also be used as a solvent
probably about 60%, i.e., 60% of the plasticizer for vinyl resins; use of this
sugar is converted to recoverable acid. ester imparts resistance to discoloratioln
Zender in 1937 patented a process by by light. Tributyl citrate serves as a
which residual sugar is removed from the plasticizer for lacquers; its low solubility
culture fluid by a yeast fermentation, fol- and volatility make it suitable for prod-
lowed by concentration, purification with ucts which must resist weathering.
charcoal and direct crystallization of the Additional more complicated deriva-
free acid. tives of citric acid, acetyl triesters, have
Utilization of Citric Acid. Citric acid been prepared and found to have po-
finds a variety of uses in medicine, food tential value in the manufacture of cellu-
technology and industry. Over half is lose acetate textiles and of resistant
used in medicine, chiefly as the calcium lacquers.
salt, which is of value as an alkalinizing Other related acids-aconitic, citra-
agent and as an easily assimilable source conic, itaconic and mesaconic-can be
of calcium for human nutrition. prepared from citric acid. Esters of
Last available figures credit the food some of these may offer promise in the
and beverage industry with consumption plastics industry similar to that of the
of about one-fourth of the total citric acidcitric acid esters. Tributyl aconitate, for
produced in this country. The free acid example, can be used as a plasticizer for
finds extensive use in the preparation of certain types of synthetic rubber.
soft drinks and artificial flavors.
Sodium citrate is a valuable emulsifying Gluconic Acid
agent for milk and milk products such as General. Gluconic acid results from
cheese, evaporated and condensed milk, the oxidation of glucose; unlike citric
and ice cream. acid the process is a relatively simple one-
In other fields of technology citric acid step enzymatic oxidation. The enzyme
is used as a silvering agent, as an ingredi- responsible has been isolated in a par-

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tially purified form. It is interesting Since about 1937 a selected strain of

that this enzyme exerts an antibacterial Aspergillus niger has been found better,
effect, since a product of the reaction is both on account of its ability to form
hydrogen peroxide, toxic to many bac- gluconic acid and on account of the fact
teria. In the early days of work on peni- that it sporulates abundantly and is
cillin a second antibiotic was found in therefore easily transferred to new cul-
cultures of Penicillium notatumr. It was tures.
named, in fact, "notatin", but later work It is striking that both citric and glu-
showed its identity with the glucose-oxi- conic acid-very different chemically and
dizing enzyme previously known and that probably unrelated biologically-should
its antibiotic activity is of no practical be produced by strains of the same
importance. species. More than that, either strain
Gluconic acid was first isolated as a is able, under certain circumstances, to
microbial product in 1878 by Boutroux in produce the acid characteristic of the
France from a bacterial culture. In 1922 other. The key is in the " circum-
Molliard found a strain of Aspergillus stances", the environment. In a very
niger which produced both citric and acid medium citric acid predominates,
gluconic acid. Investigators in Germany, while in a medium only slightly acid the
Russia and The Netherlands have con- main product is gluconic acid. A fur-
tributed to our knowledge of the process, ther example of the varied processes
but most of the detailed information carried on by a single organism is found
comes from a long continued and success- in Aspergillus fumaricus: this organism
ful study by a group in the United States produces gluconic and citric acid in all
Department of Agriculture. media but in some media may produce
Biologically the oxidation of glucose also fumaric and oxalic acids. Fungi
is a means by which the fungus obtains which produce chiefly lactic acid usually
energy. There is some evidence that produce a small amount of fumaric acid.
gluconic acid accumulation is greatest Industrial utilization thus depe ads on
under somewhat poorer growth condi- isolation of a mold producing the desired
tions. With more vigorous growth the acids and on discovery of the conditions
acid itself is utilized and the yield suffers. under which the accumulation of other
Production of gluconic acid in the acids is at a minimum.
United States in 1939 was 500,000 Several bacteria of the genus Aceto-
pounds3. The entire annual amount is bacter produce gluconic acid in culture,
produced by fermentation methods, these and patents for the use of these have been
having driven out the older chemical issued. The fermentation is, however,
process. slow, and it is believed that no gluconic
Methods of Production. The prop- acid is at present produced commercially
erty of accumulating gluconic acid is re- from bacteria.
stricted to relatively few fungi, chiefly Turning from the choice of organism
certain species and strains of the genera to the methods of cultivation, it is to be
Aspergillus and Penicillium. Other gen- noted first that early work was conducted
era, e.g., Mucor, Monilia and Fusarium, on the basis of surface culture of the
accumulate little or none. In early fungus. In general, this resembles the
studies on the process certain Penicillia shallow-pan method still in use for the
were used, particularly Penicillium lu- production of citric acid. The surface
teum-purpurogenum and P. chrysogenum. fermentation was carried out with a
3 Wells, P. A. and Ward, G. E. Ind. Eng. glucose medium in aluminum trays; the
Chem. 31: 172-177. 1939. yield was about 65%o in eight to 14 days.

