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Katter's Council Block First Mount Isa Equal Love Rally

For Immediate Release

Openly gay Mount Isa resident James Newburrie is holding Mount Isa's first Equal Love rally on Monday September 11th, however today faced opposition by the Mount Isa City Council to get approval. The council, of which Robert Katter, Bob Katter's son, is an elected representative has today denied approval for the rally which Mr Newburrie is planning to hold outside Bob Katter's Mount Isa office. In an interview with the Mount Isa Northern Star last week Robert Katter spoke out about his opposition to gay marriage rights. In the latest move today for Newburrie's fight for equality David Ahnfield of Mount Isa City Council has advised that the application to hold a rally outside Mr Katter's Mount Isa office would not be processed until such time as Mr Newburrie could present adequate proof of public liability insurance for such an event, a request that Mr Newburrie as the lone creator of this event does not have the capacity to produce. Suncorp has advised that "No Australian company offers insurance for political activity" Mr Newburrie stated "The request for approval for this rally was a chance for council and the local authorities to help offer their support to ensure that this event happens safely and peacefully for all parties involved, their refusal to process my request is a clear indicator of their attitude towards this event." Bob Katter, MP famously promised to walk backwards from Bourke to Brisbane if one homosexual was found living in his electorate. After Mr.

Katters participation in the Dont Meddle With Marriage event last fortnight, he has been challenged by Mr Newburrie to walk from Mount Isa to Cloncurry (130km). Mr Katters office is yet to respond to the challenge. Mr Newburrie has suggested using the walk as an opportunity to raise money for youth suicide prevention Mr Newburrie will continue with his plans for the rally despite the failure of the Mount Isa City Council to support him, with growing support on his Facebook page "32001names" and via the event "Mount Isa's 1st Equal love rally" now together reaching over 8,000 supporters. "Even though we don't actually need the council to issue a permit, I'd rather conduct our rally with the support of my council. A council that claims on their website to represent a vibrant and progressive city." While it is unlikely that this event will change Mr. Katters mind, my hope is that Mr. Katter will look into a news camera and apologise for a careers worth of vilifying homosexuals said Mr. Newburrie For all Interviews and Information Mr Newburrie can be contacted directly James Newburrie - 0402 321 045 !

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