Itc 2017

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December 6, 2017 (2:00PM to 5:00PM) (Roll. No.

End-Semester Examination (July-Dec 2017)

Subject : Information Theory and Coding Subject Code : EC-611

Branch : Communication System & Networks [E&CED] Semester : First
Time : 3 hours Max Marks : 60

Note: 1. Attempt all questions.

2. Draw neat and clean diagrams.
3. Symbols are having their usual meaning.
4. Assume necessary data, only if required.

1. Explain both State Diagram and Trellis Diagram with suitable example in each case.
Also, explain the condition for Ergodicity of the State Diagram. [10]
2. For the given following probabilities of a 2nd order Binary Markov Source S = {0,1},
P(00) = A, P(11) = io, P(01) = A, P(10) =
P(0p) = 10 , P(1I11) =a > p(iloo) =5, P(0111) = t,
mioi) = 2 P(1101) = P(0110) = 2, P(1110) =
calculate the amount of information of a trigram originating from the Source S. Also,
determine H3(S) for the same source. [10]
3. For a given 1st-order Markov source S = {Si, .52, s3 sq }, show that the joint entropy
H(s2, si) = 2H(s), for the stationary and ergodic Markov process. [10]
4. In Fano coding, show that the efficiency 77 of a source S increases when extension of the
source increases. Also, by considering a source S {Si , 82} with symbol probabilities
P(s1) = a and P(s2) = 4, find out the efficiencies for the 3rd ex tension of the source. [10]

5. State the Huffman coding observations and theif requirement in brief. Also, explain the
Hu man coding process for a given source S {s1, 52, s3, s4, s5 } in detail. The source
symbol probabilities are give below
P(si) = o, P(s2) = P(s3) = P(s4) = P(s5) = [10]
6. (a) What is Golomb Code ? For m = 8, find out the Golomb code for the source symbols
S = {18,28,38,48,58,68, 78,88}.
(b) Explain Tunstall code in detail. Find out the Tunstall code for English Alpha-
bets {A, B, C, D}, where the given symbol probabilities are P(A) = 0.04, P(B) =
0.32, P(C) = 0.04, P(D) = 0.60.


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