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Among the branches of chemistry, which do you consider as

the most important tool for nation’s progress? Why?

In my opinion, organic chemistry is the most important branch of chemistry for a nation's
progress. Organic chemistry provides the tools to create new materials and products that can
improve the quality of life, create jobs, and increase the economic competitiveness of a
country. Organic chemistry also enables the development of new and more efficient energy
sources, which can help reduce a nation's dependence on foreign sources of energy. Finally,
organic chemistry helps create new medicines and treatments that can help improve public
health. Therefore, due to its broad applications, organic chemistry is a powerful tool for
nation's progress

In performing experiments, one should be reminded of the

important precautionary measures and safety rules. Give at
least three precautionary measure and safety rules one
should follow during experimentation.
1. Always wear the appropriate protective equipment, such as safety glasses, gloves, and a
lab coat.
2. Make sure to read the safety data sheet for any hazardous materials being used in the
3. Label all materials and keep a record of all steps of the experiment.
4. Keep your work area clean and tidy to reduce the risk of accidents.
5. Make sure to follow all instructions carefully and never take shortcuts.
6. Keep a fire extinguisher, first aid kit, and emergency exit routes nearby.
7. Never leave a lab unattended and make sure to turn off all equipment before leaving.
8. Never eat, drink, or smoke in a laboratory.

Comment on the statement of Former President Rodrigo

Duterte about how gasoline and diesel can be used as
disinfectants. What is the importance of having a common
knowledge about some chemistry concepts?
It is important to have a general understanding of basic chemistry concepts such as the use
of gasoline and diesel as disinfectants. While it is true that these substances can be used as a
disinfectant in some cases, they should not be used as a substitute for approved cleaning
products. Gasoline and diesel are highly flammable and can cause serious health risks, even
when used as a disinfectant. It is also important to understand that these substances should
only be used in well-ventilated areas and with proper safety precautions. Having a common
knowledge of some chemistry concepts can help prevent accidental exposure to dangerous
chemicals, helping to ensure the safety of all people.

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