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linterest in other methods of cultiva- tions. The next step is transfer of the
tion began when it was demonstrated in organism to a small rotary drum con-
Germany that gluconic acid fermentation taining two to three gallons of medium;
can be carried out in submerged culture this drum operates as just described.
if air or oxygen in sufficient quantity is After 24 hours in the small drum, the
bubbled through the medium. American entire contents are transferred to the
workers soon thereafter confirmed these large fermenter. Use of this "pre-ger-
results and devised large-scale equip- minated" inoculum speeds up the final
ment for laboratory research on the sub- fermentation and permits more econom-
merged process. ical use of the large fermenter.
One of the favorite types of apparatus In the work described, an aluminum
is the rotary drum. As the name implies, drum of 420 gallons capacity is used,
the fermenter is barrel-shaped and is so with about 175 gallons of medium. The
mounted that is can be rotated on its drum is rotated slowly (13 rpm), and air
long axis. The medium is placed in the is supplied at the rate of 37.5 volumes of
drum-usually occupying 40%o to 50%o of air per volume of medium per minute.
the total volume-and the apparatus and The temperature is maintained at about
medium are sterilized with steam. The 300 C. (860 F.) by means of a water
drum is so constructed that after inocula- spray, since the reaction generates heat.
tion sterile humidified air can be blown Under these conditions it is possible to
through under pressure. The air so sup- convert 200 pounds of corn sugar to
plied is brought into intimate contact gluconic acid in 24 hours with a yield as
with the medium through the rotary high as 97%c of the sugar consumed.
motion of the drum; baffles and buckets The usual carbohydrate raw material
are so located in the drum that the me- for the fermentation is refined corn
dium is thoroughly aerated. sugar, about 92% glucose. Other ma-
Instead of the rotary drum the usual terials in the medium include ammonium
type of tank fermenter may be used. A phosphate, magnesium sulfate and potas-
large cylindrical tank is provided with sium phosphate. Corn steeping liquor,
a power-driven stirrer, and the medium one of the residues of corn starch manu-
contained in it is thoroughly aerated by facture, is added in small amounts (0.2
means of compressed air blown in to 0.3%).
through many small holes in the ring- The critical distinction between this
shaped sparger lying at the bottom of the medium and that used for citric acid
tank. The two methods differ only in formation by the same mold species is
detail, the principle being the same. that the medium for gluconic acid pro-
From the published work of the De- duction is made much less acid by the
partment of Agriculture investigators we addition of 2.6% calcium carbonate.
can briefly summarize as follows the steps The slight acidity maintained (pH 5.5-
involved in production of gluconic acid 6.5) affords optimum conditions for the
in a large rotary drum fermenter of com- formation of gluconic acid to the prac-
mercial or at least pilot plant size. . tical exclusion of other acids.
Aspergillus niger is maintained in cul- Until recently the concentration of
ture on a solid medium containing 3% glucose had to be restricted to less than
glucose. After seven days spores are 20%. At higher concentrations more
transferred to small flasks containing acid is formed, but this involves one of
5%o glucose. Growth on this sporulation
two difficulties. Unless the increased
medium provides in about a week an product is neutralized the pH drops to
abundance of spores for further inocula- a level which inhibits the fermentation.

