Republic of The Philippines Eastern Visayas State University Tacloban City

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Republic of the Philippines

Eastern Visayas State University

Tacloban City


T-TH 10:00-11:30am TB 305
T-TH 1:00-4:00pm TB 305

Submitted by:
Anthony A. Macalalad BSME-1B

Submitted to:
Engr. Douglas Aniñon

Second Semester
S.Y. 2022-2023
Rotational Equilibrium


The fundamental concept of torque involves the notion of balance or equilibrium. Objects

can experience multiple torques, which are vector quantities with a magnitude and direction.

Equilibrium occurs when the magnitudes and directions of the torques are equal, resulting in no

net torque acting on the object. This state of equilibrium allows a stationary object to remain at

rest or an object in angular motion to maintain its constant motion. The torque produced by a force

is influenced by the distance between the force and the pivot point, also known as the lever arm.

A force that is closer to the pivot point generates less torque than an equivalent force located further

away. The generation of torque only occurs when a force is perpendicular to the distance from the

pivot point, and if the force is at an angle, only the perpendicular component of the force

contributes to the torque.


The aim of this experiment is to acquire knowledge about the measurement of torque

resulting from a force and to manipulate the magnitude of one or more forces and their lever arms

to achieve a state of static equilibrium in a meter stick that is balanced on a knife edge. By utilizing

the principles of equilibrium, the experiment seeks to determine the masses of both the meter stick

and an unknown object.


• Demonstration Balance

• Strings

• Weighing Scale

• Bottles with hooks

• Meter stick

• Masses


1. Hang the meter stick from the center using a string on the demonstration balance.

2. Choose some masses and suspend them from the meter stick.

3. Modify the placement of the masses on the string until equilibrium is achieved.

4. Document the resulting data.

5. Compute the gathered data and compare it with the expected values to determine the accuracy

of the experimental method.


1 0.0615 kg 0.30 m 0.0855 kg 0.216 m
2 0.0455 kg 0.23 m 0.0685 kg 0.15 m
3 0.087 kg 0.24 m 0.103 kg 0.20 m

Trial 1:

Tccw -Tcw = 0
Tccw = Tcw

0.0615kg(9.81m/s2)(0.30 m)= 0.0855 kg(9.81m/s2)x

0.0615kg(9.81m/s2)(0.30 m) = 0.0855 kg(9.81m/s2)x

0.0855 kg(9.81m/s2) 0.0855 kg(9.81m/s2)

x = 0.2157m

Trial 2:

Tccw -Tcw = 0
Tccw = Tcw

0.0455kg(9.81m/s2)(0.23 m) = 0.0685kg(9.81m/s2)x

0.0455kg(9.81m/s2)(0.23 m) = 0.0685kg(9.81m/s2)x
0.0685kg(9.81m/s2) 0.0685kg(9.81m/s2)

x = 0.1527m
Trial 3:

Tccw -Tcw = 0
Tccw = Tcw

0.087kg(9.81m/s2)(0.24 m) = 0.103 kg(9.81m/s2)x

0.087kg(9.81m/s2)(0.24 m) = 0.103 kg(9.81m/s2)x

0.103 kg(9.81m/s2) 0.103 kg(9.81m/s2)

x = 0.2027m


In each segment of the lab, the conditions of rotational equilibrium were observed in

situations where the total torque was either equal to or close to zero. Using experimental and

analytical methods, it was determined that the lab was accurate and free from any errors. It can

therefore be inferred that the lab was successful. However, it is important to note that a lack of

carefulness and observation during the lab could have led to incorrect measurements, resulting in

masses and angles that significantly differed from what was expected, thus leading to a failed



Physics laboratory safety is a crucial aspect of any scientific experiment that involves the use

of various equipment, instruments, chemicals, and other hazardous materials. The laboratory is a

place where scientists and students perform experiments, conduct research, and analyze data,

which can be dangerous if proper precautions are not taken. Here are some of the safety measures

that should be considered in a physics laboratory:

• Safety equipment: Adequate safety equipment such as gloves, goggles, lab coats, safety

glasses, and other personal protective equipment (PPE) should be provided and always

worn when in the laboratory.

• Knowledge of equipment: All laboratory equipment should be used correctly and according

to its instructions. It is important to read and understand the equipment manual before using


• Maintenance of laboratory equipment: Regular maintenance and calibration of laboratory

equipment should be carried out to ensure that it is in good working order.

• Emergency procedures: Adequate emergency procedures should be in place, and all

laboratory personnel should be familiar with them. Emergency exits, fire extinguishers,

and other safety equipment should be readily available.

• Proper training: All laboratory personnel should receive proper training on laboratory

safety, equipment usage, and handling of hazardous materials.


When utilizing an equilibrium apparatus in a physics lab, it is crucial to adhere to safety

protocols to prevent accidents or harm. Below are some safety precautions to keep in mind:

• Wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) like safety goggles, gloves, and lab

coats to safeguard your eyes, hands, and body from potential hazards.

• Ensure that the equilibrium apparatus is positioned on a stable surface to prevent it from

toppling over during usage.

• Verify that all parts of the apparatus are firmly in place before use, such as the meter stick,

weights, and string.

• Be cautious when modifying the weights and string, as sudden movements or jerks can

cause the apparatus to become unsteady.

• Refrain from touching the apparatus while it is in use, as this can result in unintended

movements that can impact the experiment's outcomes.

• Do not exceed the maximum weight capacity of the apparatus, as doing so can cause it to

break or malfunction.

• Keep the area around the apparatus free of clutter or obstructions and avoid placing it near

edges or other hazards that could cause it to fall.

• Follow proper disposal procedures for any materials utilized in the experiment, such as

weights or strings, and dispose of them safely and appropriately.

By adhering to these safety guidelines, you can ensure that you and other individuals in the

laboratory are safeguarded against possible hazards when using an equilibrium apparatus.


Studying rotational equilibrium was an important part of my physics education, and it

helped me understand how objects behave when they are rotating or at rest. I found the

experiments with the equilibrium apparatus particularly helpful in learning how to measure

torque and adjust forces and lever arms to achieve static equilibrium.

By analyzing the forces and torques acting on objects, I was able to apply the conditions

for equilibrium to solve problems and make predictions. I also appreciated how studying
rotational equilibrium provided insights into the design and operation of various machines and

systems, which can help engineers optimize their performance and efficiency.

Overall, learning about rotational equilibrium was fun, and it helped me develop

problem-solving skills and gain a deeper understanding of the physical world.


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