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However, if calcium salts are added to by centrifugation. A second crop is

effect neutralization of the acid, the obtained after concentration of the
concentration of calcium gluconate ex- mother liquors. The crystals of calcium
ceeds the solubility of this compound and gluconate are washed twice in cold water
the crystallized salt again interferes with and dried in aluminum pans at a mod-
the fermentation by forming a crust on erate temperature.
the fungus mycelium. Uses of Gluconic Acid. 'The great
This problem was solved in 1940 by bulk of the acid produced is utilized as
the Department of Agriculture workers. the calcium salt for pharmaceutical pur-
They found that addition of small poses. Calcium gluconate is a safe and
amounts of boron compounds, boric acid effective means of supplying calcium to
or borax, greatly increases the solubility the human body; it may be administered
of calcium gluconate. A strain of A. orally or by injection. In the body the
niger tolerant of boron was selected; gluconate radical is assimilated and the
with this strain and a boron concentra- calcium is made available. Calcium
tion of 0.1%o the glucose concentration gluconate finds a use also in veterinary
can be increased to 25%, resulting in medicine, in the treatment of milk fever
considerable economy, since the per- of cattle.
centage yield remains above 95%. Other salts of gluconic acid are used
Finally it has been shown that re- pharmaceutically in the same way. Iron
placement techniques are entirely feas- and copper gluconates are used in the
ible. After one batch of medium has treatment of anemia to supply the body
been fermented it is drawn off, but the with needed metals.
fungus mycelium is left in the fermenter. Free gluconic acid has some industrial
Fresh medium is then added, and the possibilities, including use as an acid-
mycelium ferments the sugar in it; the ifier in pickling and polishing metals, in
process can be repeated at least 12 times. laundry sour and in washes for milk
Using a single large fermenter the in- equipment. It is not at present utilized
troduction of the replacement technique in significant amounts by industry.
resulted in a 45% increase in yield.
Fumaric Acid
Using these methods yields of over
95%s are regularly obtained with large General. The discovery that fungi
scale equipment in a 24-hour fermenta- produce fumaric acid was made by Ehr-
tion. Taking as an example the fer- lich in 1911, working with Rhizopus
menter holding 140 gallons of medium, nigricans. Wehmer found in 1918 that
the yield of acid every 24 hours is about an Aspergillus species produced the same
300 pounds. It has been reported that acid, although 10 years later he reported
the use of a plant-scale fermenter that the organism had lost this synthetic
equipped with a power-driven agitator power.
shortens the fermentation period to eight Methods of Production. The ability
hours. to form fumaric acid in quantity is pos-
The acid is recovered from the fermen- sessed by relatively few fungi, most of
tation medium by a relatively simple proc- them in the Mucorales. Known strains
ess. After removal of the mycelium by able to accumulate fumaric acid occur
gravity or pressure filtration, the mash in the genera Rhizopus, Mucor, Cunning-
is neutralized with calcium hydroxide hamella, Circinella, Aspergillus and Pen-
and allowed to stand 24 to 48 hours, at icillium. As in the case of other fungus
the end of which time the first crop of products, the effect of strain differences
crystals of calcium gluconate is removed is profound; strains which are otherwise

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identical may differ widely in the amount and water. Iron exerted a favorable in-
of acid formed. It is very likely that all fluence on fumaric acid accumulation.
fungi, and probably all living cells, pro- These results were applied to commercial
duce fumaric acid during the oxidation of production in a process patented in 1943.
carbohydrate. In most cells the acid is In this process the fungus is grown two
metabolized as soon as formed, so that to seven days on a medium containing
only traces exist at any one time. In a zinc to encourage heavy growth. This
few exceptional organisms it appears that medium is then replaced by a fermenta-
some derangement of the usual cycle has tion medium, containing iron salts, in
occurred, and fumaric acid accumulates; which the conversion of sugar to fumaric
even with these organisms fumaric acid acid is carried out rapidly.
may be slowly broken down. *The yield of fumaric acid may be as
In most of the published work spores high as 50%, i.e., half of the sugar may
of a selected strain of Rhizopus nigricans be converted to acid. Yields are espe-
have been sown on the surface of a liquid cially high in replacement methods. The
nutrient medium. When the acid con- methods used in industry for recovery
centration reaches its peak the fermenta- and purification are not known precisely.
tion is discontinued and the fungus In the laboratory the mycelium is re-
growth separated from the acidic culture moved by filtration and the acid sepa-
fluid. It is possible, however, to shorten rated from the filtrate as the insoluble
the fermentation time by using sub- calcium salt.
merged culture methods; the medium is Uses of Fumaric Acid. Fumaric acid
aerated and stirred to provide oxygen, is not at present used in as large amounts
and the organism grows throughout the by industry as are citric and gluconic
entire volume. Stationary cultures re- acids. Experimentally it has been shown
quire five to seven days, submerged cul- that it can be used to replace tartaric
tures 24 to 48 hours for completion of the acid in leavening agents; the toxicity of
fermentation. t fumaric acid is even lower than that of
Starch, invert sugar and a variety of tartaric acid. Esters of fumaric acid
simple sugars can be converted to fu- can be polymerized to form a series
maric acid; usually refined corn sugar of plastics of varying characteristics.
(glucose) is used in fermentation media. Other uses are likely if the cost of the
Salts include sources of nitrogen, potas- product becomes lower.
sium, magnesium, phosphorus and sulfur.
Best results are attained when the ratio Gallic Acid
of carbohydrate to nitrogen is high. A Gallic acid, unlike other acids con-
typical medium contains 10% glucose, sidered so far, has a history prior to mod-
0.2% ammonium sulfate, 0.05% mag- ern mycology. In the old pre-scientific
nesium sulfate and 0.05%c dipotassium process plant material containing tannin
phosphate. In addition, a neutralizing was moistened and allowed to ferment
agent, usually calcium carbonate, is naturally for about a month. Gallic acid
added to prevent development of too high was recovered from the mass by leaching
acidity. and concentration of the leachate.
In 1939 workers at the New Jersey In 1867 Van Tieghem, a pupil of Pas-
Experiment Station reported that zinc teur, investigated the process in its rela-
exerts an inhibitory effect on the for- tion to the then revolutionary concepts of
mation of fumaric acid, probably because microbiology. He found that the fungi
this element catalyzes the complete oxida- of the genera Aspergillus and Penicil-
tion of carbohydrate to carbon dioxide lium are able to hydrolyze tannin to

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gallic acid. The next advance was made Lactic Acid

in 1902 by Calmette, who discovered that
The production of lactic acid by fungi
an Aspergillus species can hydrolyze
has been known since 1894. Industrially
tannin to gallic acid in submerged cul-
the process so far has not been developed
far enough to compete with the estab-
Present-day fermentation of gallic
lished fermentation method employing
acid is obtained by modifications of the
bacteria. This bacterial fermentation
Calmette process. The preferred natural
accounts for all of the 5,000,000 pounds
source of tannin is the "gallnut" of
sumac or oak, a swelling developed on of thelactic acid produced annually in the
plant following an insect sting. A clear United States.
water extract of tannin is made from Among the fungi only one group,
crushed gallnuts, and its concentration is known to systematists as the Mucorales,
adjusted to a specific gravity of 100 to produces lactic acid; as in the case of
200 Baume. This extract is sterilized other fungus products, strain variation
and inoculated with spores of Aspergillus is very important, and even closely re-
niger, grown on a solid medium contain- lated strains may differ widely. Most of
ing rice and wheat bran. During the the experimental work has been per-
fermentation, which requires 10 to 20 formed with a selected strain of Rhizopus
days, the mixture is agitated mechani- oryzae. This organism produces lactic
cally and aerated with large volumes of acid either in surface or submerged cul-
sterile air. The yield is usually 10 to 20 ture; as in other fermentations, the latter
grams per 100 ml. of tannin extract. is preferred.
The formation of gallic acid from tan- Fungus lactic acid has been produced
nin differs from other fermentations experimentally in the rotary-drum fer-
yielding acids in that the process is a menter described in connection with glu-
simple hydrolysis; the enzyme "tan- conic acid. The best medium contains
nase" is responsible for the hydrolysis, glucose, urea, salts and calcium car-
and can be separated in an active form bonate. Yields of 75% in 24 to 36 hours
from the fungus mycelium producing it. iiave been reported using this medium.
Gallic acid can be prepared chemically Several advantages have been claimed
from tannin by acid hydrolysis, and this for the mold process over the usual bac-
method is used commercially by some terial process. The use of urea as a
producers. Production data on the fer- nitrogen source makes purification of the
mentation process are not available; it acid much easier. The lactic acid bac-
is known, however, that the fermentation teria require complex organic nitrogen
process is used commercially in both the compounds; the presence of these in the
United States and Europe. medium makes preparation of the highly
Gallic acid has several important uses purified edible grade of acid dependent
in industry. It is the basis for the wool ofl expensive solvent extraction methods.
dye alizarine. With ferrous sulfate, gal- The mold lactic acid process is some-
lie acid is responsible for the black color what more rapid than the bacterial.
of ink. Small amounts are used in the Finally the mold produces only the
production of bismuth subgallate, a me- dextro form of lactic acid; as usually run,
dicinal product used in treatment of cer- the bacterial process yields a mixture of
tain skin diseases. Gallic acid is, finally, the two optical forms of the acid. Com-
the starting point in the synthesis of petitive advantages of the bacterial proc-
pyrogallol, used extensively as a photo- ess include simpler equipment, no re-
graphic developer. quirement of absolute sterilization and

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the utilization of low-cost carbohydrate utilization. The structure and properties

sources. of itaconic acid suggest that it can be
Lactic acid is industrially, the most used in the preparation of alkyl resins
important of the group considered here. and other plastics. Other properties in-
Four-fifths of the annual production is dicate that the acid can be employed in
used by the leather industry to remove the manufacture of synthetic detergents.
lime from dehaired hides and to These uses are to be envisaged as a result
"plump" leather. Ethyl lactate is used of the relatively low cost of the fermen-
as a solvent for nitrocellulose in pyroxy- tation process, a cost which can probably
lin lacquers. The food and beverage be still more reduced by further research.
industries require appreciable amounts
of lactic acid as a curing and preserving Kojic Acid
agent, in soft drinks, fruit juices and
Kojic acid is at present only a curi-
candy, as a pickling agent for olives and
osity, having no industrial importance.
in the manufacture of beer.
Its structure is of interest from the bio-
Itaconic Acid chemical point of view, since it is similar
in some respects to the ring structure of
Itaconic acid, an unsaturated dicar-
boxylic acid, was first reported formed by
Kojic acid is produced by a few bac-
fungi by Kinoshita in Japan in 1931.
teria and by many molds of the genera
He used Aspergillus itaconicus. Some-
Aspergillus and Penicillium. A. flavus
what later, in 1939, English workers
is the most prolific producer, yields of
found that certain strains of A. terreus
50% to 60% being obtained on a medium
produce the acid. Recent studies have
containing glucose, ammonium nitrate
been undertaken by scientists of the
and salts. It has a slight antibacterial
U. S. Department of Agriculture, and it
action but is too toxic to be of any
is to this group that we owe most of our
promise as an antibiotic.
detailed knowledge of the process.
Selected strains of A. terreus produce
Oxalic Acid
itaconic acid on a medium containing
glucose, ammonium nitrate, salts and The production of oxalic acid in con-
corn steeping liquor. The acid may be siderable yield is characteristic of a
produced either in surface culture or in group of fungi, but the process has never
submerged (agitated and aerated) cul- given promise of being able to compete
ture; yields are somewhat higher in the with chemical methods of preparation.
latter case. The best yield reported is It may, however, be profitable to purify
47%, on the basis of glucose consumed. the acid from the residues of citric acid
Recovery processes are relatively simple, fermentation, since the strain of Asper-
and acid of 97% purity can be prepared. gillus niger used in that process usually
There is at present no industrial mar- produces appreciable amounts of oxalic
ket for itaconic acid. Until the develop- acid. Salts of oxalic acid are used in the
ment of the fermentation process the preparation of blueprint paper and in
chemical was both rare and expensive, bleaching cellulose materials, such as
these factors discouraging research on straw.

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